Daily Archives: April 24, 2016

Second Post – Fever and Animation Training
The week before, I was having a fever and a cold, so I haven’t had much time on doing much else. On the remaining two days of that week, I spent the time on doing some animation training.
Here is a anticipation animation, with a guy throwing a huge punch.
Here is a squash and stretch animation of a head.

Second Post – Fever and Animation Training
The week before, I was having a fever and a cold, so I haven’t had much time on doing much else. On the remaining two days of that week, I spent the time on doing some animation training.
Here is a anticipation animation, with a guy throwing a huge punch.
Here is a squash and stretch animation of a head.
I will just summerize this week developmen and paste more about it later.
This week I have been modeling props. The props will be used to make the world more alive and block of areas where the player can not go to. The props I made are some ”broken loot stash” (I will pose picture and tell a bit more about them later. I am not on my laptop at the moment).
There was also a play testing on friday, were we merged scene […]
I will just summerize this week developmen and paste more about it later.
This week I have been modeling props. The props will be used to make the world more alive and block of areas where the player can not go to. The props I made are some ”broken loot stash” (I will pose picture and tell a bit more about them later. I am not on my laptop at the moment).
There was also a play testing on friday, were we merged scene […]

Short One this week
So this week we had our first play test. and it went rather well and we got a lot of feedback. So next week we will focus on fixing buggs for the beta that week. There will be a lott of work but we knew that wen we started this project.
Otherwise i have been working on a moss giant Ai that will make it walk and follow campfires and in the end help the player. Att first i did not really […]

Short One this week
So this week we had our first play test. and it went rather well and we got a lot of feedback. So next week we will focus on fixing buggs for the beta that week. There will be a lott of work but we knew that wen we started this project.
Otherwise i have been working on a moss giant Ai that will make it walk and follow campfires and in the end help the player. Att first i did not really […]
Big Game Project Week 3
We have now come to the third week of development for Kei and things have happened since last week!
First of all, we now have a lot more city to move around in and the city has colour! Second we have also finished the mesh for Kei and textured it. And last we are finished with the first enemy and put it all into the level.
The thing that I have done this week is kept building the city, at the moment […]
Big Game Project Week 3
We have now come to the third week of development for Kei and things have happened since last week!
First of all, we now have a lot more city to move around in and the city has colour! Second we have also finished the mesh for Kei and textured it. And last we are finished with the first enemy and put it all into the level.
The thing that I have done this week is kept building the city, at the moment […]

Week 4 BGP
Måndag 18/4 – Fixade klart fången. Jag fixade klart det sista med fången så att rätt vakt eskorterar rätt fånge. Tidigare fick jag problem med att när jag hade flera fångar och vakter så kunde det bli fel när en vakt skulle eskortera en fånge. Jag lyckades lösa det genom att fången sparar en variabel med vad för objekt den kolliderar med och om objektet då är en vakt och fången inte eskorteras av en annan vakt, så kommer fången följa […]

Week 4 BGP
Måndag 18/4 – Fixade klart fången. Jag fixade klart det sista med fången så att rätt vakt eskorterar rätt fånge. Tidigare fick jag problem med att när jag hade flera fångar och vakter så kunde det bli fel när en vakt skulle eskortera en fånge. Jag lyckades lösa det genom att fången sparar en variabel med vad för objekt den kolliderar med och om objektet då är en vakt och fången inte eskorteras av en annan vakt, så kommer fången följa […]

Week 3
The weeks fly by very fast now, and we are slowly getting closer to GGC and the end of the course.At the third week of the course I have finished Ilimarinen, done some rough sketches on the wedding guests that will appear in the game, worked on some frog concepts and started to finalize the wolf monster.
I have tried to keep a consistency in the art style with a soft shading and a hard outline.Ilmarinen is the master blacksmith and […]

Week 3
The weeks fly by very fast now, and we are slowly getting closer to GGC and the end of the course.At the third week of the course I have finished Ilimarinen, done some rough sketches on the wedding guests that will appear in the game, worked on some frog concepts and started to finalize the wolf monster.
I have tried to keep a consistency in the art style with a soft shading and a hard outline.Ilmarinen is the master blacksmith and […]

Week 4 – Creating a Context Menu
My project for this week has been to create a drop down menu (or as some call it, context menu) for when the player interacts with objects which controls the actions for each objects.
It’s a project I have been working on which has proven to be rather challenging, as I would need to access and save the object that has been pressed in order to manipulate it. Described in simple words the object selected would have to be saved into a […]

