Daily Archives: May 13, 2017
BGP Fifth Post
We are drawing nearer to the deadline of this project, something that many times reveals whether or not one has over-scoped or stayed within realistic margins. As it turns out we have over-scoped to some degree. Something that is made apparent due to our need to cut a feature from our game, that being the pliers. This decision was pushed by the coders and then agreed upon by the rest of us. From a practical perspective the choice is a good […]
BGP Fifth Post
We are drawing nearer to the deadline of this project, something that many times reveals whether or not one has over-scoped or stayed within realistic margins. As it turns out we have over-scoped to some degree. Something that is made apparent due to our need to cut a feature from our game, that being the pliers. This decision was pushed by the coders and then agreed upon by the rest of us. From a practical perspective the choice is a good […]
Fast Gear Blog 3
Denna vecka har arbetet med positioneringen av samtliga bilar i spelet under fortsatt utveckling. Till att börja med så blev alla checkpoints placerade runtom på banan och blivit inlagda i en lista för att på ett lättare sätt bestämma vilken ordning alla checkpoints skall passeras. På detta sätt bestämmer jag att när bilarna korsat sista checkpointen i listan så har de åkt ett helt varv. Med hjälp av denna kan jag kontrollera vilka bilar som har åkt flest varv och passerat flest […]
Fast Gear Blog 3
Denna vecka har arbetet med positioneringen av samtliga bilar i spelet under fortsatt utveckling. Till att börja med så blev alla checkpoints placerade runtom på banan och blivit inlagda i en lista för att på ett lättare sätt bestämma vilken ordning alla checkpoints skall passeras. På detta sätt bestämmer jag att när bilarna korsat sista checkpointen i listan så har de åkt ett helt varv. Med hjälp av denna kan jag kontrollera vilka bilar som har åkt flest varv och passerat flest […]

Hearing the Call
This is something that I have been working on in my spare time for a while now, and I think I am about ready to call it done. With this I mostly wanted to work on my colour skills and apply some of the ideas and techniques that I learnt while working on my sword and dagger that I made previously. (Finished pics of the dagger will be coming up in a near future)
What I wanted […]

Hearing the Call
This is something that I have been working on in my spare time for a while now, and I think I am about ready to call it done. With this I mostly wanted to work on my colour skills and apply some of the ideas and techniques that I learnt while working on my sword and dagger that I made previously. (Finished pics of the dagger will be coming up in a near future)
What I wanted […]
BGP Fourth Post
After having tested our engines, Unity’s, IK system the results have turned out rather poorly. It would seem like there are a couple of reasons for why this is the case, most of which stem from the simple fact that Unity’s Built-in IK system is somewhat lacking. To explain the first one I will need to describe the basics of how to prepare a character in Unity for animation. As per the methods I have seen you can go about two […]
BGP Fourth Post
After having tested our engines, Unity’s, IK system the results have turned out rather poorly. It would seem like there are a couple of reasons for why this is the case, most of which stem from the simple fact that Unity’s Built-in IK system is somewhat lacking. To explain the first one I will need to describe the basics of how to prepare a character in Unity for animation. As per the methods I have seen you can go about two […]

BGP Third post
An increasing amount of complications have arisen as the question of how we implement our animations into our game engine, unity, becomes more prominent. That is to say, the problem does not lie with the prospect of implementing all of the animations but rather specific group of them. That group is the one that has our character, the goblin, interact with the tools in the game. Items such as the pliers, the stretcher and the axe are problematic due to […]

BGP Third post
An increasing amount of complications have arisen as the question of how we implement our animations into our game engine, unity, becomes more prominent. That is to say, the problem does not lie with the prospect of implementing all of the animations but rather specific group of them. That group is the one that has our character, the goblin, interact with the tools in the game. Items such as the pliers, the stretcher and the axe are problematic due to […]

Part 3: Learn Modularity or die
My dream job at the moment, besides becoming a world famous drummer, is to become an Environment Artist at a cool game studio. Pursuing this goal I have actively studied job openings for the past 2 years. Learning about what different qualifications studios need out of their artists has become helpful for me. It has helped me pushing myself to learning more and understanding what it takes to make it in the industry. During Alumni Days 2016 I met
My dream job at the moment, besides becoming a world famous drummer, is to become an Environment Artist at a cool game studio. Pursuing this goal I have actively studied job openings for the past 2 years. Learning about what different qualifications studios need out of their artists has become helpful for me. It has helped me pushing myself to learning more and understanding what it takes to make it in the industry. During Alumni Days 2016 I met
Part 3: Learn Modularity or die

