Monthly Archives: June 2014

Victory and Future plans

Student choice prize
GGC is over and Agency where able to win the Student choice award. This is a huge accomplishment as it shows that what we were able to create a product that people enjoyed.

The last 3 weeks I have been working on finalizing the cards as well as working on implementing visual feedback to the digital version of the game. After many late hours our work paid off in the end by winning a prize. 

Future plans for […]

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Program: Programming

Victory and Future plans

Student choice prize
GGC is over and Agency where able to win the Student choice award. This is a huge accomplishment as it shows that what we were able to create a product that people enjoyed.

The last 3 weeks I have been working on finalizing the cards as well as working on implementing visual feedback to the digital version of the game. After many late hours our work paid off in the end by winning a prize. 

Future plans for […]

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Program: Programming

BGP Week 7

Week 7
The week went to start putting everything together and to replace the last placeholder meshes and textures.
 Beta feedback:
The feedback we received during the beta, where that the game was too dark. Mist in the corridor to the wind level. There was also some problem with the lighting in the Central hub area.
Based on the feedback from the beta we decided change so that all levels now are in separate levels and the player teleports into the levels. Before everything […]

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Program: Graphics

BGP Week 7

Week 7
The week went to start putting everything together and to replace the last placeholder meshes and textures.
 Beta feedback:
The feedback we received during the beta, where that the game was too dark. Mist in the corridor to the wind level. There was also some problem with the lighting in the Central hub area.
Based on the feedback from the beta we decided change so that all levels now are in separate levels and the player teleports into the levels. Before everything […]

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Program: Graphics

Week 8, Gotland Game Conference & Swedish Game Awards

The last week of BGP wasn’t as stressful as I thought it would be. I had already finished all of the props and textures needed for the levels, main character and so on. The one thing I had left was the spaceship for the intro!
The Intro
Like I mentioned in a previous post, we were planning on having an in-game cutscene at the beginning of the game. It would show the ship cruising over Earth, dropping one of the boxes it’s carrying, […]

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Program: Graphics

Week 8, Gotland Game Conference & Swedish Game Awards

The last week of BGP wasn’t as stressful as I thought it would be. I had already finished all of the props and textures needed for the levels, main character and so on. The one thing I had left was the spaceship for the intro!
The Intro
Like I mentioned in a previous post, we were planning on having an in-game cutscene at the beginning of the game. It would show the ship cruising over Earth, dropping one of the boxes it’s carrying, […]

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Program: Graphics

Week 8, Gotland Game Conference & Swedish Game Awards

The last week of BGP wasn’t as stressful as I thought it would be. I had already finished all of the props and textures needed for the levels, main character and so on. The one thing I had left was the spaceship for the intro!
The Intro
Like I mentioned in a previous post, we were planning on having an in-game cutscene at the beginning of the game. It would show the ship cruising over Earth, dropping one of the boxes it’s carrying, […]

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Program: Graphics

Week 8, Gotland Game Conference & Swedish Game Awards

The last week of BGP wasn’t as stressful as I thought it would be. I had already finished all of the props and textures needed for the levels, main character and so on. The one thing I had left was the spaceship for the intro!
The Intro
Like I mentioned in a previous post, we were planning on having an in-game cutscene at the beginning of the game. It would show the ship cruising over Earth, dropping one of the boxes it’s carrying, […]

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Program: Graphics

Big Game Project (week9)

The course ’’Big Game Project’’ has now passed and our game Tower Offensive was displayed at Gotland Game Conference last week. During three days people were allowed to play our game among with many other games created by other students at Uppsala University Campus Gotland.
It was extremely fun to see so many people playing and enjoying our game, we also received much valuable feedback which we can use to improve our game in the future.
I didn’t have too big expectations […]

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Program: Graphics

Big Game Project (week9)

The course ’’Big Game Project’’ has now passed and our game Tower Offensive was displayed at Gotland Game Conference last week. During three days people were allowed to play our game among with many other games created by other students at Uppsala University Campus Gotland.
It was extremely fun to see so many people playing and enjoying our game, we also received much valuable feedback which we can use to improve our game in the future.
I didn’t have too big expectations […]

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Program: Graphics

Big Game Project (week9)

