Daily Archives: May 30, 2017
Veckoreflektion Efter Gotland Game Conference
Nu är kursen avslutad och utställningarna på Gotland Game Conference (G.G.C) är bortplockade.
Under G.G.C har vi fått extremt mycket feedback på vårt spel. Detta av varierad karaktär. Om det skulle göras en summering av feedbacken med tre ord skulle dessa vara: Spelarstyrning, grafik samt Kamera.
Feedbacken på spelarstyrningen var det som upplevdes mest negativt, i princip alla som prövade spelet hade en åsikt om att det var för svårt att styra bilen spelaren körde. Detta gick hand i hand med att AI-bilarna var för svåra för spelarstyrningen.
Däremot […]
Veckoreflektion Efter Gotland Game Conference
Nu är kursen avslutad och utställningarna på Gotland Game Conference (G.G.C) är bortplockade.
Under G.G.C har vi fått extremt mycket feedback på vårt spel. Detta av varierad karaktär. Om det skulle göras en summering av feedbacken med tre ord skulle dessa vara: Spelarstyrning, grafik samt Kamera.
Feedbacken på spelarstyrningen var det som upplevdes mest negativt, i princip alla som prövade spelet hade en åsikt om att det var för svårt att styra bilen spelaren körde. Detta gick hand i hand med att AI-bilarna var för svåra för spelarstyrningen.
Däremot […]

Day 1 in pictures
Just a brief update with few pics from the first day of #GGConf2017! It’s been such a blast!
Join us again tomorrow, Tuesday, for:
09:00 – Human Rights in Virtual Worlds
10:00 – Designing games as an expression of grief
11:00 – followed by three hours of games on the show floor (11:00-14:00)!
14:00 – After the final talk by Bonnie Ruberg (14-15) there are just a two more hours to try the games before the show floor is shut down for […]

Day 1 in pictures
Just a brief update with few pics from the first day of #GGConf2017! It’s been such a blast!
Join us again tomorrow, Tuesday, for:
09:00 – Human Rights in Virtual Worlds
10:00 – Designing games as an expression of grief
11:00 – followed by three hours of games on the show floor (11:00-14:00)!
14:00 – After the final talk by Bonnie Ruberg (14-15) there are just a two more hours to try the games before the show floor is shut down for […]

GGC 2017, Day 1
Just a brief update with few pics from the first day of #GGConf2017! It’s been such a blast!
Join us again tomorrow, Tuesday, for:
09:00 – Human Rights in Virtual Worlds
10:00 – Designing games as an expression of grief
11:00 – followed by three hours of games on the show floor (11:00-14:00)!
14:00 – After the final talk by Bonnie Ruberg (14-15) there are just a two more hours to try the games before the show floor is shut down for […]

GGC 2017, Day 1
Just a brief update with few pics from the first day of #GGConf2017! It’s been such a blast!
Join us again tomorrow, Tuesday, for:
09:00 – Human Rights in Virtual Worlds
10:00 – Designing games as an expression of grief
11:00 – followed by three hours of games on the show floor (11:00-14:00)!
14:00 – After the final talk by Bonnie Ruberg (14-15) there are just a two more hours to try the games before the show floor is shut down for […]

Boxing the map.
In the game The Summoning the players are playing on a terrain made in Unity. The CharacterControllers in Unity can handle slopes upwards, but can’t do it downwards. This is the reason to why we need to create boxes on the map, so the players can’t walk out from it.
Firstly we created a object with a collider and gave it a layer which is called ”WorldBoxes”. Now we can decide what can pass trough the boxes changing the physics in the project. Then the boxes gets extended and […]

Boxing the map.
In the game The Summoning the players are playing on a terrain made in Unity. The CharacterControllers in Unity can handle slopes upwards, but can’t do it downwards. This is the reason to why we need to create boxes on the map, so the players can’t walk out from it.
Firstly we created a object with a collider and gave it a layer which is called ”WorldBoxes”. Now we can decide what can pass trough the boxes changing the physics in the project. Then the boxes gets extended and […]