Daily Archives: February 7, 2018


Если удастся Тебе разобрать всякие
и Когда к Тебе заглянет в приоткрытую дверь.
И подумаешь Ты “и что же теперь?”
Ведь, ответив на все Жизни вопросы, может стать туго.
Осознаешь внезапно, что Ты ходишь по Кругу.
Только спокойствие! Не паникуй.
И по протоптанной дороге продолжай маршируй.
И подумаешь Ты “и что же значит всё Это?”
Это всего лишь карта к дороге от сего Света.
Истории и Песни и Загадки Ты не забудь.
Эти звезды помогут в Темноте найти Путь.
Мы рады всегда […]

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Program: Game Design


Если удастся Тебе разобрать всякие
и Когда к Тебе заглянет в приоткрытую дверь.
И подумаешь Ты “и что же теперь?”
Ведь, ответив на все Жизни вопросы, может стать туго.
Осознаешь внезапно, что Ты ходишь по Кругу.
Только спокойствие! Не паникуй.
И по протоптанной дороге продолжай маршируй.
И подумаешь Ты “и что же значит всё Это?”
Это всего лишь карта к дороге от сего Света.
Истории и Песни и Загадки Ты не забудь.
Эти звезды помогут в Темноте найти Путь.
Мы рады всегда […]

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Program: Game Design

Game Design 2: Blogpost #1, Paralaxing backgrounds

For this blog post I will be writing about the code I have written for the looping paralaxing background in our game called Behemoth. My name is Jonathan Berggren, I am part of group Siren which is a group of students at Uppsala University, Campus Gotland. I am the only programmer in our group.
For our game we want to simulate movement of the ship by making the background continuously scroll to the left. The code that is used for this […]

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Program: Programming

Game Design 2: Blogpost #1, Paralaxing backgrounds

For this blog post I will be writing about the code I have written for the looping paralaxing background in our game called Behemoth. My name is Jonathan Berggren, I am part of group Siren which is a group of students at Uppsala University, Campus Gotland. I am the only programmer in our group.
For our game we want to simulate movement of the ship by making the background continuously scroll to the left. The code that is used for this […]

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Program: Programming

Game Design 2, Blog 1

For this blogpost I will be writing about the code I have written for the looping paralaxing background in our game called Behemoth. My name is Jonathan Berggren, I am part of group Siren and am the only programmer in our group.
For our game we want to simulate movement of the ship by making the background continuously scroll to the left.

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Program: Programming

Game Design 2, Blog 1

For this blogpost I will be writing about the code I have written for the looping paralaxing background in our game called Behemoth. My name is Jonathan Berggren, I am part of group Siren and am the only programmer in our group.
For our game we want to simulate movement of the ship by making the background continuously scroll to the left.

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Program: Programming

Testing 1, 2, 1, 2

Gonna keep the text under this so that I have access to it. Hopefully I can get this going
Det här är ditt allra första inlägg. Klicka på Redigera-länken om du vill ändra eller ta bort det eller skriv ett nytt inlägg. Om du vill kan du använda det här inlägget till att berätta för dina läsare om varför du startade din blogg och vad du tänker göra med den. Om du behöver hjälp kan du fråga de vänliga personerna […]

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Program: Graphics

Testing 1, 2, 1, 2

Gonna keep the text under this so that I have access to it. Hopefully I can get this going
Det här är ditt allra första inlägg. Klicka på Redigera-länken om du vill ändra eller ta bort det eller skriv ett nytt inlägg. Om du vill kan du använda det här inlägget till att berätta för dina läsare om varför du startade din blogg och vad du tänker göra med den. Om du behöver hjälp kan du fråga de vänliga personerna […]

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Program: Graphics

Design Blog – 1

Shield Mechanic
Last week we implemented the shield function to our upcoming game. Our player avatar, referred as “Behemoth”, has multiple mechanics and protecting yourself is one of them. The Behemoth has four different placement for its shield. Each placement for the shield has its own key bind to it. Starting from the top of the avatar the key binds are as follows:
Key Input 
Shield placement 1: H
Shield placement 2: J
Shield placement 3: K
Shield placement 4: L
Preventing Fire and Killing Enemies
As you […]

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Program: Game Design

Design Blog – 1

Shield Mechanic
Last week we implemented the shield function to our upcoming game. Our player avatar, referred as “Behemoth”, has multiple mechanics and protecting yourself is one of them. The Behemoth has four different placement for its shield. Each placement for the shield has its own key bind to it. Starting from the top of the avatar the key binds are as follows:
Key Input 
Shield placement 1: H
Shield placement 2: J
Shield placement 3: K
Shield placement 4: L
Preventing Fire and Killing Enemies
As you […]

