Daily Archives: March 9, 2017

Post #4 – Blood and Bones
This week was the week directly after our alpha play test. After showcasing our game to our fellow peers and the teachers we had received a lot of positive feedback and constructive criticism. Noting every valuable piece of commentary we set about to fix and change what was recommended of us. Working in the F building with my game designer Joel I decided to take up the task of creating art assets that would be used as death animations. The […]

Post #4 – Blood and Bones
This week was the week directly after our alpha play test. After showcasing our game to our fellow peers and the teachers we had received a lot of positive feedback and constructive criticism. Noting every valuable piece of commentary we set about to fix and change what was recommended of us. Working in the F building with my game designer Joel I decided to take up the task of creating art assets that would be used as death animations. The […]

This week concludes the series of blog posts about “Burn Witch, Burn!”. As such, I felt that a retrospective post is justified, even though the development process continues for another week. Being the lead coder in our group I’m going to focus on that aspect of the project.
The project was my first in Unity and C#, resulting in some hurdles that had to be overcome, or dragged along to the finish line. In C++ the #include directive is used to […]

This week concludes the series of blog posts about “Burn Witch, Burn!”. As such, I felt that a retrospective post is justified, even though the development process continues for another week. Being the lead coder in our group I’m going to focus on that aspect of the project.
The project was my first in Unity and C#, resulting in some hurdles that had to be overcome, or dragged along to the finish line. In C++ the #include directive is used to […]

HUD Creation
Last week I talked about the design decisions for the GUI I created for our game in development, and promised to continue from where I stopped, by talking about how I created the HUD and the stages this task went through.
Basically, the reasons why the HUD design looks as it is now (displayed in Fig1) is almost the same as some of those for the GUI so I won’t be talking in details about that as much as explaining what […]

HUD Creation
Last week I talked about the design decisions for the GUI I created for our game in development, and promised to continue from where I stopped, by talking about how I created the HUD and the stages this task went through.
Basically, the reasons why the HUD design looks as it is now (displayed in Fig1) is almost the same as some of those for the GUI so I won’t be talking in details about that as much as explaining what […]

Game Production Diary 5
For this week’s post, I’d like to write about my design of the boss arena, the interior and the end of our game.
For those of you who didn’t read my previous posts, where I think I mention the general ideas behind our game: my team is designing a game that will consist of the only level. Basicly, we try to deliver the whole narrative in one experience. Because of that, we need to finish our story after ending the only […]

Game Production Diary 5
For this week’s post, I’d like to write about my design of the boss arena, the interior and the end of our game.
For those of you who didn’t read my previous posts, where I think I mention the general ideas behind our game: my team is designing a game that will consist of the only level. Basicly, we try to deliver the whole narrative in one experience. Because of that, we need to finish our story after ending the only […]
Helping out the group
During these last weeks me and some other people from my group have had problems to reach 20 hours of working time. Not like we havent had that before, but this time it’s more than usual. We were nearly basically finished with our game and the two pogrammers barely had anything left to do but to fix some minor buggs or try to improve things that already work.
The only thing left to be implemented was the boss. Basically, everything is […]
Helping out the group
During these last weeks me and some other people from my group have had problems to reach 20 hours of working time. Not like we havent had that before, but this time it’s more than usual. We were nearly basically finished with our game and the two pogrammers barely had anything left to do but to fix some minor buggs or try to improve things that already work.
The only thing left to be implemented was the boss. Basically, everything is […]

Post #3 – Crosshair
This week marked an important week for my team and I. We had an important deadline which was alpha. Alpha meant that the game had to be playable and include basic functionality. Luckily to make a functioning game there was not so much stress on the graphics students as there was for the programmers and game designers as basic functionality did not depend on working animations. Nonetheless we still had work I aimed to complete.
I decided that for the alpha […]

Post #3 – Crosshair
This week marked an important week for my team and I. We had an important deadline which was alpha. Alpha meant that the game had to be playable and include basic functionality. Luckily to make a functioning game there was not so much stress on the graphics students as there was for the programmers and game designers as basic functionality did not depend on working animations. Nonetheless we still had work I aimed to complete.
I decided that for the alpha […]

