Monthly Archives: February 2014

Atrifact 1, gom
GameObjectManager! Not the prettiest! But I think it’s simple to understand.
Yeah.. Almost an hour left to the deadline for this blog entry. I almost forgot about it. Today I’ve been drawing concept art, made a pretty sprite, and now I’ve been on skype with my friend for a while working on an album. Oh I’ve been programming lots as well (that’s what this blog entry is supposed to be about).
I have done like… A game object hierarchy and a […]

Atrifact 1, gom
GameObjectManager! Not the prettiest! But I think it’s simple to understand.
Yeah.. Almost an hour left to the deadline for this blog entry. I almost forgot about it. Today I’ve been drawing concept art, made a pretty sprite, and now I’ve been on skype with my friend for a while working on an album. Oh I’ve been programming lots as well (that’s what this blog entry is supposed to be about).
I have done like… A game object hierarchy and a […]

Suit ‘Em Up: Week 3 (bring some suger, this post is bitter… Oh, and a pinch of salt.)
Hello! This week my focus has mainly been on making a “steampunk-esque house on wheels”. My group chose to go with an art style of pixel art with a top down view. This unfortunately put a lot of limitations and restrictions on what I could do. I found it extremely difficult to try and get the steampunk-esque house on wheels (which I will refer to as a truck from now on to save the reader from repetition), aspect of the […]

Suit ‘Em Up: Week 3 (bring some suger, this post is bitter… Oh, and a pinch of salt.)
Hello! This week my focus has mainly been on making a “steampunk-esque house on wheels”. My group chose to go with an art style of pixel art with a top down view. This unfortunately put a lot of limitations and restrictions on what I could do. I found it extremely difficult to try and get the steampunk-esque house on wheels (which I will refer to as a truck from now on to save the reader from repetition), aspect of the […]

First Animation
I am not unfamiliar with animation, in fact, I studied animation in highschool. While it might not have been as in depth as I wished it would have been, it has still given me an advantage. Consequently, I was tasked with tackling the animation of our project.
What I consider the most important aspect to keep in mind when animating a character, is to make them look alive. This becomes quite the challange, considering the top-down perspective that we’re using. […]

First Animation
I am not unfamiliar with animation, in fact, I studied animation in highschool. While it might not have been as in depth as I wished it would have been, it has still given me an advantage. Consequently, I was tasked with tackling the animation of our project.
What I consider the most important aspect to keep in mind when animating a character, is to make them look alive. This becomes quite the challange, considering the top-down perspective that we’re using. […]

Hello world!
Today I havent gotten much code done since we have had a few meetings about our project which took up pretty much of our time and energy. I did however apply one more sprite for the cloud (again, but this time for the more organized version of my code) buuut I did not get it to work for some reason so I wasted time creating one more class called Cloud2 (instead of making it inherit everything from Cloud1) with […]

Hello world!
Today I havent gotten much code done since we have had a few meetings about our project which took up pretty much of our time and energy. I did however apply one more sprite for the cloud (again, but this time for the more organized version of my code) buuut I did not get it to work for some reason so I wasted time creating one more class called Cloud2 (instead of making it inherit everything from Cloud1) with […]

Jag har denna vecka för det mesta suttit och pysslat med att få fiender till att fungera. Måttligt framgångsrikt hittills men det ska nog gå att lösas under helgen. Jag började med att skriva en fiende klass som håller koll på dom gemensamma sakerna för fiender. Fiende klassen ärver från våran spelobjekt klass som jag skrev förra veckan. Spelobjekt klassen håller koll på vad saker och ting är, vad dom har för sprite, vad dom har för collider och flaggor […]

Jag har denna vecka för det mesta suttit och pysslat med att få fiender till att fungera. Måttligt framgångsrikt hittills men det ska nog gå att lösas under helgen. Jag började med att skriva en fiende klass som håller koll på dom gemensamma sakerna för fiender. Fiende klassen ärver från våran spelobjekt klass som jag skrev förra veckan. Spelobjekt klassen håller koll på vad saker och ting är, vad dom har för sprite, vad dom har för collider och flaggor […]

