Daily Archives: October 17, 2014

Folke checkar ut

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Program: Programming

Folke checkar ut

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Program: Programming

(Final Assignment – Part 1) On game & Sound design

The final assignment for the game design introduction course is to make a game concept in groups of 7. Each groupmember has a specific role to fulfill. These roles are:
Game Designer
Lead Art
Lead Code
Lead Sound
QA (Quality Assurance)
My role is lead sound design. As a sound designer, my job is to choose, explain and justify the sound decisions of the game. I don’t, in fact, have to create the sounds myself. I may if I wish, just show examples of sounds I would […]

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Program: Programming

(Final Assignment – Part 1) On game & Sound design

The final assignment for the game design introduction course is to make a game concept in groups of 7. Each groupmember has a specific role to fulfill. These roles are:
Game Designer
Lead Art
Lead Code
Lead Sound
QA (Quality Assurance)
My role is lead sound design. As a sound designer, my job is to choose, explain and justify the sound decisions of the game. I don’t, in fact, have to create the sounds myself. I may if I wish, just show examples of sounds I would […]

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Program: Programming

(Final Assignment – Part 1) On game & Sound design

The final assignment for the game design introduction course is to make a game concept in groups of 7. Each groupmember has a specific role to fulfill. These roles are:
Game Designer
Lead Art
Lead Code
Lead Sound
QA (Quality Assurance)
My role is lead sound design. As a sound designer, my job is to choose, explain and justify the sound decisions of the game. I don’t, in fact, have to create the sounds myself. I may if I wish, just show examples of sounds I would […]

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Program: Programming

(Final Assignment – Part 1) On game & Sound design

The final assignment for the game design introduction course is to make a game concept in groups of 7. Each groupmember has a specific role to fulfill. These roles are:
Game Designer
Lead Art
Lead Code
Lead Sound
QA (Quality Assurance)
My role is lead sound design. As a sound designer, my job is to choose, explain and justify the sound decisions of the game. I don’t, in fact, have to create the sounds myself. I may if I wish, just show examples of sounds I would […]

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Program: Programming

Prototyp av spelplanen / Exempel på hur det kan se ut

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Program: Programming

Prototyp av spelplanen / Exempel på hur det kan se ut

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Program: Programming


En öppen spelplan som man navigerar genom att slå en tärning för att gå och se till att hålla sig undan från människorna.
Spelaren slår med en d6
Människan slår med en d4
Människan går i det näst yttersta varvet av spelplanen klockvis.
Plocka crops:
Stå över ett slag för att plocka en crop
Slå en d6 för att se vad för crop du får
1-5 ger poäng 1-5
6 ger powerup 1-6


1-2, Spelaren får slå två gånger per runda


3-4, Spelaren kan plocka alla växter i en ruta


5-6, […]

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Program: Programming


En öppen spelplan som man navigerar genom att slå en tärning för att gå och se till att hålla sig undan från människorna.
Spelaren slår med en d6
Människan slår med en d4
Människan går i det näst yttersta varvet av spelplanen klockvis.
Plocka crops:
Stå över ett slag för att plocka en crop
Slå en d6 för att se vad för crop du får
1-5 ger poäng 1-5
6 ger powerup 1-6


1-2, Spelaren får slå två gånger per runda


3-4, Spelaren kan plocka alla växter i en ruta


5-6, […]

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Program: Programming

Assignment 3 Update

This is the work I’ve done so far on the model along with the edge flow. Being identical to a human body I was largely able to use it as a means of reference. I had to take liberties with certain areas however, the limbs in particular, as this was a shape with completely exposed anatomy rather than with covering skin. The proportions are also considerably deformed, requiring a more loose approach when constructing it. The clarity of the WIP […]

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Program: Graphics

Assignment 3 Update

This is the work I’ve done so far on the model along with the edge flow. Being identical to a human body I was largely able to use it as a means of reference. I had to take liberties with certain areas however, the limbs in particular, as this was a shape with completely exposed anatomy rather than with covering skin. The proportions are also considerably deformed, requiring a more loose approach when constructing it. The clarity of the WIP […]

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Program: Graphics

Assignment 3 Update

This is the work I’ve done so far on the model along with the edge flow. Being identical to a human body I was largely able to use it as a means of reference. I had to take liberties with certain areas however, the limbs in particular, as this was a shape with completely exposed anatomy rather than with covering skin. The proportions are also considerably deformed, requiring a more loose approach when constructing it. The clarity of the WIP […]

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Program: Graphics

Assignment 3 Update

This is the work I’ve done so far on the model along with the edge flow. Being identical to a human body I was largely able to use it as a means of reference. I had to take liberties with certain areas however, the limbs in particular, as this was a shape with completely exposed anatomy rather than with covering skin. The proportions are also considerably deformed, requiring a more loose approach when constructing it. The clarity of the WIP […]

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Program: Graphics