Daily Archives: September 17, 2014

Startad blogg
Det här är min blogg där jag kommer att lägga upp uppgifter som har med min utbildning att göra; målningar eller andra inlägg som visar min personliga utveckling såväl som bevis på att jag gör mina studier. 🙂

Startad blogg
Det här är min blogg där jag kommer att lägga upp uppgifter som har med min utbildning att göra; målningar eller andra inlägg som visar min personliga utveckling såväl som bevis på att jag gör mina studier. 🙂

My First Post!
My name is Johan Holmér and I’ve recently started studying game design and programming at Uppsala Univerity, campus Gotland. Here I will post stuff that somehow is related to my education, either things that I’ve created or if I think that I’ve learned something that is worth posting here.
The first couple of weeks has been very interesting and I’m starting to view games in a totally different way.
We’ve learned how to break games into its core parts by analyzing Space […]

My First Post!
My name is Johan Holmér and I’ve recently started studying game design and programming at Uppsala Univerity, campus Gotland. Here I will post stuff that somehow is related to my education, either things that I’ve created or if I think that I’ve learned something that is worth posting here.
The first couple of weeks has been very interesting and I’m starting to view games in a totally different way.
We’ve learned how to break games into its core parts by analyzing Space […]

3D I, Week 3, Part 1: Crate Cleanup
This week in 3D we went through cleaning up construction errors in a model. In this blog, I’ll recap and reflect on the Wednesday workshop, where we passed our crate models from last week around for other people in class to clean up.
First I had a look at my cartoon crate from last week.
My cartoon crate, before cleanup.
This crate is incredibly simple. I made it just by creating a box, making extrusions in the center, then moving and resizing […]

3D I, Week 3, Part 1: Crate Cleanup
This week in 3D we went through cleaning up construction errors in a model. In this blog, I’ll recap and reflect on the Wednesday workshop, where we passed our crate models from last week around for other people in class to clean up.
First I had a look at my cartoon crate from last week.
My cartoon crate, before cleanup.
This crate is incredibly simple. I made it just by creating a box, making extrusions in the center, then moving and resizing […]

3D week two!
Theme one:
I decided to pick cartoony for my first theme. The cartoon style is usually comprised of very simplified objects and shapes, often accompanied by a very happy and colorful color scheme. Objects in cartoon games are normally exaggerated in size, usually bigger than in real life. Cartoon styled games are often directed towards teenagers and children.
A game which I think fits into the cartoon category is Battlefield Heroes. Even though the object of the game is to run […]

3D week two!
Theme one:
I decided to pick cartoony for my first theme. The cartoon style is usually comprised of very simplified objects and shapes, often accompanied by a very happy and colorful color scheme. Objects in cartoon games are normally exaggerated in size, usually bigger than in real life. Cartoon styled games are often directed towards teenagers and children.
A game which I think fits into the cartoon category is Battlefield Heroes. Even though the object of the game is to run […]

My First Post!
My name is Johan Holmér and I’ve recently started studying game design and programming at Uppsala Univerity, campus Gotland. Here I will post stuff that somehow is related to my education, either things that I’ve created or if I think that I’ve learned something that is worth posting here.
The first couple of weeks has been very interesting and I’m starting to view games in a totally different way.
We’ve learned how to break games into its core parts by analyzing Space […]

My First Post!
My name is Johan Holmér and I’ve recently started studying game design and programming at Uppsala Univerity, campus Gotland. Here I will post stuff that somehow is related to my education, either things that I’ve created or if I think that I’ve learned something that is worth posting here.
The first couple of weeks has been very interesting and I’m starting to view games in a totally different way.
We’ve learned how to break games into its core parts by analyzing Space […]

The Blog is Up, This is Me!
This will be my game developer blog, created for me sharing and talking about my work! It was created to be a part of my education at Campus Gotland, as a Game Designer with Graphics courses, and you will be able to see my first work related post soon enough.
For now, some information about me: My name is Pontus Hassis, born 95′. I created one game before my current education, which was never put togheter fully due to time constraints, […]

