Daily Archives: April 10, 2015

GodFire Forge – And the Project continues!
GODFIRE FORGETheme Park 2015
The second week of game development is over and I have been pretty busy drawing weapons and working on the game menu. In GodFire Forge the team decided on having three different types of weapons, axes, swords and spears.
The “Rock, Paper, Scissors” mechanicWe were thinking of giving the enemies in our game, the giants, the same type of weapons as the player. The tactic for the player would be like the game “rock paper scissors”. the axe […]

GodFire Forge – And the Project continues!
GODFIRE FORGETheme Park 2015
The second week of game development is over and I have been pretty busy drawing weapons and working on the game menu. In GodFire Forge the team decided on having three different types of weapons, axes, swords and spears.
The “Rock, Paper, Scissors” mechanicWe were thinking of giving the enemies in our game, the giants, the same type of weapons as the player. The tactic for the player would be like the game “rock paper scissors”. the axe […]

Tamarrion, post 2: Modeling and sculpting
This week I’ve been working on the model for our game’s boss, whose design process I documented in my previous post.
Earlier this week I worked on putting together a base mesh for our boss. Generally, basic low resolution models are created of your game characters early during development for use as a base for misc. animation and modeling work. Often a rig is created using this base mesh so that work on animations can be started before the model […]

Tamarrion, post 2: Modeling and sculpting
This week I’ve been working on the model for our game’s boss, whose design process I documented in my previous post.
Earlier this week I worked on putting together a base mesh for our boss. Generally, basic low resolution models are created of your game characters early during development for use as a base for misc. animation and modeling work. Often a rig is created using this base mesh so that work on animations can be started before the model […]

Big Game Project – Production Week 1
Source Control
Starting this new project up we needed to have a way to distribute the project between all the group members. The way we decided to handle the source control landed on using SVN.
The idea of source control is to enable multiple persons to work on the same project without risking to overwrite work created from the other members. The first attempt to get a working source control was with the use of Git. Git is a well known source […]

Big Game Project – Production Week 1
Source Control
Starting this new project up we needed to have a way to distribute the project between all the group members. The way we decided to handle the source control landed on using SVN.
The idea of source control is to enable multiple persons to work on the same project without risking to overwrite work created from the other members. The first attempt to get a working source control was with the use of Git. Git is a well known source […]

Big Game: Week 1
Hello. This was the first proper week of the Big Game course. I managed to get into Project Steel as a 3D artist / pseudo level designer. Project steel is going to be a racing game and act as a spiritual successor to the F-Zero games.
This week I have worked on a concept for one of the racing pods which will be in the game. I spent time researching on different techniques which can be used when creating a 3D […]

Big Game: Week 1
Hello. This was the first proper week of the Big Game course. I managed to get into Project Steel as a 3D artist / pseudo level designer. Project steel is going to be a racing game and act as a spiritual successor to the F-Zero games.
This week I have worked on a concept for one of the racing pods which will be in the game. I spent time researching on different techniques which can be used when creating a 3D […]

BGP#1 – A Good Start
Been some time since I posted something and I think it is now time to get this going as a weekly thing again.
Big Game Project is a course that started two weeks ago and has been going strong. I am in a team of seven (three coders, one designer and three artists) and I have the role of environment artist. My job is to create all the assets for the environment and give the game the right feel with the use of […]

BGP#1 – A Good Start
Been some time since I posted something and I think it is now time to get this going as a weekly thing again.
Big Game Project is a course that started two weeks ago and has been going strong. I am in a team of seven (three coders, one designer and three artists) and I have the role of environment artist. My job is to create all the assets for the environment and give the game the right feel with the use of […]

Big Game Project
I am in week 2 of the production of our game Naar. It is a roleplaying game set in an oriental fantasy world. You play as Mokhtar, a djinn who set out to defeat an evil demon Iblis. The main feature of the game is spell casting and combining spells to create new spells. In this production I took on the role as lead programmer, which means I have to overlook the programming, plan code structure and if necessary, delegate […]

Big Game Project
I am in week 2 of the production of our game Naar. It is a roleplaying game set in an oriental fantasy world. You play as Mokhtar, a djinn who set out to defeat an evil demon Iblis. The main feature of the game is spell casting and combining spells to create new spells. In this production I took on the role as lead programmer, which means I have to overlook the programming, plan code structure and if necessary, delegate […]