Daily Archives: February 12, 2014

Last week, as I have mentioned earlier, I decided to take on creating two animations for our game, currently named Terminal. The main character is of course the most important part and therefore we want the animations for her done as soon as possible. Since I have already discussed the walkcycle I thought I would write something about the run-animation.I started by using some of the walkcycle frames as a reference for proportions, movement style and placement and redrew […]

Last week, as I have mentioned earlier, I decided to take on creating two animations for our game, currently named Terminal. The main character is of course the most important part and therefore we want the animations for her done as soon as possible. Since I have already discussed the walkcycle I thought I would write something about the run-animation.I started by using some of the walkcycle frames as a reference for proportions, movement style and placement and redrew […]

As usual this week has been very busy so far, and the worst is not yet over. Since we have a deadline Friday I decided to take on doing a sneak animations, two aiming animations and two shooting animations, I was hesitant as it is a lot of work to do in the little time we have, however it has to be done. It would have been hard work getting it done and as expected a lot of other things […]

As usual this week has been very busy so far, and the worst is not yet over. Since we have a deadline Friday I decided to take on doing a sneak animations, two aiming animations and two shooting animations, I was hesitant as it is a lot of work to do in the little time we have, however it has to be done. It would have been hard work getting it done and as expected a lot of other things […]

Project Report 2014-02-12
This week I primarily focused on the Game Design Document for our project based on the concept document of “Suit Em Up”. Once a rough draft of the layout had been made focus shifted to defining the various aspects and components of the game while making sure the articulation remained consistent throughout the text. Many revisions were made to ensure consistency was maintained both on my own and with the help of the rest of the group. Their aid was […]

Project Report 2014-02-12
This week I primarily focused on the Game Design Document for our project based on the concept document of “Suit Em Up”. Once a rough draft of the layout had been made focus shifted to defining the various aspects and components of the game while making sure the articulation remained consistent throughout the text. Many revisions were made to ensure consistency was maintained both on my own and with the help of the rest of the group. Their aid was […]

10 Week Project – Week 1 – Level Design
Ok, so I forgot to write a blog post about our new 10 week project where we get to choose another groups concept and develop a game around that.
A quick recap: We chose the concept of the game Escape.
Anyways, ever since we started the project I have, as the lead designer, written our game design document which probably won’t make for an exciting blog post. That blog post would basically be… our game design document. So I’m going to write […]

10 Week Project – Week 1 – Level Design
Ok, so I forgot to write a blog post about our new 10 week project where we get to choose another groups concept and develop a game around that.
A quick recap: We chose the concept of the game Escape.
Anyways, ever since we started the project I have, as the lead designer, written our game design document which probably won’t make for an exciting blog post. That blog post would basically be… our game design document. So I’m going to write […]

The first concept art for the game “aggressive bystander”. Before I begun working on the image I sketched on a lot of different constellations on the theme of the game. The theme is in short terms, an old guy caught in the middle of a riot. He is equally pissed off at all sides of the riot, both police and protestors. So he starts to take out all of his frustration on everything within reach. He is basically fed up […]

The first concept art for the game “aggressive bystander”. Before I begun working on the image I sketched on a lot of different constellations on the theme of the game. The theme is in short terms, an old guy caught in the middle of a riot. He is equally pissed off at all sides of the riot, both police and protestors. So he starts to take out all of his frustration on everything within reach. He is basically fed up […]

Project Terminal – The Fatigue Meter
Last week I took on the responsibility of creating the HUD for the game. In this post I will showcase the fatigue meter and explain how I’ve been thinking when designing it.
Our character will be able to sprint when moving through the game world. While sprinting a fatigue meter will gradually be filling up. When it is filled you will start breathing heavily which makes you more likely to alert the guards in the near vicinity of you.
For starters, I […]

