Daily Archives: May 1, 2017

Busy, busy, BUSY!
The Team Daemonocle production ship is currently firing on all cylinders! (minus this gloriously sunny first of May on the island). With the first of May coming around so soon we’ve been putting some hard working hours to get ready for the SGA (Swedish Game Awards) and the GGC (Gotland Game Conference) deadlines.
The programmers, Alex and Leevi, and our lead design, David, have been swatting those bugs in ‘Unity’ and keeping the DynaMine cart running as smooth as possible… There’s a […]

Busy, busy, BUSY!
The Team Daemonocle production ship is currently firing on all cylinders! (minus this gloriously sunny first of May on the island). With the first of May coming around so soon we’ve been putting some hard working hours to get ready for the SGA (Swedish Game Awards) and the GGC (Gotland Game Conference) deadlines.
The programmers, Alex and Leevi, and our lead design, David, have been swatting those bugs in ‘Unity’ and keeping the DynaMine cart running as smooth as possible… There’s a […]

Sound of Life Blog #1
Hello and welcome to one of my first blog post for the project called Sound of Life. My name is Kadar Ali and I am a second-year student studying Game Design in Graphics in Uppsala University (Campus Gotland). I will be posting six blogs (possibly more) throughout the project and I hope that you guys will enjoy, or at least find something interesting.
So what is Sound of Life?
Sound of life is a first-person game, where you play as a rescue […]

Sound of Life Blog #1
Hello and welcome to one of my first blog post for the project called Sound of Life. My name is Kadar Ali and I am a second-year student studying Game Design in Graphics in Uppsala University (Campus Gotland). I will be posting six blogs (possibly more) throughout the project and I hope that you guys will enjoy, or at least find something interesting.
So what is Sound of Life?
Sound of life is a first-person game, where you play as a rescue […]

BGP2017 – Character Controller
To handle the movement of tools and avatars in the game we need a Character Controller. Unity does have a standard component for Character controllers, which is cool. However it still only supports capsule colliders, Which is a problem as we have a stretcher and an axe which would not work with capsule colliders.
Now, there are two options: Either you go for a Rigid body controller or you go for a custom character controller with support for a Box collider.
As […]

BGP2017 – Character Controller
To handle the movement of tools and avatars in the game we need a Character Controller. Unity does have a standard component for Character controllers, which is cool. However it still only supports capsule colliders, Which is a problem as we have a stretcher and an axe which would not work with capsule colliders.
Now, there are two options: Either you go for a Rigid body controller or you go for a custom character controller with support for a Box collider.
As […]
BGP2017 – Amputation
For the vertical slice of the game the way you ”heal” the orcs is by amputating the hurt limbs of the orc using the axe and then attaching a prosthetic.
To implement this the mesh is split up into 14 separate objects which are all rigged to one rig. For each limb which can be amputated there is a child object in the rig hierarchy at the same level as the limb which can be amputated. This object has a limb […]
BGP2017 – Amputation
For the vertical slice of the game the way you ”heal” the orcs is by amputating the hurt limbs of the orc using the axe and then attaching a prosthetic.
To implement this the mesh is split up into 14 separate objects which are all rigged to one rig. For each limb which can be amputated there is a child object in the rig hierarchy at the same level as the limb which can be amputated. This object has a limb […]

Big Game Project Post 2
There has been some time since my last post, this post will recap everything I’ve done since. I would recommend that you read my last post if you haven’t, considering that i will be referring to it.
The first priority was to complete the turnarounds for all the remaining player characters. A Rat Betwixt is supposed to have 4 playable characters all from different made up religions and cultures. First we have the Dyrkare the character featured in the last post. […]

Big Game Project Post 2
There has been some time since my last post, this post will recap everything I’ve done since. I would recommend that you read my last post if you haven’t, considering that i will be referring to it.
The first priority was to complete the turnarounds for all the remaining player characters. A Rat Betwixt is supposed to have 4 playable characters all from different made up religions and cultures. First we have the Dyrkare the character featured in the last post. […]
Commands, attacking and blocking
I have this week, four or five weeks since the start of the course, among other things been making the players attacks and blocks. I also made the player attacks and blocks we had in the prototype. We had all of them sort of working in the prototype except the fire attack. We have now just hade Alpha and have pretty much everything at least almost implemented. The attacks and blocks are:
A horizontal slash in front of the player character. […]
Commands, attacking and blocking
I have this week, four or five weeks since the start of the course, among other things been making the players attacks and blocks. I also made the player attacks and blocks we had in the prototype. We had all of them sort of working in the prototype except the fire attack. We have now just hade Alpha and have pretty much everything at least almost implemented. The attacks and blocks are:
A horizontal slash in front of the player character. […]
Spawning and entities
One of the things I’ve made this week, week 3 or 4, is to have the data about characters and entities be loaded from files, and to able to be placed in the tilemap editor. It’s otherwise been mostly small fixes and et cetera. These are some of the things which wasn’t implemented in the prototype, except for the tilemap editor. The placing where the entities appear are called spawns, which they usually are called in games. The spawn data about what […]
Spawning and entities
One of the things I’ve made this week, week 3 or 4, is to have the data about characters and entities be loaded from files, and to able to be placed in the tilemap editor. It’s otherwise been mostly small fixes and et cetera. These are some of the things which wasn’t implemented in the prototype, except for the tilemap editor. The placing where the entities appear are called spawns, which they usually are called in games. The spawn data about what […]

