Monthly Archives: March 2016

Week 1 – Big Game Project Catch-up

It is that time of the year again.
It is time to develop a game, a vertical slice for Gotland Game Conference where me and my great team will exhibit a game concept we have had in the making for quite a while now. And this mysterious game for the time being is called F.R.A.U.S.
This post is the first of many to come, and the purpose with this one is to catch up with what I have been doing in the […]

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Program: Graphics

Week 1 – Big Game Project Catch-up

It is that time of the year again.
It is time to develop a game, a vertical slice for Gotland Game Conference where me and my great team will exhibit a game concept we have had in the making for quite a while now. And this mysterious game for the time being is called F.R.A.U.S.
This post is the first of many to come, and the purpose with this one is to catch up with what I have been doing in the […]

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Program: Graphics

Theme Park

Oh wow, I am saying it again, ooooohh wooow. What a week! It has been the first week for theme park, a course where I and my team will make an arcade game with an unusual input (that means we can’t use keyboard and mouse or a any handheld game controller). So me and my group have started working on a concept on a game where you play as a planet and you swing astroids using your gravitaional pull, that […]

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Program: Graphics

Theme Park

Oh wow, I am saying it again, ooooohh wooow. What a week! It has been the first week for theme park, a course where I and my team will make an arcade game with an unusual input (that means we can’t use keyboard and mouse or a any handheld game controller). So me and my group have started working on a concept on a game where you play as a planet and you swing astroids using your gravitaional pull, that […]

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Program: Graphics

blog 6 – 5SD033

Hej mitt namn är Robin och denna vecka har jag jobbat med att försöka göra klart vårat spel inför final redovisningen på fredag, och det jag försökte få klart inför den redovisningen var förbättringar till vårat scoreboard system så att när spelaren har klarat av spelet kan personen skriva in sitt namn, så att både namnet och poängen sparas i en textfil och om poängen är högre en dom tidigare poängen som finns i listan ska den göra så att poängen hamnar […]

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Program: Programming

blog 6 – 5SD033

Hej mitt namn är Robin och denna vecka har jag jobbat med att försöka göra klart vårat spel inför final redovisningen på fredag, och det jag försökte få klart inför den redovisningen var förbättringar till vårat scoreboard system så att när spelaren har klarat av spelet kan personen skriva in sitt namn, så att både namnet och poängen sparas i en textfil och om poängen är högre en dom tidigare poängen som finns i listan ska den göra så att poängen hamnar […]

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Program: Programming

Project – update

Last week I talked about how I used UDP to open up a TCP socket to send a file to the client. This week I did some more testing and it turns out that I don’t need to open up TCP in order to send an image. Since my solution was to use localhost as the communication platform between the two programs, the files that you want to use will also be on the local harddrive.
If the program was meant […]

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Program: Programming

Project – update

Last week I talked about how I used UDP to open up a TCP socket to send a file to the client. This week I did some more testing and it turns out that I don’t need to open up TCP in order to send an image. Since my solution was to use localhost as the communication platform between the two programs, the files that you want to use will also be on the local harddrive.
If the program was meant […]

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Program: Programming

Final rush

Good evening, dear readers.
This last week has been, well. It’s been stressful. Our code is a mess, the collision still doesn’t work, there’s no feedback when the Aquila takes damage, barely any special effects, like sparks from the damaged hull or fire from the thrusters, are implemented despite having existed for weeks. I don’t even know if our sound works yet. It’s a mess, and we’re supposed to be done at this point.
What affects me more personally is the fact […]

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Program: Graphics

Final rush

Good evening, dear readers.
This last week has been, well. It’s been stressful. Our code is a mess, the collision still doesn’t work, there’s no feedback when the Aquila takes damage, barely any special effects, like sparks from the damaged hull or fire from the thrusters, are implemented despite having existed for weeks. I don’t even know if our sound works yet. It’s a mess, and we’re supposed to be done at this point.
What affects me more personally is the fact […]

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Program: Graphics

[5SD033] Final Week: Interactive Tutorial

Hey! First of all sorry I’m late with this post, last week was really rough. I was supposed to write this post last Thursday, but since we had to finish this game by early Friday I and the rest of the team was hard working on all Thursday day and night. Now when that’s over I think it was fun to crunch on this game a last time, but I really hope it will be a month or two until next huge crunch. Working […]

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Program: Programming

[5SD033] Final Week: Interactive Tutorial

Hey! First of all sorry I’m late with this post, last week was really rough. I was supposed to write this post last Thursday, but since we had to finish this game by early Friday I and the rest of the team was hard working on all Thursday day and night. Now when that’s over I think it was fun to crunch on this game a last time, but I really hope it will be a month or two until next huge crunch. Working […]

