Daily Archives: April 17, 2017

Amenti – 2
Second week of the project is now done! This week I have done plenty of stuff. All mechanics for the tutorial room is finished and almost all mechanics in the Horus room which is the next puzzle the player encounters, the fire/sun god puzzle.
I started off by working on the last mechanic in the tutorial room which was the perspective mechanic. We wanted that when the player is standing on a certain location and is looking at a certain point/object […]

Amenti – 2
Second week of the project is now done! This week I have done plenty of stuff. All mechanics for the tutorial room is finished and almost all mechanics in the Horus room which is the next puzzle the player encounters, the fire/sun god puzzle.
I started off by working on the last mechanic in the tutorial room which was the perspective mechanic. We wanted that when the player is standing on a certain location and is looking at a certain point/object […]

Amenti BGP Week 3
Hello again! Week 3 has finished and a lot of work has begun. The design is finished and all the members of the group have started to work with different artifacts in the game and the prototypes have started to become playable. My job this week was to finish the tutorial room that Lead Programmer Niclas did not have time to work on. The work I did was to make a pair of pillars move towards the wall when the […]

Amenti BGP Week 3
Hello again! Week 3 has finished and a lot of work has begun. The design is finished and all the members of the group have started to work with different artifacts in the game and the prototypes have started to become playable. My job this week was to finish the tutorial room that Lead Programmer Niclas did not have time to work on. The work I did was to make a pair of pillars move towards the wall when the […]

Amenti – 1
The first week of the project mostly contained a lot of planning and documentation which can be tedious but deep down we know that it is a essential part to make the project go much smoother.
Besides planning and documentation I have worked on the prototype of the tutorial room where the player is introduced to the core mechanics of the game. The majority of the mechanics are based on interacting with objects and picking up stuff, like fire, life or […]

Amenti – 1
The first week of the project mostly contained a lot of planning and documentation which can be tedious but deep down we know that it is a essential part to make the project go much smoother.
Besides planning and documentation I have worked on the prototype of the tutorial room where the player is introduced to the core mechanics of the game. The majority of the mechanics are based on interacting with objects and picking up stuff, like fire, life or […]

Cat tree (2017-04-17)
Today the second production week started and I’ve made a blog for our game, somniumgameblog.wordpress.com, and a facebook page also called Somnium to the GGC submision on friday. I’ve also started writing things to that submission and thinking about what pictures we can use on the blog and facebook page before we open it for the public.
I’ve also done a cat tree, yes you read it right, a cat tree. It’s a tree but with cats. This is one of […]

Cat tree (2017-04-17)
Today the second production week started and I’ve made a blog for our game, somniumgameblog.wordpress.com, and a facebook page also called Somnium to the GGC submision on friday. I’ve also started writing things to that submission and thinking about what pictures we can use on the blog and facebook page before we open it for the public.
I’ve also done a cat tree, yes you read it right, a cat tree. It’s a tree but with cats. This is one of […]

Neon Skies
Week 3
Hello! My name is Erik Levin and I am in the second year of the Game Design, Graphics, program at Uppsala University, Campus Gotland.
Im working on a game called Neon Skies.
As i mentioned last week. The mesh was ready for skinning/weight painting and rigging. These where the tasks that was my main focus this week.
Weight painting is when you colour how much or how little, movements in one joint will influence the mesh. So as you can se in […]

Neon Skies
Week 3
Hello! My name is Erik Levin and I am in the second year of the Game Design, Graphics, program at Uppsala University, Campus Gotland.
Im working on a game called Neon Skies.
As i mentioned last week. The mesh was ready for skinning/weight painting and rigging. These where the tasks that was my main focus this week.
Weight painting is when you colour how much or how little, movements in one joint will influence the mesh. So as you can se in […]

Rigging the first critter
Hello again! This time I’ve mainly been working on the rig as well as clearing up some things with the styleguide.
For this project we decided to use 3ds max to create our 3d models as it is the software both of us in the graphics team have previously used. I am in charge of rigging and skinning the models and while this normally hasn’t been that big of an issue before there were some things I was cautious about, this […]

Rigging the first critter
Hello again! This time I’ve mainly been working on the rig as well as clearing up some things with the styleguide.
For this project we decided to use 3ds max to create our 3d models as it is the software both of us in the graphics team have previously used. I am in charge of rigging and skinning the models and while this normally hasn’t been that big of an issue before there were some things I was cautious about, this […]

Planning and Styleguide
Hi, my name is Jasmina Softic and I’m the lead artistfor the android game Crittercal Care (Working title). In the game you raise a small animal a critter so to say and you take care of it and watch it evolve, the game is also .
Me role as the lead artist means that I have to lead the other artists in our team, unfortunately we’re only two graphics students including me which means that we are quite understaffed. Well for […]

Planning and Styleguide
Hi, my name is Jasmina Softic and I’m the lead artistfor the android game Crittercal Care (Working title). In the game you raise a small animal a critter so to say and you take care of it and watch it evolve, the game is also .
Me role as the lead artist means that I have to lead the other artists in our team, unfortunately we’re only two graphics students including me which means that we are quite understaffed. Well for […]

Goblin Dr.
Då har det kommit fram till BGP och jag tänkte presentera lite om det koncept som jag har hängivit mig till, det koncept heter Goblin Dr. Goblin Dr. är ett fantasy, lokal co-op spel med isometrisk vy som spelas med två spelare, spelets design har ett fokus på kommunikationen mellan spelarna. Spelarna styr var sin goblin som har i uppgift att läka så många skadade orcser som möjligt. Spelet utspelar sig under ett krig mellan människor och orcser en bit […]

Goblin Dr.
Då har det kommit fram till BGP och jag tänkte presentera lite om det koncept som jag har hängivit mig till, det koncept heter Goblin Dr. Goblin Dr. är ett fantasy, lokal co-op spel med isometrisk vy som spelas med två spelare, spelets design har ett fokus på kommunikationen mellan spelarna. Spelarna styr var sin goblin som har i uppgift att läka så många skadade orcser som möjligt. Spelet utspelar sig under ett krig mellan människor och orcser en bit […]