Monthly Archives: May 2017
Music and sound effects
Music and sound effects are a big part of Somnium, that is really important to convey our aesthetic goal to the audience. For example, in order to create the specific music and ambient sound, we have had the great opportunity to be in contact with a student from the nearby “Tonsättarskolan” and had him develop the ambient sound and music for us. This way the music is tailored for the game, and the events of occurring in our game.
Since we […]
Music and sound effects
Music and sound effects are a big part of Somnium, that is really important to convey our aesthetic goal to the audience. For example, in order to create the specific music and ambient sound, we have had the great opportunity to be in contact with a student from the nearby “Tonsättarskolan” and had him develop the ambient sound and music for us. This way the music is tailored for the game, and the events of occurring in our game.
Since we […]
Hi I’m the producer and lead AI programmer on team Yggdrasil that is currently developing the game Causality.
Using behaviour trees is fantastic and all but after consulting our teacher we came to the conclusion that maybe it is a bit too much overkill and maybe too much for our project. We do not need to use such complicated systems for a boss in all honesty.
I mostly wanted to use it for the learning process and doing something I never done […]
Hi I’m the producer and lead AI programmer on team Yggdrasil that is currently developing the game Causality.
Using behaviour trees is fantastic and all but after consulting our teacher we came to the conclusion that maybe it is a bit too much overkill and maybe too much for our project. We do not need to use such complicated systems for a boss in all honesty.
I mostly wanted to use it for the learning process and doing something I never done […]
Hi I’m the producer and lead AI programmer on team Yggdrasil that is currently developing the game Causality.
We have movement!
After many days of hard work our “boss” was alive.
We had movement using a simple basic implementation an of behaviour tree. Using sequencer nodes that calls the run behaviour in each child node until one returns false then the parent node returns false and the behaviour ends until reset. Our boss could track our player and relentlessly follow him forever.
This was […]
Hi I’m the producer and lead AI programmer on team Yggdrasil that is currently developing the game Causality.
We have movement!
After many days of hard work our “boss” was alive.
We had movement using a simple basic implementation an of behaviour tree. Using sequencer nodes that calls the run behaviour in each child node until one returns false then the parent node returns false and the behaviour ends until reset. Our boss could track our player and relentlessly follow him forever.
This was […]
Hi I’m the producer and lead AI programmer on team Yggdrasil that is currently developing the game Causality.
Our goal with this project was to create a vertical slice, a demo if you will of what our game would be about showing of our core mechanics against a single boss fight.
We wanted it to be cool, fluid and challenging, forcing the player to find patterns and recognise different ques in order to overcome and defeat the boss.
This meant for us to […]
Hi I’m the producer and lead AI programmer on team Yggdrasil that is currently developing the game Causality.
Our goal with this project was to create a vertical slice, a demo if you will of what our game would be about showing of our core mechanics against a single boss fight.
We wanted it to be cool, fluid and challenging, forcing the player to find patterns and recognise different ques in order to overcome and defeat the boss.
This meant for us to […]

Modularity – Building a city
Back to the writing! It’s been a crazy journey so far.
In this post I thought I would talk a little about working with a modular environment and how that can help the production. This is something that was comepletely new to us when the project started and that we had to work on by ourselves in order to learn the does and don’ts.
Our game takes place in parts of a bombed city, which means that a lot of buildings are […]