Player damage-feedback
One artifact that I have been working on this week is “player damage”. If a player gets hit by an enemy in the game, there needs to be feedback so that they know they got hurt and have to move away.
In our current version of the game, the feedback is very simple. When an enemy collides with the player, we turn the player sprite red for av brief moment, then back to the original color again.
Previous implementation of the player taking damage. We […]

Player damage-feedback
One artifact that I have been working on this week is “player damage”. If a player gets hit by an enemy in the game, there needs to be feedback so that they know they got hurt and have to move away.
In our current version of the game, the feedback is very simple. When an enemy collides with the player, we turn the player sprite red for av brief moment, then back to the original color again.
Previous implementation of the player taking damage. We […]

Blog Post #5
“Chill Week”
Since the beta presentation, I have felt a huge relief both for the better and the worse. The current version of the project is on my laptop which I sadly don’t have in reach right now so there will be no pictures in this one, but will edit the post once I get the chance and add one.
I feel like the game is almost done, all that is left is some minor bug fixes, animations and a complete pause […]

Blog Post #5
“Chill Week”
Since the beta presentation, I have felt a huge relief both for the better and the worse. The current version of the project is on my laptop which I sadly don’t have in reach right now so there will be no pictures in this one, but will edit the post once I get the chance and add one.
I feel like the game is almost done, all that is left is some minor bug fixes, animations and a complete pause […]

Almost at the finish line! #5SD064
It’s weird, this is the last week before our game should be finnished and I don’t know what to do! Last week it felt like I had a gazillion things to do and I had to crunch to get them done. Now It’s just polishing small things, it doesn’t feel as it is as much work as last week. But shouldn’t it be the opposite? The week before the hand in should be the most stressfull? We have a game […]

Almost at the finish line! #5SD064
It’s weird, this is the last week before our game should be finnished and I don’t know what to do! Last week it felt like I had a gazillion things to do and I had to crunch to get them done. Now It’s just polishing small things, it doesn’t feel as it is as much work as last week. But shouldn’t it be the opposite? The week before the hand in should be the most stressfull? We have a game […]

Sound Settings (Coding) – Week 5
Now that we are slowly closing in to the final release of the game, one of the leftover tasks left to get involved with, are the sound settings of the game. Namely, i am talking about the master volume of the game, as well as the music volume and the SFX volume of it. As everyone is probably familiar with, there are always sounds in games that can be intrusive to different people (explosions or shooting for example), so the […]

Sound Settings (Coding) – Week 5
Now that we are slowly closing in to the final release of the game, one of the leftover tasks left to get involved with, are the sound settings of the game. Namely, i am talking about the master volume of the game, as well as the music volume and the SFX volume of it. As everyone is probably familiar with, there are always sounds in games that can be intrusive to different people (explosions or shooting for example), so the […]

Thoughs on my leadership
Today’s Blogpost
Since this will be one of my last posts for awhile I was considering doing this as a recap of what I have done good and what I need to improve for next time.
First of all I think that my team has made a good game and that I feel proud to have been part of that team. The effort and dedication they have put in to make it possible is something I admire and feel will make them […]

Thoughs on my leadership
Today’s Blogpost
Since this will be one of my last posts for awhile I was considering doing this as a recap of what I have done good and what I need to improve for next time.
First of all I think that my team has made a good game and that I feel proud to have been part of that team. The effort and dedication they have put in to make it possible is something I admire and feel will make them […]

How To Use GitHub
GitHub is a software that lets several people share and alter files like images and C#. This makes it so multiple people can work on the same project at once on different computers, at any time any were. You can create branches of the project, copies of the original files so testing can be done without the risk of destroying anything. These branches can be re introduce to the main files, merging them.
When getting GitHub you get GitHub and Git […]

How To Use GitHub
GitHub is a software that lets several people share and alter files like images and C#. This makes it so multiple people can work on the same project at once on different computers, at any time any were. You can create branches of the project, copies of the original files so testing can be done without the risk of destroying anything. These branches can be re introduce to the main files, merging them.
When getting GitHub you get GitHub and Git […]