Week 4 – Creating a Context Menu
My project for this week has been to create a drop down menu (or as some call it, context menu) for when the player interacts with objects which controls the actions for each objects.
It’s a project I have been working on which has proven to be rather challenging, as I would need to access and save the object that has been pressed in order to manipulate it. Described in simple words the object selected would have to be saved into a […]

I created an asset where the player has to trigger a button to open a heavy stone door. To give it the player the feeling that the door is really old and heavy I decided to add screenshakes to increase the effect.
Knowing that this probably won’t be the only situation in the game where screenshakes are useful I wanted the script to be versatile and easily modified for many different instances.
Basic function
The script is added to the camera and modifies its position each […]

I created an asset where the player has to trigger a button to open a heavy stone door. To give it the player the feeling that the door is really old and heavy I decided to add screenshakes to increase the effect.
Knowing that this probably won’t be the only situation in the game where screenshakes are useful I wanted the script to be versatile and easily modified for many different instances.
Basic function
The script is added to the camera and modifies its position each […]

Week 2 of Big Game Project
By week two, our enviroment artis had created enough models for me and our producer to make unity assets. The first part of the week was spent doing that, as well as some unity etiquette and administrative duties. The second part of the week was spent creating the challenges that we had planned before production. Here are the mock-ups of them we made for pre-production: [to be inserted later, connections issues for now] …and here are the later versions:
I also […]

Week 2 of Big Game Project
By week two, our enviroment artis had created enough models for me and our producer to make unity assets. The first part of the week was spent doing that, as well as some unity etiquette and administrative duties. The second part of the week was spent creating the challenges that we had planned before production. Here are the mock-ups of them we made for pre-production: [to be inserted later, connections issues for now] …and here are the later versions:
I also […]
Big Game Project, Introduction & Week 1
Let me just start by saying that I am not a great log-keeper, and that I am writing this at the end of week four. Hopefully, the last four weekly updates will actually be weekly.
But back to the project. I am the lead designer for the game “Adventures in space and slime”, with the working title “Spacegoo Adventure”. It’s a 3d puzzle platforming game that hankers back to the late 90’s early 00’s, with Banjo Kazooie and other so-called collectathons […]
Big Game Project, Introduction & Week 1
Let me just start by saying that I am not a great log-keeper, and that I am writing this at the end of week four. Hopefully, the last four weekly updates will actually be weekly.
But back to the project. I am the lead designer for the game “Adventures in space and slime”, with the working title “Spacegoo Adventure”. It’s a 3d puzzle platforming game that hankers back to the late 90’s early 00’s, with Banjo Kazooie and other so-called collectathons […]

The Runes of Kalevala Developer’s Blog II – The Quickening
Trying to succinctly explain The Runes of Kalevala has proven quite difficult. We start talking and then people say ”So it’s an RPG”, and we go ”yeah, but…”. Trying to make a game that offers a wider appeal also means that the explanation becomes wider and less precise, pitching becomes a nightmare as it’s not easily pigeonholed. Bottom line is that the game we’re making isn’t about a genre of games, it’s about a group of players.
The Runes of Kalevala […]

The Runes of Kalevala Developer’s Blog II – The Quickening
Trying to succinctly explain The Runes of Kalevala has proven quite difficult. We start talking and then people say ”So it’s an RPG”, and we go ”yeah, but…”. Trying to make a game that offers a wider appeal also means that the explanation becomes wider and less precise, pitching becomes a nightmare as it’s not easily pigeonholed. Bottom line is that the game we’re making isn’t about a genre of games, it’s about a group of players.
The Runes of Kalevala […]

Week 3 – Playtesting
Welcome back everyone!
This week all the first and second year students had the opportunity to have a bunch of people to test their game. The playtesting was on Friday so we spent the whole week trying to prepare so we could test as many aspects as possible. The feedback we got from everyone was amazing and we also got to test some of the other games, least to say we were impressed.
To prepare for the playtesting I spent most of […]

Week 3 – Playtesting
Welcome back everyone!
This week all the first and second year students had the opportunity to have a bunch of people to test their game. The playtesting was on Friday so we spent the whole week trying to prepare so we could test as many aspects as possible. The feedback we got from everyone was amazing and we also got to test some of the other games, least to say we were impressed.
To prepare for the playtesting I spent most of […]