Daily Archives: April 27, 2017

[5SD037] Multiplayer
So in this blog post I will write about one of the most important systems in multiplayer game. The network solution.
In The Summoning we chose to use Photon PUN, can be found here, this because I have used Photon together with Unity before (only some experimental projects). Photon is a great framework for making simple multiplayer games in Unity. It doesn’t take much code and time to get a game project up and running. Which is exactly what […]

[5SD037] Multiplayer
So in this blog post I will write about one of the most important systems in multiplayer game. The network solution.
In The Summoning we chose to use Photon PUN, can be found here, this because I have used Photon together with Unity before (only some experimental projects). Photon is a great framework for making simple multiplayer games in Unity. It doesn’t take much code and time to get a game project up and running. Which is exactly what […]
A Rat Betwixt
This post is already 2 weeks late – so let’s get going right away.
It’s been over a year since the last series of posts and now I’m back to write about the project I’m curently working on: A Rat Betwixt. It’s a turn-based local (for now – probably online in the future) multiplayer co-op(tional?) strategy RPG, with some deception and hidden agendas mixed in.
The game is played on one large screen – such as a TV or a projector – […]
A Rat Betwixt
This post is already 2 weeks late – so let’s get going right away.
It’s been over a year since the last series of posts and now I’m back to write about the project I’m curently working on: A Rat Betwixt. It’s a turn-based local (for now – probably online in the future) multiplayer co-op(tional?) strategy RPG, with some deception and hidden agendas mixed in.
The game is played on one large screen – such as a TV or a projector – […]
A Rat Betwixt
This post is already 2 weeks late – so let’s get going right away.
It’s been over a year since the last series of posts and now I’m back to write about the project I’m curently working on: A Rat Betwixt. It’s a turn-based local (for now – probably online in the future) multiplayer co-op(tional?) strategy RPG, with some deception and hidden agendas mixed in.
The game is played on one large screen – such as a TV or a projector – […]
A Rat Betwixt
This post is already 2 weeks late – so let’s get going right away.
It’s been over a year since the last series of posts and now I’m back to write about the project I’m curently working on: A Rat Betwixt. It’s a turn-based local (for now – probably online in the future) multiplayer co-op(tional?) strategy RPG, with some deception and hidden agendas mixed in.
The game is played on one large screen – such as a TV or a projector – […]

A Rat Betwixt
This post is already 2 weeks late – so let’s get going right away.
It’s been over a year since the last series of posts and now I’m back to write about the project I’m curently working on: A Rat Betwixt. It’s a turn-based local (for now – probably online in the future) multiplayer co-op(tional?) strategy RPG, with some deception and hidden agendas mixed in.
The game is played on one large screen – such as a TV or a projector – […]

A Rat Betwixt
This post is already 2 weeks late – so let’s get going right away.
It’s been over a year since the last series of posts and now I’m back to write about the project I’m curently working on: A Rat Betwixt. It’s a turn-based local (for now – probably online in the future) multiplayer co-op(tional?) strategy RPG, with some deception and hidden agendas mixed in.
The game is played on one large screen – such as a TV or a projector – […]

Big Game Project: post 2, Problem solving
This should have been posted last week but was delayed due to the lack of content to post and procrastination. Eighter way, week four turned out to be mostly problem solving. I started out with trying to importing the mesh, rig, and animations into Unity as seperate files rather than bake it all into a single FBX file after hearing from a upperclasmen that it was better. Problem was that I could not get it to work even though I connected the […]

Big Game Project: post 2, Problem solving
This should have been posted last week but was delayed due to the lack of content to post and procrastination. Eighter way, week four turned out to be mostly problem solving. I started out with trying to importing the mesh, rig, and animations into Unity as seperate files rather than bake it all into a single FBX file after hearing from a upperclasmen that it was better. Problem was that I could not get it to work even though I connected the […]

A Rat Betwixt Blog Post #1 – Introduction of an “Additional Artist”
Hello, everyone!
You probably don’t remember me, but for those who do I am now back once again on a new Game Design Studies Game. Before it was the Pirate fights fish swimming space shooter “Yarr! Swimulator” (Codename Mermaid River) as the main animator. Now I have joined the game project named: “A Rat Betwixt” under the position “Additional Artist”
So, as to introduce all of you to this project, why don’t I start by explaining how I got introduced and eventually […]

A Rat Betwixt Blog Post #1 – Introduction of an “Additional Artist”
Hello, everyone!
You probably don’t remember me, but for those who do I am now back once again on a new Game Design Studies Game. Before it was the Pirate fights fish swimming space shooter “Yarr! Swimulator” (Codename Mermaid River) as the main animator. Now I have joined the game project named: “A Rat Betwixt” under the position “Additional Artist”
So, as to introduce all of you to this project, why don’t I start by explaining how I got introduced and eventually […]

Week 3 of Big Game Project: Early UI and what to show the player.
Beyond more production and design work, migration of systems from the prototype to an early pre-alpha build began. Since systems were no longer being tested by internal testers, the game required an UI on both the server and client screens displaying statistics like player health, Initiative number and which attacks are selected. The transfer lead to the use of actual equipment to appear on the GGC floor where the UI appeared differently and would require different solutions.
Above is one of […]

Week 3 of Big Game Project: Early UI and what to show the player.
Beyond more production and design work, migration of systems from the prototype to an early pre-alpha build began. Since systems were no longer being tested by internal testers, the game required an UI on both the server and client screens displaying statistics like player health, Initiative number and which attacks are selected. The transfer lead to the use of actual equipment to appear on the GGC floor where the UI appeared differently and would require different solutions.
Above is one of […]

BGP – Vecka 5
Denna vecka på Torsdag har vi vår första milstolpe med spelet, Alphan. Målet denna vecka har alltså varit att få klart alla modeller till Alphan, så att vi ska kunna vissa upp dessa på Alphan, och även ha med i spelet under speltestningen och Alphan.
Mina prioriteringar har då varit att modellera klart föremål som vi ska ha i vår miljö. Både ”lösa” saker så som skelettben och skallar och ”fasta” saker som pelare och grindar. Att modellera statiska föremål har […]

BGP – Vecka 5
Denna vecka på Torsdag har vi vår första milstolpe med spelet, Alphan. Målet denna vecka har alltså varit att få klart alla modeller till Alphan, så att vi ska kunna vissa upp dessa på Alphan, och även ha med i spelet under speltestningen och Alphan.
Mina prioriteringar har då varit att modellera klart föremål som vi ska ha i vår miljö. Både ”lösa” saker så som skelettben och skallar och ”fasta” saker som pelare och grindar. Att modellera statiska föremål har […]