Daily Archives: December 30, 2014

Practice Values

First time for me working with values.
Did this in 10 mins approximately.

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Program: Graphics

Practice Values

First time for me working with values.
Did this in 10 mins approximately.

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Program: Graphics

Practice Values

First time for me working with values.
Did this in 10 mins approximately.

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Program: Graphics

Practice Values

First time for me working with values.
Did this in 10 mins approximately.

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Program: Graphics


Det går inte precis snabbt fram det här arbetet, speciellt inte nu när det har varit jul och jag har inte haft tid att sitta och plugga då jag har umgåtts med familjen. Men idag fokuserade jag på sprites.

Så nu har jag en sprite som rör sig från mitten och mot höger, ska fortsätta så jag får den att röra sig i det mönstret som de gör i orginalet innan jag lägger till resten.

/ Comments Off on 28.12.14
Program: Programming


Det går inte precis snabbt fram det här arbetet, speciellt inte nu när det har varit jul och jag har inte haft tid att sitta och plugga då jag har umgåtts med familjen. Men idag fokuserade jag på sprites.

Så nu har jag en sprite som rör sig från mitten och mot höger, ska fortsätta så jag får den att röra sig i det mönstret som de gör i orginalet innan jag lägger till resten.

/ Comments Off on 28.12.14
Program: Programming

Three days of track manager

Three days without a blog post but our work efforts are starting to take shape. The efforts that is, the results are still a bit lacking.
My work for the last three days have mainly been to get the track manager built properly.
The track manager creates the individual segments of the straight pipe which makes up our track, make sure they are created in the right position, that they move backwards towards the camera and finally that they are […]

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Program: Programming

Three days of track manager

Three days without a blog post but our work efforts are starting to take shape. The efforts that is, the results are still a bit lacking.
My work for the last three days have mainly been to get the track manager built properly.
The track manager creates the individual segments of the straight pipe which makes up our track, make sure they are created in the right position, that they move backwards towards the camera and finally that they are […]

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Program: Programming

Programming: several C++ container classes

In our live Arkanoid coding sessions, we used several standard C++ container classes. I am going to describe them in this post.
An array contains multiple elements of the same type. Sometimes, however, it is useful to hold two objects (possibly of different types) as a single entity. For this purpose, we use the std::pair container.
Below is a table with basic personal data:



It is natural to group Id and Name and refer to them as a single object within the […]

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Program: Programming

Programming: several C++ container classes

In our live Arkanoid coding sessions, we used several standard C++ container classes. I am going to describe them in this post.
An array contains multiple elements of the same type. Sometimes, however, it is useful to hold two objects (possibly of different types) as a single entity. For this purpose, we use the std::pair container.
Below is a table with basic personal data:



It is natural to group Id and Name and refer to them as a single object within the […]

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Program: Programming