Daily Archives: February 23, 2017

Blog Post #3

Hello again,
For this week I’m going to write about the presentation I held Thursday last week for the Alpha version of our game Echo.
For this presentation we were supposed to talk about how we interpreted the game concepts we chose earlier on in the course and discuss the current status of our game. We were supposed to come up with some good and bad choices we made for our game during the project and analyse what we could have done to prevent the […]

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Program: Programming

Blog Post #3

Hello again,
For this week I’m going to write about the presentation I held Thursday last week for the Alpha version of our game Echo.
For this presentation we were supposed to talk about how we interpreted the game concepts we chose earlier on in the course and discuss the current status of our game. We were supposed to come up with some good and bad choices we made for our game during the project and analyse what we could have done to prevent the […]

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Program: Programming

Offering Choices to the Player

Following up on last week in which we improved parts of the game based on the playtest feedback we received, we now have made several changes in order to once again make our game interesting, not only to us but also to the audience.
What do I mean by this? What does interesting mean? To start off, let me give you some background. When we decided upon the concept of “Revenge of Teddy” we were currently unsure if our one and […]

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Program: Game Design

Offering Choices to the Player

Following up on last week in which we improved parts of the game based on the playtest feedback we received, we now have made several changes in order to once again make our game interesting, not only to us but also to the audience.
What do I mean by this? What does interesting mean? To start off, let me give you some background. When we decided upon the concept of “Revenge of Teddy” we were currently unsure if our one and […]

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Program: Game Design

Moth game: Animator controller as a state machine

In my previous posts about this project I’ve been discussing specific features that had been implemented in a short time window prior to the post. The features have then been declared done, only requiring minor tweaks and fixes after the fact. This post is going to be slightly different, discussing a system used to implement several features related to the player. Because the player feature set has been expanded on over several weeks, and is in some areas still being […]

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Program: Programming

Moth game: Animator controller as a state machine

In my previous posts about this project I’ve been discussing specific features that had been implemented in a short time window prior to the post. The features have then been declared done, only requiring minor tweaks and fixes after the fact. This post is going to be slightly different, discussing a system used to implement several features related to the player. Because the player feature set has been expanded on over several weeks, and is in some areas still being […]

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Program: Programming

Game Development Update #3

Welcome back my beloved followers in search of entertainment and knowledge!
It’s been one exciting week as we move closer and closer to the actual finished product.
Get to it Teddy! Tell us what you’ve been fiddling with this week.
Take a chill pill, relax and enjoy. This week the team was faced with a lot of different challenges. Most of them consisted of assets in need of polish. A lot of work has also been done in order to add remaining assets previously […]

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Program: Game Design

Game Development Update #3

Welcome back my beloved followers in search of entertainment and knowledge!
It’s been one exciting week as we move closer and closer to the actual finished product.
Get to it Teddy! Tell us what you’ve been fiddling with this week.
Take a chill pill, relax and enjoy. This week the team was faced with a lot of different challenges. Most of them consisted of assets in need of polish. A lot of work has also been done in order to add remaining assets previously […]

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Program: Game Design

Week 3 – Making a splash screen

This week I’ve been working on a splash screen for our game called Selfish. We had received feedback for our game that it was hard to tell why the main character fish was shooting the other fish in the tank. So, our designer came up with the idea that we could have a splash screen with a sign that briefly tells the story. A splash screen is usually a screen at the start of a game that tells you what company […]

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Program: Graphics

Week 3 – Making a splash screen

This week I’ve been working on a splash screen for our game called Selfish. We had received feedback for our game that it was hard to tell why the main character fish was shooting the other fish in the tank. So, our designer came up with the idea that we could have a splash screen with a sign that briefly tells the story. A splash screen is usually a screen at the start of a game that tells you what company […]

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Program: Graphics

The current level design and how we introduce the narrative

This week I’ve mostly focused on level design, which hasn’t been implemented in the game yet in any form so I will mostly discuss the current level design. Several weeks ago we settled on a basic wave system that increased the spawn rate of the enemies in the level. I wanted to do this because even though it wasn’t anything permanent or perfect, I felt that it was important for the player to get used to shooting and moving around […]

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Program: Game Design

The current level design and how we introduce the narrative

This week I’ve mostly focused on level design, which hasn’t been implemented in the game yet in any form so I will mostly discuss the current level design. Several weeks ago we settled on a basic wave system that increased the spawn rate of the enemies in the level. I wanted to do this because even though it wasn’t anything permanent or perfect, I felt that it was important for the player to get used to shooting and moving around […]

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Program: Game Design

Game Design 2 – Sound design of the player taking damage (Team Leviathan)

