Daily Archives: April 17, 2016

BGP: Second Post
This week I have been mainly going over assets, UV-mapping, lightmapping and re-assigning material ID:s to make the environment texturing easier and tried out a couple of texture setups to see what would work for the visual style we had in mind. It’s been a bit tricky, since it’s our first time working with 3D in Unity so every step is a bit trial-and-error. Nothing I’d like to show so far unfortunately but here’s a piece of promotional art for […]

BGP: Second Post
This week I have been mainly going over assets, UV-mapping, lightmapping and re-assigning material ID:s to make the environment texturing easier and tried out a couple of texture setups to see what would work for the visual style we had in mind. It’s been a bit tricky, since it’s our first time working with 3D in Unity so every step is a bit trial-and-error. Nothing I’d like to show so far unfortunately but here’s a piece of promotional art for […]

Tale – Big Game Project
Hello! For the last three weeks I have been working on a Third person action adventure game called Tale for the course Big Game Project. This is the first time im working with Unity 5 3D and it has been a challenge! I have had to learn some new math and a lot of Unity’s 3d syntax.
During these three weeks I have been working on a couple of features:
The character controller – Movement
Bow Aiming and Shooting
The Camera
The hardest task […]

Tale – Big Game Project
Hello! For the last three weeks I have been working on a Third person action adventure game called Tale for the course Big Game Project. This is the first time im working with Unity 5 3D and it has been a challenge! I have had to learn some new math and a lot of Unity’s 3d syntax.
During these three weeks I have been working on a couple of features:
The character controller – Movement
Bow Aiming and Shooting
The Camera
The hardest task […]

Neiva programming blog 2
I’ve been working on the player character movement. That includes running, jumping, land on moving platforms, move WITH moving platforms and more… I’ll now talk about how I created the jumping movement.
In the Neiva game we have the main character the player controls: NEIVA. It’s a two legged little creature that looks cute, colorful and non-realistic. In the game, we did not want realistic movement. A realistic jump would be a single jump force up from the ground and then […]

Neiva programming blog 2
I’ve been working on the player character movement. That includes running, jumping, land on moving platforms, move WITH moving platforms and more… I’ll now talk about how I created the jumping movement.
In the Neiva game we have the main character the player controls: NEIVA. It’s a two legged little creature that looks cute, colorful and non-realistic. In the game, we did not want realistic movement. A realistic jump would be a single jump force up from the ground and then […]

Big Game Project week 2
This week had its ups and downs. There are so many things to be decided that I haven´t got the faintest clue about how to do. I have never made a 3D game before in my entire life! The thing I’ve been trying to figure out this week is how her attack animations will work and how they should be programmed. I cant just say “she should have a big sword and wave it around and stuff” Will she make […]

Big Game Project week 2
This week had its ups and downs. There are so many things to be decided that I haven´t got the faintest clue about how to do. I have never made a 3D game before in my entire life! The thing I’ve been trying to figure out this week is how her attack animations will work and how they should be programmed. I cant just say “she should have a big sword and wave it around and stuff” Will she make […]

Big Game Project – Tale
Greetings, it is time for blog posts again. This time it is for big game project. This course is about making a game in about 8 weeks, and then showing the game at the GGC conference. The game we are making is named Tale, and is developed in Unity.
This is the third week into big game project, thought the blogging starts now. Therefore I will describe the most important discoveries, solutions and problems related to code I have encountered during these three […]

Big Game Project – Tale
Greetings, it is time for blog posts again. This time it is for big game project. This course is about making a game in about 8 weeks, and then showing the game at the GGC conference. The game we are making is named Tale, and is developed in Unity.
This is the third week into big game project, thought the blogging starts now. Therefore I will describe the most important discoveries, solutions and problems related to code I have encountered during these three […]

Big Game Project Week One
The time has come to participate in a course where I can actually make a game and not just graphics for one. That is something I have felt is lacking the last few months.
I am working on a game that is so far called SpaceGoo Adventures. It is about three? slime creatures with different abilities traversing a world to find parts for their broken teleporterthingie. It is a 3D plattformer collectathon reminicent of old Nintendo 64 games like Mario 64 […]

Big Game Project Week One
The time has come to participate in a course where I can actually make a game and not just graphics for one. That is something I have felt is lacking the last few months.
I am working on a game that is so far called SpaceGoo Adventures. It is about three? slime creatures with different abilities traversing a world to find parts for their broken teleporterthingie. It is a 3D plattformer collectathon reminicent of old Nintendo 64 games like Mario 64 […]