Project Terminal – The Fatigue Meter
Last week I took on the responsibility of creating the HUD for the game. In this post I will showcase the fatigue meter and explain how I’ve been thinking when designing it.
Our character will be able to sprint when moving through the game world. While sprinting a fatigue meter will gradually be filling up. When it is filled you will start breathing heavily which makes you more likely to alert the guards in the near vicinity of you.
For starters, I […]

Soon I am done with the Document
This week I have been working on the design document. It is going well and I have put down all my time to it. It will soon be done and my fellow team mates can look at it and give me some response. I have been dealing with the games details. Things that make a game work. A design document is a little like a rulebook. If you follow the document every part of the game from coding to art […]

Soon I am done with the Document
This week I have been working on the design document. It is going well and I have put down all my time to it. It will soon be done and my fellow team mates can look at it and give me some response. I have been dealing with the games details. Things that make a game work. A design document is a little like a rulebook. If you follow the document every part of the game from coding to art […]

Character concepts for Playground Panic
My work on this project so far have been mostly concept art for the player characters.
I began to work on the female character first as the original game concept only had a female character. An insecure teenager that doesn’t like getting her hands dirty, and worries about keeping the kids clean in order to look good in front of the parents.
This is what i ended up with. I spent a lot of time on the player characters for them […]

Character concepts for Playground Panic
My work on this project so far have been mostly concept art for the player characters.
I began to work on the female character first as the original game concept only had a female character. An insecure teenager that doesn’t like getting her hands dirty, and worries about keeping the kids clean in order to look good in front of the parents.
This is what i ended up with. I spent a lot of time on the player characters for them […]

Character concepts for Playground Panic
My work on this project so far have been mostly concept art for the player characters.
I began to work on the female character first as the original game concept only had a female character. An insecure teenager that doesn’t like getting her hands dirty, and worries about keeping the kids clean in order to look good in front of the parents.
This is what i ended up with. I spent a lot of time on the player characters for […]

Character concepts for Playground Panic
My work on this project so far have been mostly concept art for the player characters.
I began to work on the female character first as the original game concept only had a female character. An insecure teenager that doesn’t like getting her hands dirty, and worries about keeping the kids clean in order to look good in front of the parents.
This is what i ended up with. I spent a lot of time on the player characters for […]

2014-02-12 – An artifact
The end of this project is drawing closer and we are all starting to see some result from our hard work – gamewise as well as learningwise.
One of my tasks has been to create a code for the paralax function which will consist of a couple of layers of mountains or hills disappearing in the horizon, a story box and clouds. As soon as I figured out how to work with the paralax and different layers it was pretty easy […]

2014-02-12 – An artifact
The end of this project is drawing closer and we are all starting to see some result from our hard work – gamewise as well as learningwise.
One of my tasks has been to create a code for the paralax function which will consist of a couple of layers of mountains or hills disappearing in the horizon, a story box and clouds. As soon as I figured out how to work with the paralax and different layers it was pretty easy […]

Haunted Light 2014-02-12 STATES
As the first official blog post of the project I am now to describe an artifact that is complete an put into the game. I am going to describe the different states of our game engine. But first of all why do we need states to being with, why not just write the code on the blank code sheet you have in front of you?
Well you can of course do that, but in the long run the program with states […]

Haunted Light 2014-02-12 STATES
As the first official blog post of the project I am now to describe an artifact that is complete an put into the game. I am going to describe the different states of our game engine. But first of all why do we need states to being with, why not just write the code on the blank code sheet you have in front of you?
Well you can of course do that, but in the long run the program with states […]

Today I applied my States to the main project and made the spawn and despawn of the next part of the gameplay-area works flawlessly (at least so far, you never know when things starts getting messed up).
I ahve also cleaned up my code and re-organized it a bit by creating classes and making them work.

Today I applied my States to the main project and made the spawn and despawn of the next part of the gameplay-area works flawlessly (at least so far, you never know when things starts getting messed up).
I ahve also cleaned up my code and re-organized it a bit by creating classes and making them work.