Daily Archives: February 20, 2014

Haunted Light – Base code for Enemies
Hello. Today I’ll be talking about the base for our enemy objects, how it works and how it’s different from the normal GameObject and also why that is. Both of the classes, EnemyObject and EnemyObjectManager, are heavily based on the already existing files PlayerObject, GameObject and GameObjectManager, with EnemyObject being a combination of GameObject and PlayerObject. The key differences are that the Enemy-ones doesn’t have keyboard and mouse as inputs, since you don’t control your enemies, and that EnemyObject doesn’t […]

Haunted Light – Base code for Enemies
Hello. Today I’ll be talking about the base for our enemy objects, how it works and how it’s different from the normal GameObject and also why that is. Both of the classes, EnemyObject and EnemyObjectManager, are heavily based on the already existing files PlayerObject, GameObject and GameObjectManager, with EnemyObject being a combination of GameObject and PlayerObject. The key differences are that the Enemy-ones doesn’t have keyboard and mouse as inputs, since you don’t control your enemies, and that EnemyObject doesn’t […]

Artifact : Button
The artifact of the week is the Button!
What is the Button ?
The button consists of three stages. Being there, being hovered and being selected as shown below. It has a sprite sheet of three sprites.
The button as it is in its original stage, nothing special it is just there and waiting for some action.
The button being hovered, now things will start to happen, upon mouse entering the sprite of the button the sprite will change into the second […]

Artifact : Button
The artifact of the week is the Button!
What is the Button ?
The button consists of three stages. Being there, being hovered and being selected as shown below. It has a sprite sheet of three sprites.
The button as it is in its original stage, nothing special it is just there and waiting for some action.
The button being hovered, now things will start to happen, upon mouse entering the sprite of the button the sprite will change into the second […]

A leap between dimensions
Alright, so I study graphics, and I am baffled by how many people are.. well, baffled.. by the idea that I can program as well! Are people’s personal ambitions really so low that the very concept of being good at more than one area is cause for the reactions that gett? Anyhow, I’ve been making games since I was 13, and by that, I mean that I’ve been handling/learning all vital areas connected to that; 2d-graphics, 3d-graphics, programming, sound design […]

A leap between dimensions
Alright, so I study graphics, and I am baffled by how many people are.. well, baffled.. by the idea that I can program as well! Are people’s personal ambitions really so low that the very concept of being good at more than one area is cause for the reactions that gett? Anyhow, I’ve been making games since I was 13, and by that, I mean that I’ve been handling/learning all vital areas connected to that; 2d-graphics, 3d-graphics, programming, sound design […]

Run, Mr Kimble. Run!
As I felt that making character sprites wasn’t really my thing I passed that task on to Viktor and proceeded making projectile sprites. There are four different main projectiles; the sponge which is the standard projectile for the main character, the mud ball which some of the children throws towards the player. Then there is the water balloon which can thrown using the Nubb Tubb and the water stream which is launched using the water thrower. I drew a […]

Run, Mr Kimble. Run!
As I felt that making character sprites wasn’t really my thing I passed that task on to Viktor and proceeded making projectile sprites. There are four different main projectiles; the sponge which is the standard projectile for the main character, the mud ball which some of the children throws towards the player. Then there is the water balloon which can thrown using the Nubb Tubb and the water stream which is launched using the water thrower. I drew a […]

Head First Into Making Sprites
These lasts weeks I’ve mainly been working on the main character. Last week I discussed how I designed the main character and showed the different stages she went through during the design process. This week I’m going to talk about how I turned the concept art into the sprite that is in the game at the moment.
The sprite I’m mainly going to talk about is the level one sprite that you see when you start the game. I’m almost complete […]

Head First Into Making Sprites
These lasts weeks I’ve mainly been working on the main character. Last week I discussed how I designed the main character and showed the different stages she went through during the design process. This week I’m going to talk about how I turned the concept art into the sprite that is in the game at the moment.
The sprite I’m mainly going to talk about is the level one sprite that you see when you start the game. I’m almost complete […]

Playground Panic map and sprites
This week I’ve been mostly working on the map background for the game. I also made a sprite for the male player character and a quick placeholder one for the basic enemy. This is the entire map as it is right now.
although not finished, it’s good enough for the alpha. I will add more stuff to it later, like some swings, more details like muddy footsteps and maybe some scattered toys. to make it look like a kindergarten […]

Playground Panic map and sprites
This week I’ve been mostly working on the map background for the game. I also made a sprite for the male player character and a quick placeholder one for the basic enemy. This is the entire map as it is right now.
although not finished, it’s good enough for the alpha. I will add more stuff to it later, like some swings, more details like muddy footsteps and maybe some scattered toys. to make it look like a kindergarten […]

