Monthly Archives: February 2014

Gender Equality in the Game Industry
Gender equality is a very hot topic at the moment and the game development industry is no exception, one of the most discussed topics is the case of the female armor. Very often you see in games that male characters are depicted in full armor, looking strong and masculine while the female characters are given armor that barely covers anything; basically she is going into battle in a metal bikini.
Example of Female Armor […]

Gender Equality in the Game Industry
Gender equality is a very hot topic at the moment and the game development industry is no exception, one of the most discussed topics is the case of the female armor. Very often you see in games that male characters are depicted in full armor, looking strong and masculine while the female characters are given armor that barely covers anything; basically she is going into battle in a metal bikini.
Example of Female Armor […]

Happy-Pill Power-Up Activation & Title Screen Music
This week iv’e been home, away from school and Gotland. I’ve still got work to do on our project though and this week my focus has been on cleaning up the last bit of sound effects laying around in order to completely focus my efforts on voice-overs for our main character and enemies. In addition to making some of the sounds you’ll hear in our menus i’ve worked on a sound called “Happy-Pill Power-Up Activation”. When our character takes a […]

Happy-Pill Power-Up Activation & Title Screen Music
This week iv’e been home, away from school and Gotland. I’ve still got work to do on our project though and this week my focus has been on cleaning up the last bit of sound effects laying around in order to completely focus my efforts on voice-overs for our main character and enemies. In addition to making some of the sounds you’ll hear in our menus i’ve worked on a sound called “Happy-Pill Power-Up Activation”. When our character takes a […]

Happy-Pill Power-Up Activation & Title Screen Music
This week iv’e been home, away from school and Gotland. I’ve still got work to do on our project though and this week my focus has been on cleaning up the last bit of sound effects laying around in order to completely focus my efforts on voice-overs for our main character and enemies. In addition to making some of the sounds you’ll hear in our menus i’ve worked on a sound called “Happy-Pill Power-Up Activation”. When our character takes a […]

Happy-Pill Power-Up Activation & Title Screen Music
This week iv’e been home, away from school and Gotland. I’ve still got work to do on our project though and this week my focus has been on cleaning up the last bit of sound effects laying around in order to completely focus my efforts on voice-overs for our main character and enemies. In addition to making some of the sounds you’ll hear in our menus i’ve worked on a sound called “Happy-Pill Power-Up Activation”. When our character takes a […]

Boss fights!
Alpha has gone by, and we are now officially in the beta stage! So for the beta, us programmers of Ladybugs Productions decided to finalize the AI that we’re going to use in the game. This includes the 3 boss fights, whose design I’ll go over in this post.
Skulls “masterfully” edited in by meOriginal suit made by Ludde
The first two bosses (white skulls in the picture) are interchangeable and can be killed in any order.
In the left sleeve, there’s […]

Boss fights!
Alpha has gone by, and we are now officially in the beta stage! So for the beta, us programmers of Ladybugs Productions decided to finalize the AI that we’re going to use in the game. This includes the 3 boss fights, whose design I’ll go over in this post.
Skulls “masterfully” edited in by meOriginal suit made by Ludde
The first two bosses (white skulls in the picture) are interchangeable and can be killed in any order.
In the left sleeve, there’s […]

Item Class Friday
Today i remade the pickup items into their own class but moving variables and functionality from the GameObject class(which the Item now inherits) it took most of the day to replace all the items and correct all the places where they were mentioned into working properly but it turned out good in the end. I still have the bugs where items will fly in the wrong direction when thrown and they still don’t collide with walls but we decided to […]

Item Class Friday
Today i remade the pickup items into their own class but moving variables and functionality from the GameObject class(which the Item now inherits) it took most of the day to replace all the items and correct all the places where they were mentioned into working properly but it turned out good in the end. I still have the bugs where items will fly in the wrong direction when thrown and they still don’t collide with walls but we decided to […]

Project Aurora, post 7, (Blog Assignment 4) Camera problem
Ok, following up on previous post, I had a lot of problems getting the light circle to work as I wanted and all the problems basicly led back to how the view or camera of the game was updated and the position of everything. So this post will be about the camera and maybe some light circle stuff.
At first we didn’t have a camera class to handle the camera. We used SFML’s built in sf::view which handle what the player […]

