Daily Archives: November 14, 2014

First weekly programming post
This week has been the first week of the “Game Programming I” course. Since the course doesn’t require any previous knowledge of programming, the material has been pretty basic so far. Which suits me well, I realize now. I have a tiny bit of programming experience from playing around in GameMaker years ago, but GameMaker has its own programming language which in my opinion is a lot easier to use than the more powerful “C++” we are learning now. Even […]

First weekly programming post
This week has been the first week of the “Game Programming I” course. Since the course doesn’t require any previous knowledge of programming, the material has been pretty basic so far. Which suits me well, I realize now. I have a tiny bit of programming experience from playing around in GameMaker years ago, but GameMaker has its own programming language which in my opinion is a lot easier to use than the more powerful “C++” we are learning now. Even […]

First Week of Programming
<- One of the working test projects in the first weeks challenge.
Hello there. Been quite a while now since last time now which is to my regret, I have never been one to post regularly or even running a blog before this. But now this week have been the start for the real reason why I came back to school, programming. One thing I never was any good on during my high school years and I had after 3 years of […]

First Week of Programming
<- One of the working test projects in the first weeks challenge.
Hello there. Been quite a while now since last time now which is to my regret, I have never been one to post regularly or even running a blog before this. But now this week have been the start for the real reason why I came back to school, programming. One thing I never was any good on during my high school years and I had after 3 years of […]

First Week of Programming
<- One of the working test projects in the first weeks challenge.
Hello there. Been quite a while now since last time now which is to my regret, I have never been one to post regularly or even running a blog before this. But now this week have been the start for the real reason why I came back to school, programming. One thing I never was any good on during my high school years and I had after 3 years of […]

First Week of Programming
<- One of the working test projects in the first weeks challenge.
Hello there. Been quite a while now since last time now which is to my regret, I have never been one to post regularly or even running a blog before this. But now this week have been the start for the real reason why I came back to school, programming. One thing I never was any good on during my high school years and I had after 3 years of […]

First week programming III
On the first day of the course we were faced with a challenge; compress and decompress an image file. This were to be programmed work with other images as well so nothing could be hard coded.
There are different approaches to this task such as checking the bitmap for color patterns but after the task we also learned about the method of calculating the colors as geometrical figures.
The team consisting myself, David Peldan and Oliver Bolt began on the the first […]

First week programming III
On the first day of the course we were faced with a challenge; compress and decompress an image file. This were to be programmed work with other images as well so nothing could be hard coded.
There are different approaches to this task such as checking the bitmap for color patterns but after the task we also learned about the method of calculating the colors as geometrical figures.
The team consisting myself, David Peldan and Oliver Bolt began on the the first […]

First week programming III
On the first day of the course we were faced with a challenge; compress and decompress an image file. This were to be programmed work with other images as well so nothing could be hard coded.
There are different approaches to this task such as checking the bitmap for color patterns but after the task we also learned about the method of calculating the colors as geometrical figures.
The team consisting myself, David Peldan and Oliver Bolt began on the the first […]

First week programming III
On the first day of the course we were faced with a challenge; compress and decompress an image file. This were to be programmed work with other images as well so nothing could be hard coded.
There are different approaches to this task such as checking the bitmap for color patterns but after the task we also learned about the method of calculating the colors as geometrical figures.
The team consisting myself, David Peldan and Oliver Bolt began on the the first […]

Game Programming III – First Week
In the Game Programming III course we will learn multithreading, 3D engines and networking.
We started this week with Compression Challenge. The challenge was to write a program that compresses a bitmap picture to the smallest possible size and then decompresses it back to it’s original state. I failed to complete my solution for this, but I did read some about Huffman coding and run-length encoding.
Then, some syntax was presented to the class. We were shown how to use templates, which allows a function and/or class […]

Game Programming III – First Week
In the Game Programming III course we will learn multithreading, 3D engines and networking.
We started this week with Compression Challenge. The challenge was to write a program that compresses a bitmap picture to the smallest possible size and then decompresses it back to it’s original state. I failed to complete my solution for this, but I did read some about Huffman coding and run-length encoding.
Then, some syntax was presented to the class. We were shown how to use templates, which allows a function and/or class […]

First week of programming: Making a text adventure game
The programming course has begun. Since I already know most things taught in class, I decide to brush up on the subject in my own way.The lectures we’ve had this week mainly consisted of learning control statements like the for statement which loops and the if statement which checks for certain conditions. This is basic stuff I learned in high-school, so I did a little exercise of my own.
This is my text adventure game. It doesn’t […]

First week of programming: Making a text adventure game
The programming course has begun. Since I already know most things taught in class, I decide to brush up on the subject in my own way.The lectures we’ve had this week mainly consisted of learning control statements like the for statement which loops and the if statement which checks for certain conditions. This is basic stuff I learned in high-school, so I did a little exercise of my own.
This is my text adventure game. It doesn’t […]

Back to programming!
Finally we started programming again and moved on from all that nonsense of playing board games and whatnot. Part of this course we need to write weekly blogs so I will be more active again.
So in this course we have 3 assignments.
Assignment 1 – Create a linked list and a Binary search tree. (Almost done with this)
Assignment 2 – Consists of writing a webserver
Assignment 3 – Create our own 3D game and engine using DirectX.
So this week I will share my […]

Back to programming!
Finally we started programming again and moved on from all that nonsense of playing board games and whatnot. Part of this course we need to write weekly blogs so I will be more active again.
So in this course we have 3 assignments.
Assignment 1 – Create a linked list and a Binary search tree. (Almost done with this)
Assignment 2 – Consists of writing a webserver
Assignment 3 – Create our own 3D game and engine using DirectX.
So this week I will share my […]

Självklart lyckades jag dra på mig en förkylning så här första veckan så min mesta tid har gått till att ligga och sova och dricka te. Men jag kämpat på att inte komma efter alldeles för mycket.
Det misstaget jag har gjort de senaste dagarna är att skriva std::end1 istället för std::endl, de borde verkligen fixa det så ettorna inte ser ut som ett litet L. Självklart glömmer jag lite då och då bort att avsluta raden med ;;. Men man […]

Självklart lyckades jag dra på mig en förkylning så här första veckan så min mesta tid har gått till att ligga och sova och dricka te. Men jag kämpat på att inte komma efter alldeles för mycket.
Det misstaget jag har gjort de senaste dagarna är att skriva std::end1 istället för std::endl, de borde verkligen fixa det så ettorna inte ser ut som ett litet L. Självklart glömmer jag lite då och då bort att avsluta raden med ;;. Men man […]

New Course – 2D Game Graphics!
Good news! I made it through Game Analysis & Game Design and leveled up to 2D Game Graphics – a 10 week course to learn how to draw art for video games. 🙂 I am really looking forward to all the lectures.
Croquis and Character Design
First week and I did already learn many new things. In the first and second lecture we did croquis. It was a interesting study on the feminine human anatomy, and I really felt I learned many […]

New Course – 2D Game Graphics!
Good news! I made it through Game Analysis & Game Design and leveled up to 2D Game Graphics – a 10 week course to learn how to draw art for video games. 🙂 I am really looking forward to all the lectures.
Croquis and Character Design
First week and I did already learn many new things. In the first and second lecture we did croquis. It was a interesting study on the feminine human anatomy, and I really felt I learned many […]