Monthly Archives: February 2018

5SD064 – Blog Post 1 : Lighting

Lighting is a big part of Depth. It both sets the tone and serves the aesthetic goal of the game. Outside of the player’s spotlight and a small light emanating from the cockpit, the entire screen is dark.
The submarine which the player controls has a light which follows the cursor, goes off when you get hit by a squid and can be upgraded temporarily by a power up. This was one of the artifacts I had to create during the second […]

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Program: Programming

5SD064 – Blog Post 1 : Lighting

Lighting is a big part of Depth. It both sets the tone and serves the aesthetic goal of the game. Outside of the player’s spotlight and a small light emanating from the cockpit, the entire screen is dark.
The submarine which the player controls has a light which follows the cursor, goes off when you get hit by a squid and can be upgraded temporarily by a power up. This was one of the artifacts I had to create during the second […]

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Program: Programming

Up the power-ups!

This week I have been working on the first ‘power-up’ to be featured in our game.
The creation of the power-up is twofold: Firstly, a base power-up Unity-gameobject had to be created. Secondly, a specific power-up had to be created which somehow changed the dynamics of the game, as according to the MDA framework. The base power-up will work as a template for future power-ups that are going to change the dynamics in different ways. Our group agreed that it would […]

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Program: Programming

Up the power-ups!

This week I have been working on the first ‘power-up’ to be featured in our game.
The creation of the power-up is twofold: Firstly, a base power-up Unity-gameobject had to be created. Secondly, a specific power-up had to be created which somehow changed the dynamics of the game, as according to the MDA framework. The base power-up will work as a template for future power-ups that are going to change the dynamics in different ways. Our group agreed that it would […]

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Program: Programming

Post #1 – Aiming the canon

Erik Rosenberg, I have been working as a project manager at a smaller media company prior to coming to Uppsala University, Campus Gotland where I am currently taking a bachelor of Game Design with a minor in Project Management. It is the second semester of my first year at the university.
I am also a member of Group Siren (a group of students at Uppsala University, Campus Gotland). Said group is currently developing a game, Behemoth, based on a concept document […]

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Post #1 – Aiming the canon

Erik Rosenberg, I have been working as a project manager at a smaller media company prior to coming to Uppsala University, Campus Gotland where I am currently taking a bachelor of Game Design with a minor in Project Management. It is the second semester of my first year at the university.
I am also a member of Group Siren (a group of students at Uppsala University, Campus Gotland). Said group is currently developing a game, Behemoth, based on a concept document […]

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Game Design journal 1

Mikael Ferroukhi                                                                                                                           date: 07/02/18
During this week, I have been helping my Game Design team (Bugbear) by providing them with assets, sprites and ideas for different elements of our picked game: Omibozu.
The general idea of the game is to control a ship sailing through a mist in a quest to discover a mysterious supernatural entity, and while doing so using a floodlight in order to see through it and differentiate the different shapes that will appear, revealing if it is an […]

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Program: Graphics

Game Design journal 1

Mikael Ferroukhi                                                                                                                           date: 07/02/18
During this week, I have been helping my Game Design team (Bugbear) by providing them with assets, sprites and ideas for different elements of our picked game: Omibozu.
The general idea of the game is to control a ship sailing through a mist in a quest to discover a mysterious supernatural entity, and while doing so using a floodlight in order to see through it and differentiate the different shapes that will appear, revealing if it is an […]

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Program: Graphics

Am I doing this right?

Task: UI: Health and Aether bar with player avatar icon
As a project manager who used to have digital drawing as a hobby, I have been waiting for the right opportunity to help out my team with some art. During this week’s sprint, that is exactly what I did. While both artists in my team are working on tasks that take many hours to complete, I thought I’d help out with UI, a smaller feature that doesn’t take too many hours, […]

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Am I doing this right?