Modularity – Building a city
Back to the writing! It’s been a crazy journey so far.
In this post I thought I would talk a little about working with a modular environment and how that can help the production. This is something that was comepletely new to us when the project started and that we had to work on by ourselves in order to learn the does and don’ts.
Our game takes place in parts of a bombed city, which means that a lot of buildings are […]
Veckoreflektion V.9 Fast Gear
Under denna vecka har vi arbetat med att implementera de sista mekanikerna, fixat menyer och loading screens. Dessa mekaniker innefattar rubberbanding och positionssytem för finish line.
Rubberbanding innebär att om spelaren är framför AI-bilarna så ökar AI:ns hastighet för att göra loppet intressant och dynamiskt. Det gjordes med hjälp av de checkpointsystem vi implementerade förra veckan. Funktionen som gjordes jämför spelarens checkpoint mot alla olika AI-bilar. Alltså kollar funktionen vilken checkpoint respektive bil är på och utifrån det så ändras hastigheten. Detsamma […]
Veckoreflektion V.9 Fast Gear
Under denna vecka har vi arbetat med att implementera de sista mekanikerna, fixat menyer och loading screens. Dessa mekaniker innefattar rubberbanding och positionssytem för finish line.
Rubberbanding innebär att om spelaren är framför AI-bilarna så ökar AI:ns hastighet för att göra loppet intressant och dynamiskt. Det gjordes med hjälp av de checkpointsystem vi implementerade förra veckan. Funktionen som gjordes jämför spelarens checkpoint mot alla olika AI-bilar. Alltså kollar funktionen vilken checkpoint respektive bil är på och utifrån det så ändras hastigheten. Detsamma […]
Fast Gear blog 6
Jag har nu i slutstadiet av produktionsperioden skapat en ”ScreenShake” som skakar kameran när bilen kolliderar med de olika relingarna som ligger utmed banan för att förhindra spelaren att åka utan för vägen.
Med hjälp av en asset som en av grafikerna i gruppen hittat så kunde jag relativt enkelt implementera att kameran skulle skaka vid kollision. Det uppstod dock ett problem när jag satte ”screenshaken” att hända vid kollision med andra bilar. Då slutade den plötsligt att hända vid kollision […]
Fast Gear blog 6
Jag har nu i slutstadiet av produktionsperioden skapat en ”ScreenShake” som skakar kameran när bilen kolliderar med de olika relingarna som ligger utmed banan för att förhindra spelaren att åka utan för vägen.
Med hjälp av en asset som en av grafikerna i gruppen hittat så kunde jag relativt enkelt implementera att kameran skulle skaka vid kollision. Det uppstod dock ett problem när jag satte ”screenshaken” att hända vid kollision med andra bilar. Då slutade den plötsligt att hända vid kollision […]
Fast Gear – Week 9
So this is the final week. I have been working on some different things throughout the week. I have tried to balance the sounds better. Mostly we have worked on getting the positions of the cars in-game. We can now differentiate the cars in the race and see who is first, seconds, third and fourth. This was supposed to be done earlier but we ran into some issues with the code and we have been trying to figure it out […]
Fast Gear – Week 9
So this is the final week. I have been working on some different things throughout the week. I have tried to balance the sounds better. Mostly we have worked on getting the positions of the cars in-game. We can now differentiate the cars in the race and see who is first, seconds, third and fourth. This was supposed to be done earlier but we ran into some issues with the code and we have been trying to figure it out […]

BGP 2017 Fast Gear: Wrapping up
This project is nearing its end and the game is getting its last finishing touches in preparation for this years Gotland Game Conference happening at Sunday here at campus. This week I or rather, all three of us graphical artists in the team haven’t had much to do more than doing some polishing like filling out empty spots on at the side of the track environment. Other than that it’s more or less more for the programmers in our team to […]

BGP 2017 Fast Gear: Wrapping up
This project is nearing its end and the game is getting its last finishing touches in preparation for this years Gotland Game Conference happening at Sunday here at campus. This week I or rather, all three of us graphical artists in the team haven’t had much to do more than doing some polishing like filling out empty spots on at the side of the track environment. Other than that it’s more or less more for the programmers in our team to […]

Sound of Life – More Sequences
Hallo Everyone!
I’m back and our game “Sound of life” has started taking shape! We have been working hard for a couple of weeks now and it feels good that we are getting somewhere. But let’s start talking about what I have been doing.
I have continued my work on sequences by adding more more of them, one for every survivor and I also added a end sequences. The new digging sequences are similar to the actress sequence, Tracks, fade and spawning […]

Sound of Life – More Sequences
Hallo Everyone!
I’m back and our game “Sound of life” has started taking shape! We have been working hard for a couple of weeks now and it feels good that we are getting somewhere. But let’s start talking about what I have been doing.
I have continued my work on sequences by adding more more of them, one for every survivor and I also added a end sequences. The new digging sequences are similar to the actress sequence, Tracks, fade and spawning […]
BGP: Refracted Fate – The End
Hi everyone!
This will be my last blog post (at least for now) on Refracted Fate!
Tomorrow we will be showcasing our game at Gotland Game Conference(GGC) so we have been fixing a lot of trivial things towards it (and still kind of are!)
I must say the production of the game have been a lot of fun and I have learned everything from creating physics based pickup system to using streaming level to avoid level loading.
I’m not sure what I want to […]
BGP: Refracted Fate – The End
Hi everyone!
This will be my last blog post (at least for now) on Refracted Fate!
Tomorrow we will be showcasing our game at Gotland Game Conference(GGC) so we have been fixing a lot of trivial things towards it (and still kind of are!)
I must say the production of the game have been a lot of fun and I have learned everything from creating physics based pickup system to using streaming level to avoid level loading.
I’m not sure what I want to […]

Something over the horizon
Why, hi there!
Gotland Game Conference 2017 is just around the corner and you can feel it; almost taste it. This week, overall polish has been on the menu. One larger change in the level is the outlook of the second half of one of the areas. All areas in the game have different looks and this specific area is school-themed. Like the other parts of the game, it has been modeled and remodeled again and again. To be frank, I […]

Something over the horizon
Why, hi there!
Gotland Game Conference 2017 is just around the corner and you can feel it; almost taste it. This week, overall polish has been on the menu. One larger change in the level is the outlook of the second half of one of the areas. All areas in the game have different looks and this specific area is school-themed. Like the other parts of the game, it has been modeled and remodeled again and again. To be frank, I […]