Big Game Project Week 2
Week two of the big game project has come to an end and the game has progressed a fair bit. The work that I have done has not produced any new assets for the game but I have used the modular assets already created to build houses and the beginning of the city.
During this week a lot of time has been spent UV and light mapping the assets that I created last week. But some time has been used to create the […]

Big Game Project Week 2
Week two of the big game project has come to an end and the game has progressed a fair bit. The work that I have done has not produced any new assets for the game but I have used the modular assets already created to build houses and the beginning of the city.
During this week a lot of time has been spent UV and light mapping the assets that I created last week. But some time has been used to create the […]

Synapse: An Introduction
Been a while since my last activity here, so hello again! The final big game production of the university year is in full swing, so I’ll be tracking my process via this blog.
The concept I created, and is now working on, is the game Synapse. To sum it up in as few words as possible, it’s a touchscreen tablet game where you explore the functions of a neurotypical, and non-neurotypical brains, by guiding nerve signals to various parts of the […]

Synapse: An Introduction
Been a while since my last activity here, so hello again! The final big game production of the university year is in full swing, so I’ll be tracking my process via this blog.
The concept I created, and is now working on, is the game Synapse. To sum it up in as few words as possible, it’s a touchscreen tablet game where you explore the functions of a neurotypical, and non-neurotypical brains, by guiding nerve signals to various parts of the […]

Synapse: Big Game Project Post #1 and #2
Week 1:
Note that I joined this project later than the other members and as such was not involved with the initial development of the game.
That said, we had recently started on the our big game project called Synapse. It is meant to be an educational brain-tampering game, or rather a simulator, where you show the player an image of the different regions of the brain and a character linked to it. The player is then allowed to send pulses throughout […]

Synapse: Big Game Project Post #1 and #2
Week 1:
Note that I joined this project later than the other members and as such was not involved with the initial development of the game.
That said, we had recently started on the our big game project called Synapse. It is meant to be an educational brain-tampering game, or rather a simulator, where you show the player an image of the different regions of the brain and a character linked to it. The player is then allowed to send pulses throughout […]

Week 2 – Redesigned the visual style
Welcome to yet another chaotic week. This week I joked about changing the visual style to a style that was way more computerized than what we had earlier. I showed one of the artists the following picture.
“What if the game had a completely computerized look!” I instantly regretted those words as the artist went crazy with the idea and started working on it. After a few hours of playing around he showed me this.What […]

Week 2 – Redesigned the visual style
Welcome to yet another chaotic week. This week I joked about changing the visual style to a style that was way more computerized than what we had earlier. I showed one of the artists the following picture.
“What if the game had a completely computerized look!” I instantly regretted those words as the artist went crazy with the idea and started working on it. After a few hours of playing around he showed me this.What […]
Big Game Project, Week 2.
Week 2 has been coming along nicely!
We’ve decided to use Elias Software as a base, and thanks to the schools connections we were able to save time for our demo production by using one of the pre-existing themes for the game to showcase what we want the game be like. The theme is called Smoggy Sundown, and is a very blippy / retro-gaming sounding theme.
Apart from that, I’ve been working on trying to bring more sounds to our characters in […]
Big Game Project, Week 2.
Week 2 has been coming along nicely!
We’ve decided to use Elias Software as a base, and thanks to the schools connections we were able to save time for our demo production by using one of the pre-existing themes for the game to showcase what we want the game be like. The theme is called Smoggy Sundown, and is a very blippy / retro-gaming sounding theme.
Apart from that, I’ve been working on trying to bring more sounds to our characters in […]

Week 3 – Shaders and lookdev
This week have been spent mostly with attempting to identify what the game will look after some concerns were raised with the previous visions we had.
In order to sell the idea that you are in fact playing as an AI we need to first figure out an impossible to answer question. “What would the world look like to an seemingly omniscient AI?”
There is no right answer to this impossible to answer question obviously, thus we needed to experiment to find […]

Week 3 – Shaders and lookdev
This week have been spent mostly with attempting to identify what the game will look after some concerns were raised with the previous visions we had.
In order to sell the idea that you are in fact playing as an AI we need to first figure out an impossible to answer question. “What would the world look like to an seemingly omniscient AI?”
There is no right answer to this impossible to answer question obviously, thus we needed to experiment to find […]