Haunted Light – AnimatedSprite
Hello. Today I’ll be covering the AnimatedSprite class I’ve been creating for this project. It was a though one because of a lot of core changes in the program. Using SFML made it easier than I expected though because of its versatility. It also helped that I actually planned what the class was going to contain, and then build on from there. I even think that part saved me a lot of hassle since I first “sketched up” a first […]

Haunted Light – AnimatedSprite
Hello. Today I’ll be covering the AnimatedSprite class I’ve been creating for this project. It was a though one because of a lot of core changes in the program. Using SFML made it easier than I expected though because of its versatility. It also helped that I actually planned what the class was going to contain, and then build on from there. I even think that part saved me a lot of hassle since I first “sketched up” a first […]

An update long overdue
So, long time no write but now I am back and hopefully will keep this up with at least a post a week.
Right now, or since the start of this semester really, we valiant members of group 10 have been working on Escape, a top down stealth game set in an office building during ca 1950. Our Min character is named Tommy and he has killed a dude and he wears a duster coat and a fedora. Not a trillby. […]

An update long overdue
So, long time no write but now I am back and hopefully will keep this up with at least a post a week.
Right now, or since the start of this semester really, we valiant members of group 10 have been working on Escape, a top down stealth game set in an office building during ca 1950. Our Min character is named Tommy and he has killed a dude and he wears a duster coat and a fedora. Not a trillby. […]

An update long overdue
So, long time no write but now I am back and hopefully will keep this up with at least a post a week.
Right now, or since the start of this semester really, we valiant members of group 10 have been working on Escape, a top down stealth game set in an office building during ca 1950. Our Min character is named Tommy and he has killed a dude and he wears a duster coat and a fedora. Not a trillby. […]

An update long overdue
So, long time no write but now I am back and hopefully will keep this up with at least a post a week.
Right now, or since the start of this semester really, we valiant members of group 10 have been working on Escape, a top down stealth game set in an office building during ca 1950. Our Min character is named Tommy and he has killed a dude and he wears a duster coat and a fedora. Not a trillby. […]

AI, I hate AI
This week I took it upon myself to do the AI for the enemy fish and the light bulb for the player. While the light bulb was pretty straight forward the AI was a lot harder to put together. I realize this task will take much more time than I expected. It didn’t help that I was stuck in bed the whole week with fever and “puke sickness”.
The light bulb consists of a sprite that’s always drawn just in […]

AI, I hate AI
This week I took it upon myself to do the AI for the enemy fish and the light bulb for the player. While the light bulb was pretty straight forward the AI was a lot harder to put together. I realize this task will take much more time than I expected. It didn’t help that I was stuck in bed the whole week with fever and “puke sickness”.
The light bulb consists of a sprite that’s always drawn just in […]

AI, I hate AI
This week I took it upon myself to do the AI for the enemy fish and the light bulb for the player. While the light bulb was pretty straight forward the AI was a lot harder to put together. I realize this task will take much more time than I expected. It didn’t help that I was stuck in bed the whole week with fever and “puke sickness”.
The light bulb consists of a sprite that’s always drawn just in […]

AI, I hate AI
This week I took it upon myself to do the AI for the enemy fish and the light bulb for the player. While the light bulb was pretty straight forward the AI was a lot harder to put together. I realize this task will take much more time than I expected. It didn’t help that I was stuck in bed the whole week with fever and “puke sickness”.
The light bulb consists of a sprite that’s always drawn just in […]

Tail of a Tailorman
The concept that we chose, aptly named ”Suit ‘Em Up”, is about a tiny tailor. He’s been tasked to fight off evil bugs before they munch up his favorite suit!
Given the concepts focus on tailoring and fabrics, our minds we’re instantly drawn towards early 1900′s. With this, an idea regarding the visual design was born in the mind of our dear lead artist; namely that of early Disney cartoons.
Researching this a bit narrowed our visual guidelines down to a few […]

Tail of a Tailorman
The concept that we chose, aptly named ”Suit ‘Em Up”, is about a tiny tailor. He’s been tasked to fight off evil bugs before they munch up his favorite suit!
Given the concepts focus on tailoring and fabrics, our minds we’re instantly drawn towards early 1900′s. With this, an idea regarding the visual design was born in the mind of our dear lead artist; namely that of early Disney cartoons.
Researching this a bit narrowed our visual guidelines down to a few […]