Author : Arnaud Mimoun
   For this week’s blog I’ll talk about the sound design I worked on concerning the sound that the player’s avatar make when they get hit by a projectile and take damage.
For this asset I made a total of 3 sounds :

Here is the first sound

Here is the second sound

Here is the third sound

 I as Producer, Project Manager and Sound Designer of our game was charged to build the sounds of our game. Just like […]

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Game Design 2 – Sound design of the player taking damage (Team Leviathan)

Author : Arnaud Mimoun
   For this week’s blog I’ll talk about the sound design I worked on concerning the sound that the player’s avatar make when they get hit by a projectile and take damage.
For this asset I made a total of 3 sounds :

Here is the first sound

Here is the second sound

Here is the third sound

 I as Producer, Project Manager and Sound Designer of our game was charged to build the sounds of our game. Just like […]

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Presenting Your Game

Hello. In this post I will talk about presenting your game, in this case for the Alpha milestone, in a way that connects with your game in terms of  visuals and mechanics. If you would like to learn more about this project you can check my previous blog posts “An Easier Sprint Overview” where I talk about changes to a template that we received from our teacher when first introduced to a project methodology called Scrum and “Designing […]

February 23, 2017 / Comments Off on Presenting Your Game

Presenting Your Game

Hello. In this post I will talk about presenting your game, in this case for the Alpha milestone, in a way that connects with your game in terms of  visuals and mechanics. If you would like to learn more about this project you can check my previous blog posts “An Easier Sprint Overview” where I talk about changes to a template that we received from our teacher when first introduced to a project methodology called Scrum and “Designing […]

February 23, 2017 / Comments Off on Presenting Your Game

The Seven Deadly Sins

Last week I struggled with design decisions made about the enemies and how I would execute them. Even though I still have my doubts about it, this week provided me with some new insights and inspirations on how to approach the enemy design.
Click to view slideshow.
I started this week with doing more research about the seven deadly sins. Despite my earlier protest, the enemies being the seven deadly sins was not going to change. I was lost about how […]

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Program: Graphics

The Seven Deadly Sins

Last week I struggled with design decisions made about the enemies and how I would execute them. Even though I still have my doubts about it, this week provided me with some new insights and inspirations on how to approach the enemy design.
Click to view slideshow.
I started this week with doing more research about the seven deadly sins. Despite my earlier protest, the enemies being the seven deadly sins was not going to change. I was lost about how […]

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Program: Graphics

Leaves Until You Leave

During this week I was in charge of making leaves that would be used as assets for the different levels within the game me and Team Kraken are working on. While the concept of leaves itself can seem like a bland and easy subject at first, there is a lot more that goes on behind each detail of how a leaf is designed. The first point being what kind of leaf it is going to be. When deciding on what […]

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Program: Graphics

Leaves Until You Leave

During this week I was in charge of making leaves that would be used as assets for the different levels within the game me and Team Kraken are working on. While the concept of leaves itself can seem like a bland and easy subject at first, there is a lot more that goes on behind each detail of how a leaf is designed. The first point being what kind of leaf it is going to be. When deciding on what […]

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Program: Graphics

Designing an interesting HUD

The HUD (Heads-Up-Display) is an important element of any game. It serves to relay information, not seen inside the game world, to the player as a visble element inbetween the two. They come in various forms depending on what it is the HUD needs to display. I had already established what the parade bar is supposed to look like from before. However, I wasn’t how it looked in the first iteration. It was too stiff, the colours had no harmony […]

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Program: Graphics

Designing an interesting HUD

The HUD (Heads-Up-Display) is an important element of any game. It serves to relay information, not seen inside the game world, to the player as a visble element inbetween the two. They come in various forms depending on what it is the HUD needs to display. I had already established what the parade bar is supposed to look like from before. However, I wasn’t how it looked in the first iteration. It was too stiff, the colours had no harmony […]

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Program: Graphics

Redesigning the Power-ups

This week my team and I decided to cut some planned features, so that we instead can focus on improving the ones we have. One of the features we cut was boss battles, since they take a lot of time to “get right”. This feature cut freed up a lot of time so we thought of swapping the power-up system we had for one that was a bit more nuanced. That system is what I will be discussing below.
During one of […]

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Program: Game Design

Redesigning the Power-ups

This week my team and I decided to cut some planned features, so that we instead can focus on improving the ones we have. One of the features we cut was boss battles, since they take a lot of time to “get right”. This feature cut freed up a lot of time so we thought of swapping the power-up system we had for one that was a bit more nuanced. That system is what I will be discussing below.
During one of […]

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Program: Game Design