Daily Archives: December 10, 2014

Persona 3 and Disney composition in After Effects – Motion Graphics
A couple of weeks has gone by since I wrote my latest blog post regarding the Motion Graphics course I’m taking alongside 3D2 and I thought I’d share some of the things I’ve done during time. The pace of this course has been extremely high with two comps a week and something entirely different to learn each time. I will share with you one comp from both week 3 and week 4 I’ve done for the hand-in assignment.
Week 3
The focus for […]

Persona 3 and Disney composition in After Effects – Motion Graphics
A couple of weeks has gone by since I wrote my latest blog post regarding the Motion Graphics course I’m taking alongside 3D2 and I thought I’d share some of the things I’ve done during time. The pace of this course has been extremely high with two comps a week and something entirely different to learn each time. I will share with you one comp from both week 3 and week 4 I’ve done for the hand-in assignment.
Week 3
The focus for […]

Persona 3 and Disney composition in After Effects – Motion Graphics
A couple of weeks has gone by since I wrote my latest blog post regarding the Motion Graphics course I’m taking alongside 3D2 and I thought I’d share some of the things I’ve done during time. The pace of this course has been extremely high with two comps a week and something entirely different to learn each time. I will share with you one comp from both week 3 and week 4 I’ve done for the hand-in assignment.
Week 3
The focus for […]

Persona 3 and Disney composition in After Effects – Motion Graphics
A couple of weeks has gone by since I wrote my latest blog post regarding the Motion Graphics course I’m taking alongside 3D2 and I thought I’d share some of the things I’ve done during time. The pace of this course has been extremely high with two comps a week and something entirely different to learn each time. I will share with you one comp from both week 3 and week 4 I’ve done for the hand-in assignment.
Week 3
The focus for […]

Two days worth of blogging
Yesterday we met with the Assignment 3 group during the morning and made ourselfs a task list for the holiday project. I won’t talk too much about it on here until i’m done with the other parts.
During the lecture we were taslked to figure out one segment ourselves and while i was close to solving it, i couldn’t quite figure it out. With my mood ruined i went home and started reworking my erase function on y binary search tree […]

Two days worth of blogging
Yesterday we met with the Assignment 3 group during the morning and made ourselfs a task list for the holiday project. I won’t talk too much about it on here until i’m done with the other parts.
During the lecture we were taslked to figure out one segment ourselves and while i was close to solving it, i couldn’t quite figure it out. With my mood ruined i went home and started reworking my erase function on y binary search tree […]

Smart pointers vs Raw pointers
In c++ you use pointers very often, and they are the main reason for memory leaks and other problems. They allocate memory and if they are not deleted that is a memory leak. To avoid this problem the Smart pointers are to prefer.
A Smart pointer contains a Raw pointer – pointing to it, and it has the same size -, only the Smart pointer deletes the Raw pointer when it is no longer used. This means that you don’t have […]

Smart pointers vs Raw pointers
In c++ you use pointers very often, and they are the main reason for memory leaks and other problems. They allocate memory and if they are not deleted that is a memory leak. To avoid this problem the Smart pointers are to prefer.
A Smart pointer contains a Raw pointer – pointing to it, and it has the same size -, only the Smart pointer deletes the Raw pointer when it is no longer used. This means that you don’t have […]

Smart pointers vs Raw pointers
In c++ you use pointers very often, and they are the main reason for memory leaks and other problems. They allocate memory and if they are not deleted that is a memory leak. To avoid this problem the Smart pointers are to prefer.
A Smart pointer contains a Raw pointer – pointing to it, and it has the same size -, only the Smart pointer deletes the Raw pointer when it is no longer used. This means that you don’t have […]

Smart pointers vs Raw pointers
In c++ you use pointers very often, and they are the main reason for memory leaks and other problems. They allocate memory and if they are not deleted that is a memory leak. To avoid this problem the Smart pointers are to prefer.
A Smart pointer contains a Raw pointer – pointing to it, and it has the same size -, only the Smart pointer deletes the Raw pointer when it is no longer used. This means that you don’t have […]

I attended to a game jam this weekend and it was both hard and super fun! I ended up being in a group of three first year students with no programmers, so I took the task of being our ”programmer” as far as making a game in game maker goes. The artwork naturally became the highlight of our game. Even tho it is not a game with cool mechanics I´m proud of the fact that we got it to work […]

I attended to a game jam this weekend and it was both hard and super fun! I ended up being in a group of three first year students with no programmers, so I took the task of being our ”programmer” as far as making a game in game maker goes. The artwork naturally became the highlight of our game. Even tho it is not a game with cool mechanics I´m proud of the fact that we got it to work […]

I attended to a game jam this weekend and it was both hard and super fun! I ended up being in a group of three first year students with no programmers, so I took the task of being our ”programmer” as far as making a game in game maker goes. The artwork naturally became the highlight of our game. Even tho it is not a game with cool mechanics I´m proud of the fact that we got it to work […]

I attended to a game jam this weekend and it was both hard and super fun! I ended up being in a group of three first year students with no programmers, so I took the task of being our ”programmer” as far as making a game in game maker goes. The artwork naturally became the highlight of our game. Even tho it is not a game with cool mechanics I´m proud of the fact that we got it to work […]