Daily Archives: May 21, 2017

A Rat Betwixt Blog Post #4 – Additional In-Game Content
Hello, everyone!
So yes, in my last Blog Post I promised that I would show off some actual 3D coming from me! This is not me saying that rigging and skinning characters or drawing 2D turnarounds for characters isn’t 3D. In 3D projects where characters and animations are important, those things are just as necessary as making the 3D models.
However, skinning and rigging are not really the most interesting topics when it comes to 3D. In fact, they are amongst the most […]

A Rat Betwixt Blog Post #4 – Additional In-Game Content
Hello, everyone!
So yes, in my last Blog Post I promised that I would show off some actual 3D coming from me! This is not me saying that rigging and skinning characters or drawing 2D turnarounds for characters isn’t 3D. In 3D projects where characters and animations are important, those things are just as necessary as making the 3D models.
However, skinning and rigging are not really the most interesting topics when it comes to 3D. In fact, they are amongst the most […]

Sound of Life Blog #3
Hello again!
Today I want to talk about vertex coloring and how I used this method in order to blend between different textures.
But what is vertex coloring?
Vertex coloring is a way of utilizing the vertices on your mesh in order to paint in an already done texture. For this blog, I am going to show how I blended between two concrete textures with vertex coloring.
I started off by making a new material and inside the material editor, I imported the diffuse […]

Sound of Life Blog #3
Hello again!
Today I want to talk about vertex coloring and how I used this method in order to blend between different textures.
But what is vertex coloring?
Vertex coloring is a way of utilizing the vertices on your mesh in order to paint in an already done texture. For this blog, I am going to show how I blended between two concrete textures with vertex coloring.
I started off by making a new material and inside the material editor, I imported the diffuse […]

A Rat Betwixt Blog Post #3 – Additional 3D Work
Hello, everyone!
So, for those of you who have just now stumbled upon this blog of mine. I have been giving insight into our second year Game Design Studies finals game project, some backstory and what I have worked on for it.
So far most of my work has had a lot of do with character design and doing 2D art. Which may seem a bit off for when the project itself is for a 3D game. Well, that is just how it […]

A Rat Betwixt Blog Post #3 – Additional 3D Work
Hello, everyone!
So, for those of you who have just now stumbled upon this blog of mine. I have been giving insight into our second year Game Design Studies finals game project, some backstory and what I have worked on for it.
So far most of my work has had a lot of do with character design and doing 2D art. Which may seem a bit off for when the project itself is for a 3D game. Well, that is just how it […]
Dynamic Camera, Joining the Game, and Reset
The work week that was 1-5 May mostly consisted of work tasks of not very big size, so I’ll detail a few, but not all, of the things I did instead of just one task per post as I did previously. One of the things i made then was a dynamic camera. It zooms in on the character that is currently doing their action. The camera zooms out to show everyone while the players plan their turns. The camera is positioned right in […]
Dynamic Camera, Joining the Game, and Reset
The work week that was 1-5 May mostly consisted of work tasks of not very big size, so I’ll detail a few, but not all, of the things I did instead of just one task per post as I did previously. One of the things i made then was a dynamic camera. It zooms in on the character that is currently doing their action. The camera zooms out to show everyone while the players plan their turns. The camera is positioned right in […]

How to animate the inanimated
Hi there!
This time I would like to share some sludge with you, dear reader. More specifically, how to make it come alive. No black magic needed though, only a shader.
To start from the beginning; the idea was that Olivia, the protagonist, was to wade across a dead field that was overflooded with a thick sludge. However, since the setting was a nightmare, the sludge needed some more umph. So I wanted it to move, like it was alive and wanting […]

How to animate the inanimated
Hi there!
This time I would like to share some sludge with you, dear reader. More specifically, how to make it come alive. No black magic needed though, only a shader.
To start from the beginning; the idea was that Olivia, the protagonist, was to wade across a dead field that was overflooded with a thick sludge. However, since the setting was a nightmare, the sludge needed some more umph. So I wanted it to move, like it was alive and wanting […]

A Rat Betwixt Blog Post #2 – Additional Characters
Hello again!
It’s been quite some time, but now I’m back to further give you the story of how I was involved in the creation of the game “A Rat Betwixt”!
In the last post I told you about how I first got introduced with the project, me getting accepted into the group and the work I was first assigned going into it all. In this post I will give further details on my work as well as other things going on […]

