Daily Archives: November 25, 2014

Has the entertainment industry gone too far?
Today was an ordinary day where I finally had some spare time on my hands and decided to watch a movie. I don’t know what came over me but I wanted to watch the “How to train your dragon 2″- Movie as I really liked the first one I watched and I have been thinking about watching this one for a while.
Everything was all well en good but this time I was watching this movie in a different way, I […]

Has the entertainment industry gone too far?
Today was an ordinary day where I finally had some spare time on my hands and decided to watch a movie. I don’t know what came over me but I wanted to watch the “How to train your dragon 2″- Movie as I really liked the first one I watched and I have been thinking about watching this one for a while.
Everything was all well en good but this time I was watching this movie in a different way, I […]

Motion Graphics with After Effects
The reason for this post is that I would like to showcase the work I’ve created in After Effects during the 2 weeks studying the Motion Graphics course for anyone interested. As a complete beginner of After Effects I struggled in the beginning to understand the functions of the software and how to think when placing your key frames. After thousands and thousands of video tutorials, late nights and lots of frustration I started to get a hang of it. […]

Motion Graphics with After Effects
The reason for this post is that I would like to showcase the work I’ve created in After Effects during the 2 weeks studying the Motion Graphics course for anyone interested. As a complete beginner of After Effects I struggled in the beginning to understand the functions of the software and how to think when placing your key frames. After thousands and thousands of video tutorials, late nights and lots of frustration I started to get a hang of it. […]

Motion Graphics with After Effects
The reason for this post is that I would like to showcase the work I’ve created in After Effects during the 2 weeks studying the Motion Graphics course for anyone interested. As a complete beginner of After Effects I struggled in the beginning to understand the functions of the software and how to think when placing your key frames. After thousands and thousands of video tutorials, late nights and lots of frustration I started to get a hang of it. […]

Motion Graphics with After Effects
The reason for this post is that I would like to showcase the work I’ve created in After Effects during the 2 weeks studying the Motion Graphics course for anyone interested. As a complete beginner of After Effects I struggled in the beginning to understand the functions of the software and how to think when placing your key frames. After thousands and thousands of video tutorials, late nights and lots of frustration I started to get a hang of it. […]

The looping sound of progress.
Today was a better day, i made a lot of progress.
I worked until lunch with adding the functionality of the class.
During the day i realized that having a number sent in while adding numbers to the list was not a good solution for when i sent in single numbers later. Because if this is reworked the function to instead go through the exciting nodes in order to find the right place in the list. I found that drawing a diagram […]

The looping sound of progress.
Today was a better day, i made a lot of progress.
I worked until lunch with adding the functionality of the class.
During the day i realized that having a number sent in while adding numbers to the list was not a good solution for when i sent in single numbers later. Because if this is reworked the function to instead go through the exciting nodes in order to find the right place in the list. I found that drawing a diagram […]

The end of the second week of Game Programming I and our lecturer guided the class in putting together basic, two-player Pong during a two-day intensive workshop. In this project we’ve gone beyond the scope of what we’ve covered so far in the course, which has no programming prerequisites, so it’s right into the deep end!
Collision in this version is rough:
The ball can sometimes get “stuck” against the paddle. The collision programming negates the direction but the ball sometimes doesn’t […]

The end of the second week of Game Programming I and our lecturer guided the class in putting together basic, two-player Pong during a two-day intensive workshop. In this project we’ve gone beyond the scope of what we’ve covered so far in the course, which has no programming prerequisites, so it’s right into the deep end!
Collision in this version is rough:
The ball can sometimes get “stuck” against the paddle. The collision programming negates the direction but the ball sometimes doesn’t […]

Squash (pong mod)
This is sort of a late blog post due to a busy weekend, so I’m posting now.
(Sorry if the language is confusing somewhere)
Last week we learned some fundamentals of programming by creating the simple game Pong. Allthough the simplicity I think I’ve learned alot from that!
I’ve been tweeking around on the Pong-code we did and made my own little game: Squash (it’s not complete though)
So basically, the mechanics are kind of the same as Pong, but instead of having […]

Squash (pong mod)
This is sort of a late blog post due to a busy weekend, so I’m posting now.
(Sorry if the language is confusing somewhere)
Last week we learned some fundamentals of programming by creating the simple game Pong. Allthough the simplicity I think I’ve learned alot from that!
I’ve been tweeking around on the Pong-code we did and made my own little game: Squash (it’s not complete though)
So basically, the mechanics are kind of the same as Pong, but instead of having […]

Squash (pong mod)
This is sort of a late blog post due to a busy weekend, so I’m posting now.
(Sorry if the language is confusing somewhere)
Last week we learned some fundamentals of programming by creating the simple game Pong. Allthough the simplicity I think I’ve learned alot from that!
I’ve been tweeking around on the Pong-code we did and made my own little game: Squash (it’s not complete though)
So basically, the mechanics are kind of the same as Pong, but instead of having […]

Squash (pong mod)
This is sort of a late blog post due to a busy weekend, so I’m posting now.
(Sorry if the language is confusing somewhere)
Last week we learned some fundamentals of programming by creating the simple game Pong. Allthough the simplicity I think I’ve learned alot from that!
I’ve been tweeking around on the Pong-code we did and made my own little game: Squash (it’s not complete though)
So basically, the mechanics are kind of the same as Pong, but instead of having […]