Daily Archives: February 20, 2014

Game Project Week 5

This week have I worked with the pause menu, customization menu, options menu and quit menu. The color scheme in the menus is the same as the avatar has. And I think it looks good and works well with the overall art style of the game. I had some worries that the brown would be too much and look boring, but I think it worked out fine.
The flaps are used to switch between the different menus. We chose flaps because […]

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Program: Graphics

Game Project Week 5

This week have I worked with the pause menu, customization menu, options menu and quit menu. The color scheme in the menus is the same as the avatar has. And I think it looks good and works well with the overall art style of the game. I had some worries that the brown would be too much and look boring, but I think it worked out fine.
The flaps are used to switch between the different menus. We chose flaps because […]

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Program: Graphics


“Animation, switching between pictures in a spritesheet, should not be that hard.”
A simple statement, however when I started working on our AnimationManager I realised just how wrong it was. At least in my case, where I tried to create an “Animation” class and then a “AnimationManager” to hold all the different Animations.
My original thought was that in the AnimationManager, there would be a vector with all the different animations, and that all entities would then have their own little map […]

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Program: Programming


“Animation, switching between pictures in a spritesheet, should not be that hard.”
A simple statement, however when I started working on our AnimationManager I realised just how wrong it was. At least in my case, where I tried to create an “Animation” class and then a “AnimationManager” to hold all the different Animations.
My original thought was that in the AnimationManager, there would be a vector with all the different animations, and that all entities would then have their own little map […]

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Program: Programming

Second Artifact – Level Editor (kind of)

Another week, another Artifact. This time it will not be from the game itself, but a tool to make it easier to create the level.
So, I have been working on a Level Editor for our game, With Intent. The reason for having it is so that it will be easier and faster to build the level with all the walls, furniture’s, doors, guards and their waypoints, start- and end-positions. Without an editor we would probably have to input all […]

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Program: Programming

Second Artifact – Level Editor (kind of)

Another week, another Artifact. This time it will not be from the game itself, but a tool to make it easier to create the level.
So, I have been working on a Level Editor for our game, With Intent. The reason for having it is so that it will be easier and faster to build the level with all the walls, furniture’s, doors, guards and their waypoints, start- and end-positions. Without an editor we would probably have to input all […]

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Program: Programming

Making a Game Part 2 – AI

This week I chose one of the more difficult artifacts on the sprint planning: making the enemies chase and then kill the player.
My first thoughts about this was to just make the player “lose the game” if he collided with any of the patrolling guards. Now, instead of doing a collision-check I made a function that returns the distance between the player a guard (cycling through all the guards in their Update()-method):
Which basically just does a pythagorean calculation […]

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Program: Programming

Making a Game Part 2 – AI

This week I chose one of the more difficult artifacts on the sprint planning: making the enemies chase and then kill the player.
My first thoughts about this was to just make the player “lose the game” if he collided with any of the patrolling guards. Now, instead of doing a collision-check I made a function that returns the distance between the player a guard (cycling through all the guards in their Update()-method):
Which basically just does a pythagorean calculation […]

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Program: Programming

Hi! Let’s BLOG!
This week I have been kind of lazy (compared to earlier weeks). I have been fixing alot of bugs, wich I am proud of, but not going to talk about since bugs are boring and irritating and I can never see them as features. Especially not when they cause the game to crash. What kind of feature could that become? ”In this game you can’t kill an enemy with another bullet than the first one you shot that […]

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Program: Programming

Hi! Let’s BLOG!
This week I have been kind of lazy (compared to earlier weeks). I have been fixing alot of bugs, wich I am proud of, but not going to talk about since bugs are boring and irritating and I can never see them as features. Especially not when they cause the game to crash. What kind of feature could that become? ”In this game you can’t kill an enemy with another bullet than the first one you shot that […]

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Program: Programming

ALPHA Presentation

Don’t be good, be great – Jay Z

While listening to one of our worlds greatest hip-hoppers, Jay Z, song F.U.T.W. I’ve got the feeling of not being satisfied. Wanting more and more. I don’t settle to be good at something, I wan’t to be great. I wan’t to reach the big stage, and I want to be there now.
Tomorrow we’ll have our presentation of the ALPHA for our game Suit ‘em Up. This means that we will talk about our game […]

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Program: Graphics

ALPHA Presentation

Don’t be good, be great – Jay Z

While listening to one of our worlds greatest hip-hoppers, Jay Z, song F.U.T.W. I’ve got the feeling of not being satisfied. Wanting more and more. I don’t settle to be good at something, I wan’t to be great. I wan’t to reach the big stage, and I want to be there now.
Tomorrow we’ll have our presentation of the ALPHA for our game Suit ‘em Up. This means that we will talk about our game […]

