Monthly Archives: March 2018

Project wrap up – YMKTB

Well, it’s been a long road. But here we are, the end of the line. My first game project with a group has now wrapped up as we had our final playtest yesterday. It’s been a crazy ride, but we made it (I had my doubts at certain points :P). I think it’s always a good idea to take some time to reflect when one has completed a big project like this one.

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Program: Programming

Project wrap up – YMKTB

Well, it’s been a long road. But here we are, the end of the line. My first game project with a group has now wrapped up as we had our final playtest yesterday. It’s been a crazy ride, but we made it (I had my doubts at certain points :P). I think it’s always a good idea to take some time to reflect when one has completed a big project like this one.

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Program: Programming

Postmortem of the ten weeks game project, afterthoughts and what I have learnt

Hello everyone. In today’s blog, I am going to write about what I have learned from our ten weeks adventure. There is a lot to cover, so I am just going, to begin with, what I have learned and how it has impacted me.
The most significant subject I have learned a lot in is programming. More specifically on how to solve complex problems i.g, data sharing, enemy behavior and how to make a modular spawning. All of these has been […]

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Program: Programming

Postmortem of the ten weeks game project, afterthoughts and what I have learnt

Hello everyone. In today’s blog, I am going to write about what I have learned from our ten weeks adventure. There is a lot to cover, so I am just going, to begin with, what I have learned and how it has impacted me.
The most significant subject I have learned a lot in is programming. More specifically on how to solve complex problems i.g, data sharing, enemy behavior and how to make a modular spawning. All of these has been […]

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Program: Programming


After however many weeks it has been (I think 8) our game is finally finished, and the question I will now ask myself is: “What have we accomplished?” and “What have I learned?”
The answer to the first question is pretty simple. My team has managed to put together a short yet concise shootemup’ game. We did this based of a predesigned concept document which we selected, and we developed the game using the scrum framework. From the concept document we […]

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After however many weeks it has been (I think 8) our game is finally finished, and the question I will now ask myself is: “What have we accomplished?” and “What have I learned?”
The answer to the first question is pretty simple. My team has managed to put together a short yet concise shootemup’ game. We did this based of a predesigned concept document which we selected, and we developed the game using the scrum framework. From the concept document we […]

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We have now worked with the game Fear is in me for almost two months now and much have happened during the development of it. We have both had up and down during our work but what’s great about both is that we always had something to learn from it. Weather it was how not to do or how to do it helped us improve as designers together in one way or another.
The scrum method was new for all of […]

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Program: Graphics


We have now worked with the game Fear is in me for almost two months now and much have happened during the development of it. We have both had up and down during our work but what’s great about both is that we always had something to learn from it. Weather it was how not to do or how to do it helped us improve as designers together in one way or another.
The scrum method was new for all of […]

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Program: Graphics

Dr Strangelove or: How I learned to Playtest and Love Iteration

– A Post-Mortem
What went right
We made a game, and it was playable. I am honestly proud of this simple fact.
We used the MDA and achieved something adjacent to the aesthetic goals. We cut features in the concept document that would not have aided those goals, and in general had a consideration for the player. Our goals were;

feeling of being overwhelmed
Constantly in Danger
Fear of a relentless pursuer

We made assets that were regarded positively. We had a very cohesive visual design that […]

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Program: Graphics

Dr Strangelove or: How I learned to Playtest and Love Iteration

– A Post-Mortem
What went right
We made a game, and it was playable. I am honestly proud of this simple fact.
We used the MDA and achieved something adjacent to the aesthetic goals. We cut features in the concept document that would not have aided those goals, and in general had a consideration for the player. Our goals were;

feeling of being overwhelmed
Constantly in Danger
Fear of a relentless pursuer

We made assets that were regarded positively. We had a very cohesive visual design that […]

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Program: Graphics

Blog post 6 – Postmortem


We in the group Archon have been working on the game Aetherial for the past 10 weeks and it is part of our course in game design.
In the course we have a gold presentation where you are supposed to show the game for the teachers and the other students. And before this presentation of the game we have been working together on this game for nine weeks and hade one alfa and beta presentation.
The game that we made is a […]

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Program: Programming

Blog post 6 – Postmortem


We in the group Archon have been working on the game Aetherial for the past 10 weeks and it is part of our course in game design.
In the course we have a gold presentation where you are supposed to show the game for the teachers and the other students. And before this presentation of the game we have been working together on this game for nine weeks and hade one alfa and beta presentation.
The game that we made is a […]