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Program: Game Design

Blog post 1 – 20180208 – Using stories to guide the design process

The subject for this post: The process of breaking down a user story about a whale. The aim of this process was to create tasks for the team members to work on during sprint 3.
So – what did I do this week? As the lead designer, I led the design discussion in the sprint 3 planning meeting, Monday 20180205, with this user story working as a starting point:
As the whale
 I want to

make my first appearance slowly from the bottom of […]

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Program: Game Design

Blog post 1 – 20180208 – Using stories to guide the design process

The subject for this post: The process of breaking down a user story about a whale. The aim of this process was to create tasks for the team members to work on during sprint 3.
So – what did I do this week? As the lead designer, I led the design discussion in the sprint 3 planning meeting, Monday 20180205, with this user story working as a starting point:
As the whale
 I want to

make my first appearance slowly from the bottom of […]

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Program: Game Design

Wednesday 07/02/18

I didn’t give much thought to the lines of a drawing before. It was always something so simple and unimportant in my head ‘Colors make a picture’, ‘Who needs lines anyway?’. However, one of our teachers (Leo), told us to keep them in mind, that lines do make a picture too, thickness can create depth and so on. I could see his point, but I never fully understood the actual impact this has in our art until now.
After starting our […]

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Program: Graphics

Wednesday 07/02/18

I didn’t give much thought to the lines of a drawing before. It was always something so simple and unimportant in my head ‘Colors make a picture’, ‘Who needs lines anyway?’. However, one of our teachers (Leo), told us to keep them in mind, that lines do make a picture too, thickness can create depth and so on. I could see his point, but I never fully understood the actual impact this has in our art until now.
After starting our […]

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Program: Graphics


Welcome to my blog. My name is Linn and I am one of the artists in team Wendigo. Team Wendigo is a team of 5 people; one manager, one programmer, one designer and two artists.
The game that we have chosen to develop is called Umibozu and is about a Japanese fisherman who hears a tale about the mysterious Umibozu and decides he is going to try to find it. Umibozu is a Japanese myth of a dark, humanoid shape out […]

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Program: Graphics


Welcome to my blog. My name is Linn and I am one of the artists in team Wendigo. Team Wendigo is a team of 5 people; one manager, one programmer, one designer and two artists.
The game that we have chosen to develop is called Umibozu and is about a Japanese fisherman who hears a tale about the mysterious Umibozu and decides he is going to try to find it. Umibozu is a Japanese myth of a dark, humanoid shape out […]

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Program: Graphics

My Journey Begins

Welcome, fellow human!
I’ll be posting development progress in whichever game I’m working on from now on. I hope you find it useful in some way!

Comments on blogposts
Comment #1: https://elisabethportfolio.wordpress.com/2018/02/08/5sd064-sprite-sheet-of-vampire-squid/comment-page-1/#comment-1
Comment #2https://gamedesign673637781.wordpress.com/2018/02/15/scrapping-the-light-and-adjusting-boat-movement/comment-page-1/#comment-6 
Comment #3 SCRUMhttps://guarbabel.wordpress.com/2018/02/22/scrum-and-its-effects-on-development/#comment-6 
Comment #4: https://patrikshootemup.wordpress.com/2018/03/01/1st-of-march/comment-page-1/#comment-5
Comment #5https://hampusbgame.wordpress.com/2018/03/08/playtesting-umibozu/comment-page-1/#comment-7

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Program: Graphics

Hello world!

The blog is now live.

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Hello world!

The blog is now live.

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Blog posts for game design courses

This is the place for my blog posts in game design courses

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Program: Game Design

Blog posts for game design courses

This is the place for my blog posts in game design courses

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Program: Game Design

Sprint 3 – scrum-ing

In order to continue with our project of designing game concept in an agile way, we had a sprint planning at the beginning of the week.
What is a sprint planning?
Sprint planning is a tool for agile scrum method, in which a project owner, together with scrum master and development team, decides about features they shall develop through the upcoming week. Those features are taken from a product backlog and considered as primary features that have the highest priority in given time.
How do […]

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Sprint 3 – scrum-ing

In order to continue with our project of designing game concept in an agile way, we had a sprint planning at the beginning of the week.
What is a sprint planning?
Sprint planning is a tool for agile scrum method, in which a project owner, together with scrum master and development team, decides about features they shall develop through the upcoming week. Those features are taken from a product backlog and considered as primary features that have the highest priority in given time.
How do […]

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