A Rat Betwixt Blog Post #2 – Additional Characters
Hello again!
It’s been quite some time, but now I’m back to further give you the story of how I was involved in the creation of the game “A Rat Betwixt”!
In the last post I told you about how I first got introduced with the project, me getting accepted into the group and the work I was first assigned going into it all. In this post I will give further details on my work as well as other things going on […]
Fast Gear – Week 8
This week I have been working on sounds for the game. I would have liked to start earlier than this but other “more” important things have come in the way. I say more important but in reality sounds are very, very important for a game. I added three different car sounds to our car, one idle, one for accelerating and one for when you have reached the maximum number of gears. Every time you go up a gear the same sound […]
Fast Gear – Week 8
This week I have been working on sounds for the game. I would have liked to start earlier than this but other “more” important things have come in the way. I say more important but in reality sounds are very, very important for a game. I added three different car sounds to our car, one idle, one for accelerating and one for when you have reached the maximum number of gears. Every time you go up a gear the same sound […]

A lot of things have happened
Hey long time no see, a lot has happened since the last time I worte here, I managed to UV and texture all of the assets, this includes the accessories for the critter, the background objects and the interactive objects.
Because we are aiming to build our game for the android device we had to keep the file texture sizes in mind and try to minimize them as much as possible, one way we did this was to put several objects […]

A lot of things have happened
Hey long time no see, a lot has happened since the last time I worte here, I managed to UV and texture all of the assets, this includes the accessories for the critter, the background objects and the interactive objects.
Because we are aiming to build our game for the android device we had to keep the file texture sizes in mind and try to minimize them as much as possible, one way we did this was to put several objects […]
vecka 6, problem med ljudeffekter
Betan närmar sig och än så länga har jag inte lagt in ljuden som jag har gjort och hittat i spelet. Det är även några ljud till som måste fixas innan alla ljuden är klara. Jag började lägga in alla ljud i spelet och fixa så att de startades och avslutades vid rätt tillfälle. Det är ett ljud som inte vill fungera som det ska och det är ljudet från duschen. När duschen startar så ska ljudet starta och när […]
vecka 6, problem med ljudeffekter
Betan närmar sig och än så länga har jag inte lagt in ljuden som jag har gjort och hittat i spelet. Det är även några ljud till som måste fixas innan alla ljuden är klara. Jag började lägga in alla ljud i spelet och fixa så att de startades och avslutades vid rätt tillfälle. Det är ett ljud som inte vill fungera som det ska och det är ljudet från duschen. När duschen startar så ska ljudet starta och när […]
vecka 5, ljudeffekter
Eftersom att jag är den personen som är ljudansvarig i vår grupp så började det dags att fixa ljud till spelet. Jag började därför söka efter hemsidor som hade ljudeffekter som var gratis och som man fick använda. Jag sökte bara efter ”free sound effects” på google för att hitta olika hemsidor. Många av de hemsidorna som jag gick in på hade olika licenser för deras ljud som gjorde att man fick använda dem på olika sätt. Vissa hade till […]
vecka 5, ljudeffekter
Eftersom att jag är den personen som är ljudansvarig i vår grupp så började det dags att fixa ljud till spelet. Jag började därför söka efter hemsidor som hade ljudeffekter som var gratis och som man fick använda. Jag sökte bara efter ”free sound effects” på google för att hitta olika hemsidor. Många av de hemsidorna som jag gick in på hade olika licenser för deras ljud som gjorde att man fick använda dem på olika sätt. Vissa hade till […]
vecka 4, slopa karta och GPS
Under vår alpha så fick vi mycket bra kritik på vårt spel, så som att de tyckte att vi skulle skippa hela biten med karta och GPS då det inte skulle tillföra tillräckligt mycket till spelet för att vara värt att lägga ner så mycket tid på. Den skulle bara vara värd att ha kvar i spelet om den blev helt felfri vilket vi ansåg att den inte skulle hinna bli. Så efter alphan så disskuterade vi i gruppen om […]
vecka 4, slopa karta och GPS
Under vår alpha så fick vi mycket bra kritik på vårt spel, så som att de tyckte att vi skulle skippa hela biten med karta och GPS då det inte skulle tillföra tillräckligt mycket till spelet för att vara värt att lägga ner så mycket tid på. Den skulle bara vara värd att ha kvar i spelet om den blev helt felfri vilket vi ansåg att den inte skulle hinna bli. Så efter alphan så disskuterade vi i gruppen om […]
vecka 3, spawna mat på kartan
Den här veckan så var det dags att börja lägga in så att man hade något att göra medan man var ut och gick runt i spelet. Alltså det var dags att lägga ut mat på kartan som man var tvungen att samla ihop för att sedan kunna mata sin critter. Tanken var att maten skulle komma fram på kartan efter att spelaren hade gått ett visst antal steg vilket gjorde att jag skulle behöva lägga in en stegmätare i […]
vecka 3, spawna mat på kartan
Den här veckan så var det dags att börja lägga in så att man hade något att göra medan man var ut och gick runt i spelet. Alltså det var dags att lägga ut mat på kartan som man var tvungen att samla ihop för att sedan kunna mata sin critter. Tanken var att maten skulle komma fram på kartan efter att spelaren hade gått ett visst antal steg vilket gjorde att jag skulle behöva lägga in en stegmätare i […]