Project Aurora, post 7, (Blog Assignment 4) Camera problem
Ok, following up on previous post, I had a lot of problems getting the light circle to work as I wanted and all the problems basicly led back to how the view or camera of the game was updated and the position of everything. So this post will be about the camera and maybe some light circle stuff.
At first we didn’t have a camera class to handle the camera. We used SFML’s built in sf::view which handle what the player […]

Codename: Haunted Light – GameStates
This week I have accomplished a couple of things.
I changed what the Object-Manager stores. Previously it stored GameObjects but now it stores pointers to GameObjects. This prevents the object you want to store inside the Object-Manager from being destroyed when it gets copied over to the map container. Due to this change I also managed to fix a couple of memory leaks concerning the objects sprites and colliders not getting destroyed. Another thing I did was making the game scale […]

Codename: Haunted Light – GameStates
This week I have accomplished a couple of things.
I changed what the Object-Manager stores. Previously it stored GameObjects but now it stores pointers to GameObjects. This prevents the object you want to store inside the Object-Manager from being destroyed when it gets copied over to the map container. Due to this change I also managed to fix a couple of memory leaks concerning the objects sprites and colliders not getting destroyed. Another thing I did was making the game scale […]

Haunted Light – Pathfinding!
This was a hard nut to crack. And I’m not going to lie, our lead programmer,, was extremely helpful with this, since he supplied me with A* pathfinding code from one of his projects. And so I analyzed that code and figured out the logic behind it. I also used this website to try and figure it out: I also read about A* at other sites, but those two sources were my main help […]

Haunted Light – Pathfinding!
This was a hard nut to crack. And I’m not going to lie, our lead programmer,, was extremely helpful with this, since he supplied me with A* pathfinding code from one of his projects. And so I analyzed that code and figured out the logic behind it. I also used this website to try and figure it out: I also read about A* at other sites, but those two sources were my main help […]

Started with coding
So last week I started on the coding process as I completed the documentation part. The task I started with next was a score manager that would keep track of the points, and then being saved to a file; in this case a text file. Every time the program is run 100 points are added to the text file. This means that the score is saved in the text file and always being kept there until the next time the […]

Started with coding
So last week I started on the coding process as I completed the documentation part. The task I started with next was a score manager that would keep track of the points, and then being saved to a file; in this case a text file. Every time the program is run 100 points are added to the text file. This means that the score is saved in the text file and always being kept there until the next time the […]

Making a Game Part 3 – Shooting
So, here we are again.
This week I chose to try implementing animations and shooting, both of which being pretty big additions to a game.
However, this post will only be about the shooting, leaving the animations for another day.
First thoughts about shooting: bullets need to be their own object and only spawned/despawned when actually in use, so as to not cause unnecessary performance-drops.
The bullets also need to be associated with the player, the enemies and the walls, so an efficient way […]

Making a Game Part 3 – Shooting
So, here we are again.
This week I chose to try implementing animations and shooting, both of which being pretty big additions to a game.
However, this post will only be about the shooting, leaving the animations for another day.
First thoughts about shooting: bullets need to be their own object and only spawned/despawned when actually in use, so as to not cause unnecessary performance-drops.
The bullets also need to be associated with the player, the enemies and the walls, so an efficient way […]

Haunted Light – Pathfinding!
This was a hard nut to crack. And I’m not going to lie, our lead programmer,, was extremely helpful with this, since he supplied me with A* pathfinding code from one of his projects. And so I analyzed that code and figured out the logic behind it. I also used this website to try and figure it out: I also read about A* at other sites, but those two sources were my main help […]

Haunted Light – Pathfinding!
This was a hard nut to crack. And I’m not going to lie, our lead programmer,, was extremely helpful with this, since he supplied me with A* pathfinding code from one of his projects. And so I analyzed that code and figured out the logic behind it. I also used this website to try and figure it out: I also read about A* at other sites, but those two sources were my main help […]

Artifact of the week, AI.
Hello dear class mate(s).
This week I have been working with some simpler kind of AI. As always we have been using Box2D mostly for walls but that isn’t anything that I plan on rambling on every post about how it works, just so you know where the b2vec is coming from.
Before the feature freeze we decided that we probably should cut down on the number of enemies. We had four of them planned at that point. It is 3 and […]

Artifact of the week, AI.
Hello dear class mate(s).
This week I have been working with some simpler kind of AI. As always we have been using Box2D mostly for walls but that isn’t anything that I plan on rambling on every post about how it works, just so you know where the b2vec is coming from.
Before the feature freeze we decided that we probably should cut down on the number of enemies. We had four of them planned at that point. It is 3 and […]