Blogg of the week: Alpha
Hello, this week hasn’t been that successful so I do not have a finished artifact to write about. So I figured that I would write about what I have been doing instead.
I have been working with Box2D, which is a physics engine that we use for collision. Last week I worked with getting collision to work. Collision is working by itself Box2D so it is more about being able to use it, and getting used to the structure. It probably […]

Blogg of the week: Alpha
Hello, this week hasn’t been that successful so I do not have a finished artifact to write about. So I figured that I would write about what I have been doing instead.
I have been working with Box2D, which is a physics engine that we use for collision. Last week I worked with getting collision to work. Collision is working by itself Box2D so it is more about being able to use it, and getting used to the structure. It probably […]

ARTIFACT BLOG #2 Alpha time!
This week has been rather stressful. During our project we’ve had a lot of problems syncing our projects, meaning we’ve been sitting with maybe 3 different projects that all needed to merge together. This week all of us have worked mostly with trying to do just that.
We had one project with most of our game mechanic, that later got the collision from another project (by project I mean solution files), and then we had a third project with most of […]

ARTIFACT BLOG #2 Alpha time!
This week has been rather stressful. During our project we’ve had a lot of problems syncing our projects, meaning we’ve been sitting with maybe 3 different projects that all needed to merge together. This week all of us have worked mostly with trying to do just that.
We had one project with most of our game mechanic, that later got the collision from another project (by project I mean solution files), and then we had a third project with most of […]

ARTIFACT BLOG #2 Alpha time!
This week has been rather stressful. During our project we’ve had a lot of problems syncing our projects, meaning we’ve been sitting with maybe 3 different projects that all needed to merge together. This week all of us have worked mostly with trying to do just that.
We had one project with most of our game mechanic, that later got the collision from another project (by project I mean solution files), and then we had a third project with most of […]

ARTIFACT BLOG #2 Alpha time!
This week has been rather stressful. During our project we’ve had a lot of problems syncing our projects, meaning we’ve been sitting with maybe 3 different projects that all needed to merge together. This week all of us have worked mostly with trying to do just that.
We had one project with most of our game mechanic, that later got the collision from another project (by project I mean solution files), and then we had a third project with most of […]

“Animation, switching between pictures in a spritesheet, should not be that hard.”
A simple statement, however when I started working on our AnimationManager I realised just how wrong it was. At least in my case, where I tried to create an “Animation” class and then a “AnimationManager” to hold all the different Animations.
My original thought was that in the AnimationManager, there would be a vector with all the different animations, and that all entities would then have their own little map […]

“Animation, switching between pictures in a spritesheet, should not be that hard.”
A simple statement, however when I started working on our AnimationManager I realised just how wrong it was. At least in my case, where I tried to create an “Animation” class and then a “AnimationManager” to hold all the different Animations.
My original thought was that in the AnimationManager, there would be a vector with all the different animations, and that all entities would then have their own little map […]

Playground Panic #2 – Viewports
One of the things that makes our game unique is how you need to find and clean a kid before their parent(s) come to pick their kid up. This creates a tension that simply running around to clean the kids wouldn’t achieve, but it also required a large map and the ability to move around in it.
During the development-process so far we have only had a single-colored background. With a background added in, the game took a big visual step […]

Playground Panic #2 – Viewports
One of the things that makes our game unique is how you need to find and clean a kid before their parent(s) come to pick their kid up. This creates a tension that simply running around to clean the kids wouldn’t achieve, but it also required a large map and the ability to move around in it.
During the development-process so far we have only had a single-colored background. With a background added in, the game took a big visual step […]

No one was Kung-Fu Fighting
Sometimes nothing goes well, this is one of those times.
Imagine thus, like thunder from a clear sky comes the command – “Gosh, the main character should like totally be able to attack the guards or something like that, you know! You there, you look unoccupied, go make an animation for it, chop chop!”
Which leads us to the matter of the artifact of the day, namely today’s attempt at making the male main character’s attack animation.
And once again all that […]

No one was Kung-Fu Fighting
Sometimes nothing goes well, this is one of those times.
Imagine thus, like thunder from a clear sky comes the command – “Gosh, the main character should like totally be able to attack the guards or something like that, you know! You there, you look unoccupied, go make an animation for it, chop chop!”
Which leads us to the matter of the artifact of the day, namely today’s attempt at making the male main character’s attack animation.
And once again all that […]