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Program: Graphics

Speeches and Presentations

This week, as my duty as the producer of the group, I’ve been preparing for the ALPHA-presentation, as well as improving the main-menu concept a little bit and helped out with some odds and ends. As the main menu is not that interesting, and the odds and ends are a bit sparse, I’ve decided to write about what I’m going to talk about tomorrow (Friday 21/2-2014)! The following is not a script, but just the general outline I’ll follow when […]

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Program: Graphics

Speeches and Presentations

This week, as my duty as the producer of the group, I’ve been preparing for the ALPHA-presentation, as well as improving the main-menu concept a little bit and helped out with some odds and ends. As the main menu is not that interesting, and the odds and ends are a bit sparse, I’ve decided to write about what I’m going to talk about tomorrow (Friday 21/2-2014)! The following is not a script, but just the general outline I’ll follow when […]

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Program: Graphics

Game Development and Coding 20 Feb 2014 – Player Sprite Animation

Courtesy of Nils Wennergren
Animated Sprites with C++ and SFML.
It’s always helpful to see a representation of your avatar on the screen in the form of a sprite. But just having a sprite on the players location is not always enough. You’ll probably want it to be animated in some way. It seems a bit more alive then. This of course applies to a lot more objects in the game than just the player, though maybe not every single […]

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Program: Programming

Game Development and Coding 20 Feb 2014 – Player Sprite Animation

Courtesy of Nils Wennergren
Animated Sprites with C++ and SFML.
It’s always helpful to see a representation of your avatar on the screen in the form of a sprite. But just having a sprite on the players location is not always enough. You’ll probably want it to be animated in some way. It seems a bit more alive then. This of course applies to a lot more objects in the game than just the player, though maybe not every single […]

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Program: Programming

Week 5 – With Intent (group 4)

This week I’ve been working on the Furniture Manager and the Door class, I’m going to work on the Door Manager tomorrow.

The furniture have 3 light modes (2 are shown), mode 1 is see-through, mode 2 is semi-transparent (bottom one) and mode 3 is solid (left one).
I did encounter some trouble making this manager, since sf::Shape doesn’t move the vertices when you set rotation for the image, the Hull Manager took the position of the original vertices, which resulted […]

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Program: Programming

Week 5 – With Intent (group 4)

This week I’ve been working on the Furniture Manager and the Door class, I’m going to work on the Door Manager tomorrow.

The furniture have 3 light modes (2 are shown), mode 1 is see-through, mode 2 is semi-transparent (bottom one) and mode 3 is solid (left one).
I did encounter some trouble making this manager, since sf::Shape doesn’t move the vertices when you set rotation for the image, the Hull Manager took the position of the original vertices, which resulted […]

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Program: Programming

Overheat och enemies.

Den här veckan har jag suttit och pysslat med en hel del olika saker, bland annat med ett vapen heat system som håller koll på om vapnet kan skjutas eller om det behöver kylas ned. Det hela har en mängd små delar som var och en utgör en viktig del för att överhettningen ska fungera som den borde. Dels har vi variablerna som vårat player object håller koll på så som maximala mängden värme som vapnet kan klara av, mängden […]

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Program: Programming

Overheat och enemies.

Den här veckan har jag suttit och pysslat med en hel del olika saker, bland annat med ett vapen heat system som håller koll på om vapnet kan skjutas eller om det behöver kylas ned. Det hela har en mängd små delar som var och en utgör en viktig del för att överhettningen ska fungera som den borde. Dels har vi variablerna som vårat player object håller koll på så som maximala mängden värme som vapnet kan klara av, mängden […]

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Program: Programming

Game Project Week 5

This week have I worked with the pause menu, customization menu, options menu and quit menu. The color scheme in the menus is the same as the avatar has. And I think it looks good and works well with the overall art style of the game. I had some worries that the brown would be too much and look boring, but I think it worked out fine.
The flaps are used to switch between the different menus. We chose flaps because […]

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Program: Graphics

Game Project Week 5

This week have I worked with the pause menu, customization menu, options menu and quit menu. The color scheme in the menus is the same as the avatar has. And I think it looks good and works well with the overall art style of the game. I had some worries that the brown would be too much and look boring, but I think it worked out fine.
The flaps are used to switch between the different menus. We chose flaps because […]

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Program: Graphics

I am back again for another post. And it has only been a week!
So, this week I have not really made anything big, just a few props to fill out the game world.
Out of these things I guess that the most interesting one might be the couch.
Since the game is set in the fifties or early sixties I went on the internet to find pictures of couches ca 1950. I must say that I was quite surprised to find that […]

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Program: Graphics

I am back again for another post. And it has only been a week!
So, this week I have not really made anything big, just a few props to fill out the game world.
Out of these things I guess that the most interesting one might be the couch.
Since the game is set in the fifties or early sixties I went on the internet to find pictures of couches ca 1950. I must say that I was quite surprised to find that […]

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Program: Graphics