Daily Archives: November 17, 2014

Nim the Snowman
The background for the winter level of Totemic is complete, as a bonus you get Nim, the snowman. 🙂

Nim the Snowman
The background for the winter level of Totemic is complete, as a bonus you get Nim, the snowman. 🙂

Game Programming III – the second week, linked lists part two (2)
Hello again.
Let’s continue with our linked list shall we? This post will (hopefully) go through the remaining methods for our linked list and in part three (3) I will make a variant that is generic, so that it can store all types of data, not just integer values. I’ve added a clear method to the class as well as deallocations in the destructor to prevent memory leaks. I should also point out that the methods are not always showing […]

Game Programming III – the second week, linked lists part two (2)
Hello again.
Let’s continue with our linked list shall we? This post will (hopefully) go through the remaining methods for our linked list and in part three (3) I will make a variant that is generic, so that it can store all types of data, not just integer values. I’ve added a clear method to the class as well as deallocations in the destructor to prevent memory leaks. I should also point out that the methods are not always showing […]

Game Programming III – the second week, linked lists part two (2)
Hello again.
Let’s continue with our linked list shall we? This post will (hopefully) go through the remaining methods for our linked list and in part three (3) I will make a variant that is generic, so that it can store all types of data, not just integer values. I’ve added a clear method to the class as well as deallocations in the destructor to prevent memory leaks. I should also point out that the methods are not always showing […]

Game Programming III – the second week, linked lists part two (2)
Hello again.
Let’s continue with our linked list shall we? This post will (hopefully) go through the remaining methods for our linked list and in part three (3) I will make a variant that is generic, so that it can store all types of data, not just integer values. I’ve added a clear method to the class as well as deallocations in the destructor to prevent memory leaks. I should also point out that the methods are not always showing […]

Metal Texture
I have been working on a tiled metal texture over the last few days, there are still some problems with the dark patches but it is starting to look pretty good. It has Diffuse, Gloss and Normal maps attached to it and this is how it looks in Unreal 4.

Metal Texture
I have been working on a tiled metal texture over the last few days, there are still some problems with the dark patches but it is starting to look pretty good. It has Diffuse, Gloss and Normal maps attached to it and this is how it looks in Unreal 4.
Motion Capture – A Quick Uncharted 3 Animation Analysis
I have chosen to do some research and write about one of my favourites; Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception (2011) and how they used motion capture for some of the animations.
Finding information about the setup was pretty tricky since a lot of the information found was not full explained which lead me on a wild goose chase trying to find out the correct and full story. While some say that Naughty Dog used an in-house studio, others say that they used […]
Motion Capture – A Quick Uncharted 3 Animation Analysis
I have chosen to do some research and write about one of my favourites; Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception (2011) and how they used motion capture for some of the animations.
Finding information about the setup was pretty tricky since a lot of the information found was not full explained which lead me on a wild goose chase trying to find out the correct and full story. While some say that Naughty Dog used an in-house studio, others say that they used […]

Motion Capture in Heavy Rain
Heavy Rain used Passive Optical Motion Capture, both for body- and facial capture.
These two were done separately, recording the body capture in one take and the facial capture in a separate take.
Facial capture was most likely not used very heavily in intense action scenes, but rather for the more “intimate” scenes in between when the player gets to see the faces more up-close, inciting an emotional reaction.
I’m not sure how much the method cost Quantic Dream during development, but […]

Motion Capture in Heavy Rain
Heavy Rain used Passive Optical Motion Capture, both for body- and facial capture.
These two were done separately, recording the body capture in one take and the facial capture in a separate take.
Facial capture was most likely not used very heavily in intense action scenes, but rather for the more “intimate” scenes in between when the player gets to see the faces more up-close, inciting an emotional reaction.
I’m not sure how much the method cost Quantic Dream during development, but […]

Motion Capture in Heavy Rain
Heavy Rain used Passive Optical Motion Capture, both for body- and facial capture.
These two were done separately, recording the body capture in one take and the facial capture in a separate take.
Facial capture was most likely not used very heavily in intense action scenes, but rather for the more “intimate” scenes in between when the player gets to see the faces more up-close, inciting an emotional reaction.
I’m not sure how much the method cost Quantic Dream during development, but […]

Motion Capture in Heavy Rain
Heavy Rain used Passive Optical Motion Capture, both for body- and facial capture.
These two were done separately, recording the body capture in one take and the facial capture in a separate take.
Facial capture was most likely not used very heavily in intense action scenes, but rather for the more “intimate” scenes in between when the player gets to see the faces more up-close, inciting an emotional reaction.
I’m not sure how much the method cost Quantic Dream during development, but […]