Behind the scenes
A peek behind the curtains on a Saturday; our 1st year students hard at work building their games for the GGC Show Floor. Only 15 days to go!
It might be weekend-work, but it’s not in vain; there are well over 300 people currently signed up to come and playtest! Make sure you have a ticket too. The Visitors Pass is the cheapest option (pay what you want) and is good […]

Behind the scenes
A peek behind the curtains on a Saturday; our 1st year students hard at work building their games for the GGC Show Floor. Only 15 days to go!
It might be weekend-work, but it’s not in vain; there are well over 300 people currently signed up to come and playtest! Make sure you have a ticket too. The Visitors Pass is the cheapest option (pay what you want) and is good […]

Behind the scenes
A peek behind the curtains on a Saturday; our 1st year students hard at work building their games for the GGC Show Floor. Only 15 days to go!
It might be weekend-work, but it’s not in vain; there are well over 300 people currently signed up to come and playtest! Make sure you have a ticket too. The Visitors Pass is the cheapest option (pay what you want) and is good […]

Behind the scenes
A peek behind the curtains on a Saturday; our 1st year students hard at work building their games for the GGC Show Floor. Only 15 days to go!
It might be weekend-work, but it’s not in vain; there are well over 300 people currently signed up to come and playtest! Make sure you have a ticket too. The Visitors Pass is the cheapest option (pay what you want) and is good […]

Fast Gear
Fast Gear is a story driven racing game where the racing affects the story and the story affects the racing. The art style and music is 80s themed. The game is made in unity, the 3d art is made in 3Ds max and the 2D art is made in photoshop. Fast Gear is a story driven racing game where the racing affects the story and the story affects the racing. The art style and music is 80s themed. The game is made in unity, the 3d art is made in 3Ds max and the 2D art is made in photoshop.
Fabian Thoma – Producer,
Tim Rojo – Programmer,
Daniel Qvarnemark – Art Lead,
Morgan Kringstad – Lead Design,
Simon Glans – Lead Programmer,
Jari Melgén – Artist,
Lucas Pålsson – Artist
Fast Gear
Fabian Thoma – Producer,
Tim Rojo – Programmer,
Daniel Qvarnemark – Art Lead,
Morgan Kringstad – Lead Design,
Simon Glans – Lead Programmer,
Jari Melgén – Artist,
Lucas Pålsson – Artist

A Rat Betwixt
A rat Betwixt is an isometric, turn-based tactical game about the exploration of a bunker in future medieval Sweden. During that exploration, multiple players will be asked to complete objectives that can run counter to the survival or efforts of the rest of the group. Players control their avatars via tablet or phone screens, where their objectives and moves are hidden from other players.
The game uses Unity as its main engine, with music provided by Elias software. […]

A Rat Betwixt
A rat Betwixt is an isometric, turn-based tactical game about the exploration of a bunker in future medieval Sweden. During that exploration, multiple players will be asked to complete objectives that can run counter to the survival or efforts of the rest of the group. Players control their avatars via tablet or phone screens, where their objectives and moves are hidden from other players.
The game uses Unity as its main engine, with music provided by Elias software. […]

Amenti is a first person dark, puzzle game, placed deep inside an Egyptian pyramid in the late 1800’s. You play as Sofia Thompson, a young archeologist that’s trapped in the pyramid, her left hand has been cursed and turned into “the hand of death”. Now she must venture down through the pyramid to reach the death realm and find the cure. During your adventure, you will face several puzzles that you must solve in order to continue your journey. Now […]

Amenti is a first person dark, puzzle game, placed deep inside an Egyptian pyramid in the late 1800’s. You play as Sofia Thompson, a young archeologist that’s trapped in the pyramid, her left hand has been cursed and turned into “the hand of death”. Now she must venture down through the pyramid to reach the death realm and find the cure. During your adventure, you will face several puzzles that you must solve in order to continue your journey. Now […]

Hyperduct is a two player party game in a tunnel shaped tent. Step into a large tunnel and be immersed as the walls and ceiling become your playfield.
Use your hands to knock back balls and utilize the field to your advantage by raising defensive walls and activate cannons to blast your opponent away! Hit objectives and the opponents goal to push your color over the playfield, the first player to fully cover the field wins!
Fast paced and focused around […]

Hyperduct is a two player party game in a tunnel shaped tent. Step into a large tunnel and be immersed as the walls and ceiling become your playfield.
Use your hands to knock back balls and utilize the field to your advantage by raising defensive walls and activate cannons to blast your opponent away! Hit objectives and the opponents goal to push your color over the playfield, the first player to fully cover the field wins!
Fast paced and focused around […]