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Program: Programming

UE4 March Jam – Post Mortem

A bit more than a week ago I participated in the Unreal Engine 4 monthly game jam (March 2016). I decided to go solo to better manage my time and get some game design practice as well as some more experience with the engine.
As with most game jams, all participants started out with a common theme. The theme for this month was “The Sky is the Limit”, chosen and inspired by the impressive Vulkan […]

March 22, 2016 / Comments Off on UE4 March Jam – Post Mortem
Program: Programming

UE4 March Jam – Post Mortem

A bit more than a week ago I participated in the Unreal Engine 4 monthly game jam (March 2016). I decided to go solo to better manage my time and get some game design practice as well as some more experience with the engine.
As with most game jams, all participants started out with a common theme. The theme for this month was “The Sky is the Limit”, chosen and inspired by the impressive Vulkan […]

March 22, 2016 / Comments Off on UE4 March Jam – Post Mortem
Program: Programming

Interactive storytelling

Dear and beloved readers!
I am attending three courses right now and trying to deal with a lot of stuff regarding my own life and the future of it, that is the main reason why it was a long time since I posted anything here. And also because I have been writing some posts for instead and reporting the ongoing development over there. So there is a lot of planning in all directions. 😉
So something’s are changing right now, I […]

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Program: Programming

Interactive storytelling

Dear and beloved readers!
I am attending three courses right now and trying to deal with a lot of stuff regarding my own life and the future of it, that is the main reason why it was a long time since I posted anything here. And also because I have been writing some posts for instead and reporting the ongoing development over there. So there is a lot of planning in all directions. 😉
So something’s are changing right now, I […]

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Program: Programming

Sixth Update; Potato Pirates

It is time for the sixth blogpost!The final stages of this assignment is coming to a close and i can say that I am happy with how our game turned up. For you who don’t exactly know what the game is about, a quick recap. The game is called potato pirates and is a top down, space shooter game. The player takes the place as the pilot Nelly, the Dot. She is a smuggler during the time of the prohibition. […]

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Program: Graphics

Sixth Update; Potato Pirates

It is time for the sixth blogpost!The final stages of this assignment is coming to a close and i can say that I am happy with how our game turned up. For you who don’t exactly know what the game is about, a quick recap. The game is called potato pirates and is a top down, space shooter game. The player takes the place as the pilot Nelly, the Dot. She is a smuggler during the time of the prohibition. […]

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Program: Graphics

Named pipe down the pipe drain

Last week I talked about named pipes. Named pipes seemed like a good idea on paper and I started this week with trying to find a way to get it to work. The problem was that named pipes works like a server. In order to connect it needs to be up all the time. I didn’t really want a system like that. I wanted the system to be independent, but if the client program was opened and gave new instructions […]

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Program: Programming

Named pipe down the pipe drain

Last week I talked about named pipes. Named pipes seemed like a good idea on paper and I started this week with trying to find a way to get it to work. The problem was that named pipes works like a server. In order to connect it needs to be up all the time. I didn’t really want a system like that. I wanted the system to be independent, but if the client program was opened and gave new instructions […]

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Program: Programming

Jobbmentalitet har guld i mun?

Dag börjar 05:30. Legat hela natten och gått igenom gårdagens händelser och känner frustration över hur personal hanterat min närvaro. Ny dag, ny skola, ny elever.Let’s do this!  – Läs hela inlägget här

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Program: Graphics

Jobbmentalitet har guld i mun?

Dag börjar 05:30. Legat hela natten och gått igenom gårdagens händelser och känner frustration över hur personal hanterat min närvaro. Ny dag, ny skola, ny elever.Let’s do this!  – Läs hela inlägget här

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Program: Graphics

Last Blog Post

Nu är kursens slut väldigt nära och takten på projektet har ökats markant. Det har crunchat en hel del med många timmar per dag. Mycket har blivit gjort under dessa sista dagar vilket gör det svårt att välja bara en artifakt att skriva om. Det som har gjorts är mycket saker men för det mesta små saker. Det jag gjorde förra veckan som var nytt för mig, fast fortfarande inte helt nytt, var att implementera animationer på skölden när den […]

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Program: Programming

Last Blog Post

Nu är kursens slut väldigt nära och takten på projektet har ökats markant. Det har crunchat en hel del med många timmar per dag. Mycket har blivit gjort under dessa sista dagar vilket gör det svårt att välja bara en artifakt att skriva om. Det som har gjorts är mycket saker men för det mesta små saker. Det jag gjorde förra veckan som var nytt för mig, fast fortfarande inte helt nytt, var att implementera animationer på skölden när den […]

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Program: Programming