Monthly Archives: January 2015

Last extra assignment
For getting a higher grade in the 2d-course the class could choose to do two extra assignments. The assignments was to shadow and light an pre-sketched city and to make an figure out of a very loosely sketched drawing. I learned alot about layering and how to use them when doing this and also I learned alot about how to shadow and light environments.

Last extra assignment
For getting a higher grade in the 2d-course the class could choose to do two extra assignments. The assignments was to shadow and light an pre-sketched city and to make an figure out of a very loosely sketched drawing. I learned alot about layering and how to use them when doing this and also I learned alot about how to shadow and light environments.

The final assignment on my character was to light it and create an environment that also is lighted up.
Here is my final character with lightning-
Heartbeat Bat
The second course in game design started and this time we will be in the same group as we was last time but do another teams game design. We will also do a real playable game this time which is going to be really fun!Every group got to choose another groups game and my group, Team 12, chosed to take the game design “heartbeat bat”. Basicly its about a bat that want to get back to his home tree but […]
Heartbeat Bat
The second course in game design started and this time we will be in the same group as we was last time but do another teams game design. We will also do a real playable game this time which is going to be really fun!Every group got to choose another groups game and my group, Team 12, chosed to take the game design “heartbeat bat”. Basicly its about a bat that want to get back to his home tree but […]

We finished the game design course and continued with a course in 2d. One of our assignment that will be the main theme in the course is to make a character of choice. The class started with drawing 20 thumbnails of different characters and then choose one of those. After that, I did loose sketches to get the shape and feeling of the character and then I wrote a backstory about my character.
My thumbnails-
January 26,
2015 /
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We finished the game design course and continued with a course in 2d. One of our assignment that will be the main theme in the course is to make a character of choice. The class started with drawing 20 thumbnails of different characters and then choose one of those. After that, I did loose sketches to get the shape and feeling of the character and then I wrote a backstory about my character.
My thumbnails-
January 26,
2015 /
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