Daily Archives: April 25, 2015

Spirit Boom, more houses.
Here are some videos and pictures showing my progress this week.
This is a zoomed out view of the village you start the game in. Still a work in progress.
A close up of the well.
And the shaman’s hut fire animation.

Spirit Boom, more houses.
Here are some videos and pictures showing my progress this week.
This is a zoomed out view of the village you start the game in. Still a work in progress.
A close up of the well.
And the shaman’s hut fire animation.

Pre Alpha week (w4)
This week was the last week before the alpha should be ready. The main focus of the week from my side was making a small test level to be played at the open game testing that was held on Friday. This involved plenty of play testing, remodelling of the level, and discussions with the other team members on what we needed to make the level work.
Many art assets were implemented during the week such as buttons, inactive and active boxes as […]

Pre Alpha week (w4)
This week was the last week before the alpha should be ready. The main focus of the week from my side was making a small test level to be played at the open game testing that was held on Friday. This involved plenty of play testing, remodelling of the level, and discussions with the other team members on what we needed to make the level work.
Many art assets were implemented during the week such as buttons, inactive and active boxes as […]

Big Game Project – Week 4 – Building the Level
The Fourth week of BGB has come to an end this post covers what I have been doing during the last week. So this week I have started to build the level.
I use the unreal blueprints to create different segments of the walls by combining the rock meshes, so far I have two different walls, a tunnel, a roof segment and cave opening, these were built with the rocks that had finished UV mapping I have several more at my disposal, […]

Big Game Project – Week 4 – Building the Level
The Fourth week of BGB has come to an end this post covers what I have been doing during the last week. So this week I have started to build the level.
I use the unreal blueprints to create different segments of the walls by combining the rock meshes, so far I have two different walls, a tunnel, a roof segment and cave opening, these were built with the rocks that had finished UV mapping I have several more at my disposal, […]

BGP Week 4: Sticks and Stones
I became ill this week, went to a few doctor’s appointments, prepared for the “public discussion” of our reports, and participated in the pre-alpha testing, so I did not get as much time on the project as I should have needed. During the short time that I managed to spend on the project, I made a couple of textures for props and environment. We needed to get some more textures, or at least colors into the geame world, so we could […]

BGP Week 4: Sticks and Stones
I became ill this week, went to a few doctor’s appointments, prepared for the “public discussion” of our reports, and participated in the pre-alpha testing, so I did not get as much time on the project as I should have needed. During the short time that I managed to spend on the project, I made a couple of textures for props and environment. We needed to get some more textures, or at least colors into the geame world, so we could […]

BGP Week 4: Spline Level Generation – From cubes to modeled meshes
This week I continued the work on the level generation. Our artist had finished most of the track mesh, I decided to try implementing it in the current system. I already knew from the start that I would have to modify what I already had; the previous system relied on hardcoded vertex indices, and the cubes I played around with earlier only had 24 vertices in total. The new mesh had somewhere around 400 vertices, which Unity then further increased […]

BGP Week 4: Spline Level Generation – From cubes to modeled meshes
This week I continued the work on the level generation. Our artist had finished most of the track mesh, I decided to try implementing it in the current system. I already knew from the start that I would have to modify what I already had; the previous system relied on hardcoded vertex indices, and the cubes I played around with earlier only had 24 vertices in total. The new mesh had somewhere around 400 vertices, which Unity then further increased […]