Task: UI: Health and Aether bar with player avatar icon
As a project manager who used to have digital drawing as a hobby, I have been waiting for the right opportunity to help out my team with some art. During this week’s sprint, that is exactly what I did. While both artists in my team are working on tasks that take many hours to complete, I thought I’d help out with UI, a smaller feature that doesn’t take too many hours, […]

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5SD064 – Blog Post 2 : Tutorial level

This blog post will center around the design of the tutorial level for our game, “Depth”.
The aesthetic goal of “Depth” was “Last Leg”. We therefore had to make the player feel:

constantly in danger
relentless pursuit

However, the game still had to be fair. We therefore decided on creating a tutorial in which the player could experiment with moving, getting hit by enemies and shooting without getting penalized for it. An added bonus to such a tutorial is the stark contrast it creates […]

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Program: Programming

5SD064 – Blog Post 2 : Tutorial level

This blog post will center around the design of the tutorial level for our game, “Depth”.
The aesthetic goal of “Depth” was “Last Leg”. We therefore had to make the player feel:

constantly in danger
relentless pursuit

However, the game still had to be fair. We therefore decided on creating a tutorial in which the player could experiment with moving, getting hit by enemies and shooting without getting penalized for it. An added bonus to such a tutorial is the stark contrast it creates […]

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Program: Programming

Splashy Splash Screen

Splash screens typically serve to enhance the look and feeling of a game, it is the first thing the player sees when launching the game.
The fog, darkness and spotlight gives the player the aesthetic feeling of mystery before the game has started to make the player prepared and expected for what is coming next.

While making the splash screen, we were sitting in the group together while drawing it so everyone could be involved in giving feedback. It is always good […]

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Program: Graphics

Splashy Splash Screen

Splash screens typically serve to enhance the look and feeling of a game, it is the first thing the player sees when launching the game.
The fog, darkness and spotlight gives the player the aesthetic feeling of mystery before the game has started to make the player prepared and expected for what is coming next.

While making the splash screen, we were sitting in the group together while drawing it so everyone could be involved in giving feedback. It is always good […]

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Program: Graphics

Aether/Or: Creating a Projectile

As the inaugural entry of chronicling my experience in game development, I would like to talk about something I worked on this week, which was the projectile of the enemy set to appear in alpha. (Disclaimer: All assets are in the alpha stage and subject to change)
While it had been agreed upon that the enemy (the “Aether Ray’) would attack by firing a projectile from it’s tail, the exact nature of what was being fired had yet to be decided […]

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Program: Graphics

Aether/Or: Creating a Projectile

As the inaugural entry of chronicling my experience in game development, I would like to talk about something I worked on this week, which was the projectile of the enemy set to appear in alpha. (Disclaimer: All assets are in the alpha stage and subject to change)
While it had been agreed upon that the enemy (the “Aether Ray’) would attack by firing a projectile from it’s tail, the exact nature of what was being fired had yet to be decided […]

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Program: Graphics


This first blog post will be about how I as the lead programmer choose to implement movement into our game. For some context: the game me and my fellow team members are working on will feature loads of different sprites that move around. The player will be one of them and the others will be different types of enemies and pickups. In order to simplify the code and write as little duplicate code as possible, I choose to make all my […]

/ Comments Off on 08-02-2018
Program: Programming


This first blog post will be about how I as the lead programmer choose to implement movement into our game. For some context: the game me and my fellow team members are working on will feature loads of different sprites that move around. The player will be one of them and the others will be different types of enemies and pickups. In order to simplify the code and write as little duplicate code as possible, I choose to make all my […]

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Program: Programming

First update

This is my first update.

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Program: Programming

First update

This is my first update.

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Program: Programming

Project Aetherial Blog One

We are currently on sprint three of our game project, based on the concept document of the game Aetherial. For this first blog I will focus on the creation and development of one of the games’ enemies: the so-called sky pufferfish. As one of the graphical artists of the team, I am in charge of all the “common” enemies of the game, while the other artist is in charge of the player avatar and final boss. This was decided in […]

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Program: Graphics

Project Aetherial Blog One

We are currently on sprint three of our game project, based on the concept document of the game Aetherial. For this first blog I will focus on the creation and development of one of the games’ enemies: the so-called sky pufferfish. As one of the graphical artists of the team, I am in charge of all the “common” enemies of the game, while the other artist is in charge of the player avatar and final boss. This was decided in […]

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Program: Graphics