The Blog is Up, This is Me!
This will be my game developer blog, created for me sharing and talking about my work! It was created to be a part of my education at Campus Gotland, as a Game Designer with Graphics courses, and you will be able to see my first work related post soon enough.
For now, some information about me: My name is Pontus Hassis, born 95′. I created one game before my current education, which was never put togheter fully due to time constraints, […]

The Blog is Up, This is Me!
This will be my game developer blog, created for me sharing and talking about my work! It was created to be a part of my education at Campus Gotland, as a Game Designer with Graphics courses, and you will be able to see my first work related post soon enough.
For now, some information about me: My name is Pontus Hassis, born 95′. I created one game before my current education, which was never put togheter fully due to time constraints, […]

The Blog is Up, This is Me!
This will be my game developer blog, created for me sharing and talking about my work! It was created to be a part of my education at Campus Gotland, as a Game Designer with Graphics courses, and you will be able to see my first work related post soon enough.
For now, some information about me: My name is Pontus Hassis, born 95′. I created one game before my current education, which was never put togheter fully due to time constraints, […]

Bloggs… -_-
I don’t really like bloggs.. I suck at it and will probably forget to update my status here LOL!

Bloggs… -_-
I don’t really like bloggs.. I suck at it and will probably forget to update my status here LOL!

HEEEY!! Welcome to my blogg! I’m Folke and I come from sweden on this very island Gotland! It’s super awesome here and I hope you all like it here! I’m a programmer and have done some programming before but never done anything for gaming!

HEEEY!! Welcome to my blogg! I’m Folke and I come from sweden on this very island Gotland! It’s super awesome here and I hope you all like it here! I’m a programmer and have done some programming before but never done anything for gaming!

Obligatory introduction
I’m Sebastian, you’re a person. Great!
I’m going to be developing a bunch of games and figured a dev diary is a good idea, so this blog will be used for that. You will see me thinking about a bunch of stuff not specified yet and it’s going to be super great.
I’m also planning on posting a bunch of artwork here, probably. You like artwork, don’t you?
I hope you’ll enjoy the blog, I’ll see you around or whatever!

Obligatory introduction
I’m Sebastian, you’re a person. Great!
I’m going to be developing a bunch of games and figured a dev diary is a good idea, so this blog will be used for that. You will see me thinking about a bunch of stuff not specified yet and it’s going to be super great.
I’m also planning on posting a bunch of artwork here, probably. You like artwork, don’t you?
I hope you’ll enjoy the blog, I’ll see you around or whatever!

Obligatory introduction
I’m Sebastian, you’re a person. Great!
I’m going to be developing a bunch of games and figured a dev diary is a good idea, so this blog will be used for that. You will see me thinking about a bunch of stuff not specified yet and it’s going to be super great.
I’m also planning on posting a bunch of artwork here, probably. You like artwork, don’t you?
I hope you’ll enjoy the blog, I’ll see you around or whatever!

Obligatory introduction
I’m Sebastian, you’re a person. Great!
I’m going to be developing a bunch of games and figured a dev diary is a good idea, so this blog will be used for that. You will see me thinking about a bunch of stuff not specified yet and it’s going to be super great.
I’m also planning on posting a bunch of artwork here, probably. You like artwork, don’t you?
I hope you’ll enjoy the blog, I’ll see you around or whatever!

3D Computer Graphics: Blog Post Week 2
Theme one:
The theme sci-fi can easily be described as futuristic. When someone says sci-fi I immediately think of star wars. Shiny ships with ion engines and lots and lots of dashboards with blinking light.
Sci-fi basically points to the idea of science and inventions that have not yet been developed.
Image 1: Eve online.
I think this image represents the theme sci-fi pretty accurately. The image depicts a space ship mid-flight. The ship is very high tech and although we have somewhat […]

3D Computer Graphics: Blog Post Week 2
Theme one:
The theme sci-fi can easily be described as futuristic. When someone says sci-fi I immediately think of star wars. Shiny ships with ion engines and lots and lots of dashboards with blinking light.
Sci-fi basically points to the idea of science and inventions that have not yet been developed.
Image 1: Eve online.
I think this image represents the theme sci-fi pretty accurately. The image depicts a space ship mid-flight. The ship is very high tech and although we have somewhat […]