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Program: Programming

The Final Results

It’s over… It’s finally over! The final release of our first game is out, and now, we can relax! Or at least… we can relax until the next project.
Today was the final presentation of our class very first video games, and it was finally time for the rest of the students to try the final version of my group’s video game “Behemoth”.
First of all, the end results turned out to be better than any of our team members had expected. […]

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Program: Programming

The Final Results

It’s over… It’s finally over! The final release of our first game is out, and now, we can relax! Or at least… we can relax until the next project.
Today was the final presentation of our class very first video games, and it was finally time for the rest of the students to try the final version of my group’s video game “Behemoth”.
First of all, the end results turned out to be better than any of our team members had expected. […]

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Program: Programming

Postmortem of “Fear Is In Me”

Finally, the long-awaited concept game design of Game Design 2 course has come to an end. After almost 2 months of relentless working, “Fear Is In Me” the concept chosen by the team Rakshasa got digitalized and showcased on last Thursday. Although to be brutally honest, I, as a part of the team behind its development, am disappointed at the final result that we have provided.
The game surely had fewer bugs than it had in its beta presentation and its improvement […]

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Program: Graphics

Postmortem of “Fear Is In Me”

Finally, the long-awaited concept game design of Game Design 2 course has come to an end. After almost 2 months of relentless working, “Fear Is In Me” the concept chosen by the team Rakshasa got digitalized and showcased on last Thursday. Although to be brutally honest, I, as a part of the team behind its development, am disappointed at the final result that we have provided.
The game surely had fewer bugs than it had in its beta presentation and its improvement […]

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Program: Graphics


This assignment have been a ride, both with its highs and lows. There has been struggles and disagreements, but also a lot of learning and growth. The final product is a mix between all I envisioned and a complete surprise.
Looking back, we were terribly unstructured in the beginning. No one understood what the backlog was and how we were supposed to be doing it. Not to mention how I struggled with the user stories for a while there too. Luckily […]

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Program: Game Design


This assignment have been a ride, both with its highs and lows. There has been struggles and disagreements, but also a lot of learning and growth. The final product is a mix between all I envisioned and a complete surprise.
Looking back, we were terribly unstructured in the beginning. No one understood what the backlog was and how we were supposed to be doing it. Not to mention how I struggled with the user stories for a while there too. Luckily […]

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Program: Game Design


It has been a tough past 10 weeks for all of us, we have all been very busy trying to keep up with our sprints, we have argued between each other, we have planned, created and we have given our all. I am happy to say I am pleased with our game and all of the other ones. Good job to everyone!
1. The team
Personally I am pleased on how well we, Team Poltergeist, have worked together. We are a group […]

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Program: Graphics


It has been a tough past 10 weeks for all of us, we have all been very busy trying to keep up with our sprints, we have argued between each other, we have planned, created and we have given our all. I am happy to say I am pleased with our game and all of the other ones. Good job to everyone!
1. The team
Personally I am pleased on how well we, Team Poltergeist, have worked together. We are a group […]

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Program: Graphics

Comment #3

Comment on Sasa Dzigurski’s blog post: “Scrum-ing the project”
A very nice and well-structured look into how your team uses the Scrum framework. I think you do a good job of explaining what Scrum is, and the following descriptions of your work process serves nicely as examples of how to apply the framework. However I would like to point out that there were a few instances in which I feel like the explanations can be misinterpreted. The description of […]

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Comment #3

Comment on Sasa Dzigurski’s blog post: “Scrum-ing the project”
A very nice and well-structured look into how your team uses the Scrum framework. I think you do a good job of explaining what Scrum is, and the following descriptions of your work process serves nicely as examples of how to apply the framework. However I would like to point out that there were a few instances in which I feel like the explanations can be misinterpreted. The description of […]

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Comment #4

Comment on Mattias Ramkvist’s blog post: “Boss design”
Your post highlights a very intriguing part of your game’s design. You do a good job of contextualizing as well as motivating why you’ve made this design decision, as well as what it actually is that you’re doing. If I had to pick out something which could have been done better then I do feel like there could perhaps have been some slight elaboration regarding why it is important for the […]

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Comment #4

Comment on Mattias Ramkvist’s blog post: “Boss design”
Your post highlights a very intriguing part of your game’s design. You do a good job of contextualizing as well as motivating why you’ve made this design decision, as well as what it actually is that you’re doing. If I had to pick out something which could have been done better then I do feel like there could perhaps have been some slight elaboration regarding why it is important for the […]

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