Daily Archives: October 23, 2013


Time for a lot of text!
So today I was in school working with my group from 10 a.m. – 8 p.m., we did QA(Quality Assurance) the entire day and improved the game. The main goal was to create ways for the wizard to split up players, since during the QA last friday we discovered that it was too easy for the heroes when they stick together.
So we decided to add these spells:

Choose a player and a […]

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Program: Programming


Time for a lot of text!
So today I was in school working with my group from 10 a.m. – 8 p.m., we did QA(Quality Assurance) the entire day and improved the game. The main goal was to create ways for the wizard to split up players, since during the QA last friday we discovered that it was too easy for the heroes when they stick together.
So we decided to add these spells:

Choose a player and a […]

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Program: Programming

Concept and game mechanics morphing into a game

It’s hard creating concept that matches the vision of a game.
You can always create an art style so the graphical people can molest it to no end but to actually make something so beautiful that you implement it directly to a game? impossible some would say, others would call it a developers nightmare. I
I call it an opportunity. Artists are merely there to envision your game usually, a method of artistically showing your mind on a canvas by being their […]

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Program: Programming

Concept and game mechanics morphing into a game

It’s hard creating concept that matches the vision of a game.
You can always create an art style so the graphical people can molest it to no end but to actually make something so beautiful that you implement it directly to a game? impossible some would say, others would call it a developers nightmare. I
I call it an opportunity. Artists are merely there to envision your game usually, a method of artistically showing your mind on a canvas by being their […]

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Program: Programming

Game Jam 8h

This is a late update, we had a game jam at school 2 weeks ago were we would make a game in 8 hours only using gamemaker free. In total we worked for 6h30min because of a lecture we wanted to go to. The theme of the game jam was everyday doom. The only rules was that we could only use game maker and couldnt offend anyone, except Ulf. Ulf is a guy that work at the school. Sp because […]

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Program: Graphics

Game Jam 8h

This is a late update, we had a game jam at school 2 weeks ago were we would make a game in 8 hours only using gamemaker free. In total we worked for 6h30min because of a lecture we wanted to go to. The theme of the game jam was everyday doom. The only rules was that we could only use game maker and couldnt offend anyone, except Ulf. Ulf is a guy that work at the school. Sp because […]

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Program: Graphics

Pablo Escobar Serious game

I wrote a whole lot yesterday that I saved as a draft, thus there will be two posts today.
Anyway today we had the third meeting of the week, in just as many days. This time however we had someone who wasn’t a part of the group to join us when we were testing the game that we had. The feedback we got was something we had thought about, but it was said and explained in such a fashion that we […]

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Program: Programming

Pablo Escobar Serious game

I wrote a whole lot yesterday that I saved as a draft, thus there will be two posts today.
Anyway today we had the third meeting of the week, in just as many days. This time however we had someone who wasn’t a part of the group to join us when we were testing the game that we had. The feedback we got was something we had thought about, but it was said and explained in such a fashion that we […]

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Program: Programming

Interface design and progress on serious games

Today we had a lecture about interface design. There’s a lot of things you don’t think about when creating an interface, but after we had the lecture I thought it was more or less obvious. I didn’t know that we had a focus area when we are looking at things, however when now being aware of it, you notice it right away. You only see a certain small point of the screen. Also you do see stuff outside, but the […]

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Program: Programming

Interface design and progress on serious games

Today we had a lecture about interface design. There’s a lot of things you don’t think about when creating an interface, but after we had the lecture I thought it was more or less obvious. I didn’t know that we had a focus area when we are looking at things, however when now being aware of it, you notice it right away. You only see a certain small point of the screen. Also you do see stuff outside, but the […]

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Program: Programming

Board game progress report (Advanced Game Design) – 20131023

Today, some big progress was made to the development of our board game. Thanks to the work of our group mate Christian Roupé, we now now have a new board that is (hopefully) more balanced than our previous board.

One problem we had with out previous board was that the distance to the search areas were different for each player. But now, the distance should be the same for everyone, meaning that no player has an […]

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Program: Programming

Board game progress report (Advanced Game Design) – 20131023

Today, some big progress was made to the development of our board game. Thanks to the work of our group mate Christian Roupé, we now now have a new board that is (hopefully) more balanced than our previous board.

One problem we had with out previous board was that the distance to the search areas were different for each player. But now, the distance should be the same for everyone, meaning that no player has an […]

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Program: Programming

Character design – CoBots

In CoBots the player(s) controls two maintainbots.
In the early development of CoBots, Me and Petra were tasked with designing the bots.
Since there should be two different robots which cooperated throughout the game, but still be able to do exactly the same thing, we didn’t want them to look to different from each other.
Concept sketches by Petra Medin.
We sketched some different concept of the bots and we then compared our ideas and decided on a final concept. We both liked […]

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Program: Graphics

Character design – CoBots

In CoBots the player(s) controls two maintainbots.
In the early development of CoBots, Me and Petra were tasked with designing the bots.
Since there should be two different robots which cooperated throughout the game, but still be able to do exactly the same thing, we didn’t want them to look to different from each other.
Concept sketches by Petra Medin.
We sketched some different concept of the bots and we then compared our ideas and decided on a final concept. We both liked […]

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Program: Graphics