Week 1 and 2 of Big Game Project: Production and Design
These two weeks saw the start of a project that is to span 8 weeks of development, where I will be taking the role of Producer along with part-time Designer and Programmer. The game being made is an isometric 3D-game, tactical and turn-based. Secret agendas are a main mechanic, where-in players will be given secret objectives to complete that include betraying other players and killing them before reaching the end game. In short, the Mechanics involve Moving and Attacking enemies and allies, […]

Week 1 and 2 of Big Game Project: Production and Design
These two weeks saw the start of a project that is to span 8 weeks of development, where I will be taking the role of Producer along with part-time Designer and Programmer. The game being made is an isometric 3D-game, tactical and turn-based. Secret agendas are a main mechanic, where-in players will be given secret objectives to complete that include betraying other players and killing them before reaching the end game. In short, the Mechanics involve Moving and Attacking enemies and allies, […]
A Rat Betwixt: Initiative
The turn order of all enemies and players are determined by their initiative. This is pretty much how things have been done in turn-based RPG’s since forever in some form. We could’ve determined a characters initiative with rolling a dice, add a base value and call it a day, but we thought that it wasn’t interesting enough. And we’d like to avoid pure dice rolls if possible.
At the start of the planning phase of each turn, the player is shown […]
A Rat Betwixt: Initiative
The turn order of all enemies and players are determined by their initiative. This is pretty much how things have been done in turn-based RPG’s since forever in some form. We could’ve determined a characters initiative with rolling a dice, add a base value and call it a day, but we thought that it wasn’t interesting enough. And we’d like to avoid pure dice rolls if possible.
At the start of the planning phase of each turn, the player is shown […]
A Rat Betwixt: Initiative
The turn order of all enemies and players are determined by their initiative. This is pretty much how things have been done in turn-based RPG’s since forever in some form. We could’ve determined a characters initiative with rolling a dice, add a base value and call it a day, but we thought that it wasn’t interesting enough. And we’d like to avoid pure dice rolls if possible.
At the start of the planning phase of each turn, the player is shown […]
A Rat Betwixt: Initiative
The turn order of all enemies and players are determined by their initiative. This is pretty much how things have been done in turn-based RPG’s since forever in some form. We could’ve determined a characters initiative with rolling a dice, add a base value and call it a day, but we thought that it wasn’t interesting enough. And we’d like to avoid pure dice rolls if possible.
At the start of the planning phase of each turn, the player is shown […]

A Rat Betwixt – Initiative
The turn order of all enemies and players are determined by their initiative. This is pretty much how things have been done in turn-based RPG’s since forever in some form. We could’ve determined a characters initiative with rolling a dice, add a base value and call it a day, but we thought that it wasn’t interesting enough. And we’d like to avoid pure dice rolls if possible.
At the start of the planning phase of each turn, the player is shown […]

A Rat Betwixt – Initiative
The turn order of all enemies and players are determined by their initiative. This is pretty much how things have been done in turn-based RPG’s since forever in some form. We could’ve determined a characters initiative with rolling a dice, add a base value and call it a day, but we thought that it wasn’t interesting enough. And we’d like to avoid pure dice rolls if possible.
At the start of the planning phase of each turn, the player is shown […]

Neon Skies
Week 4-5
Hello! My name is Erik Levin and I am in the second year of the Game Design, Graphics, program at Uppsala University, Campus Gotland.
Im working on a game called Neon Skies.
In my last entry i ended it with that was going to start with the animations. This took longer than i thought due to the shear amount of different animations that was needed so i decided to compile two weeks of work into one entry this time.
Above you can […]

Neon Skies
Week 4-5
Hello! My name is Erik Levin and I am in the second year of the Game Design, Graphics, program at Uppsala University, Campus Gotland.
Im working on a game called Neon Skies.
In my last entry i ended it with that was going to start with the animations. This took longer than i thought due to the shear amount of different animations that was needed so i decided to compile two weeks of work into one entry this time.
Above you can […]