The course ’’Big Game Project’’ has now passed and our game Tower Offensive was displayed at Gotland Game Conference last week. During three days people were allowed to play our game among with many other games created by other students at Uppsala University Campus Gotland.
It was extremely fun to see so many people playing and enjoying our game, we also received much valuable feedback which we can use to improve our game in the future.
I didn’t have too big expectations […]

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Program: Graphics

Big Game Project (week9)

The course ’’Big Game Project’’ has now passed and our game Tower Offensive was displayed at Gotland Game Conference last week. During three days people were allowed to play our game among with many other games created by other students at Uppsala University Campus Gotland.
It was extremely fun to see so many people playing and enjoying our game, we also received much valuable feedback which we can use to improve our game in the future.
I didn’t have too big expectations […]

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Program: Graphics

Perhaps last entry, part #1: PPX, trailer and more

Due to various near-deadline circumstances, I had to postpone blogging in order to finish the game. Therefore I’ve decided to split this major update into two; the first being a standard blog post with content that should be dated a couple of weeks back, and the second being some pre-GGC, GGC and post-GGC talk (GGC = Gotland Game Conference, if you haven’t read previous posts). So without further ado:

 PPX (Post-Processing Effects) and multiple Cameras
We had this problem where effect occurring on […]

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Program: Programming

Perhaps last entry, part #1: PPX, trailer and more

Due to various near-deadline circumstances, I had to postpone blogging in order to finish the game. Therefore I’ve decided to split this major update into two; the first being a standard blog post with content that should be dated a couple of weeks back, and the second being some pre-GGC, GGC and post-GGC talk (GGC = Gotland Game Conference, if you haven’t read previous posts). So without further ado:

 PPX (Post-Processing Effects) and multiple Cameras
We had this problem where effect occurring on […]

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Program: Programming

Perhaps last entry, part #1: PPX, trailer and more

Due to various near-deadline circumstances, I had to postpone blogging in order to finish the game. Therefore I’ve decided to split this major update into two; the first being a standard blog post with content that should be dated a couple of weeks back, and the second being some pre-GGC, GGC and post-GGC talk (GGC = Gotland Game Conference, if you haven’t read previous posts). So without further ado:

 PPX (Post-Processing Effects) and multiple Cameras
We had this […]

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Program: Programming

Perhaps last entry, part #1: PPX, trailer and more

Due to various near-deadline circumstances, I had to postpone blogging in order to finish the game. Therefore I’ve decided to split this major update into two; the first being a standard blog post with content that should be dated a couple of weeks back, and the second being some pre-GGC, GGC and post-GGC talk (GGC = Gotland Game Conference, if you haven’t read previous posts). So without further ado:

 PPX (Post-Processing Effects) and multiple Cameras
We had this […]

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Program: Programming

Big Game: GGC and Beyond!

So much for being back on a weekly schedule! 
The last weeks before the Gotland Game Conferance (GGC) were quite crunchy and so the blog had to suffer. To summarize what I did I’ll give you these words: feedback implementation and bug fixing. I added particles aplenty and also added the final animations for various different game objects.
All of our hard work was rewarded during GGC as we managed to secure no less than three awards!
The awards were as following:

Best presentation […]

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Program: Programming

Big Game: GGC and Beyond!

So much for being back on a weekly schedule! 
The last weeks before the Gotland Game Conferance (GGC) were quite crunchy and so the blog had to suffer. To summarize what I did I’ll give you these words: feedback implementation and bug fixing. I added particles aplenty and also added the final animations for various different game objects.
All of our hard work was rewarded during GGC as we managed to secure no less than three awards!
The awards were as following:

Best presentation […]

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Program: Programming

Big Game: GGC and Beyond!

So much for being back on a weekly schedule! 
The last weeks before the Gotland Game Conferance (GGC) were quite crunchy and so the blog had to suffer. To summarize what I did I’ll give you these words: feedback implementation and bug fixing. I added particles aplenty and also added the final animations for various different game objects.
All of our hard work was rewarded during GGC as we managed to secure no less than three awards!
The awards were as following:

Best presentation […]

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Program: Programming

Big Game: GGC and Beyond!

So much for being back on a weekly schedule! 
The last weeks before the Gotland Game Conferance (GGC) were quite crunchy and so the blog had to suffer. To summarize what I did I’ll give you these words: feedback implementation and bug fixing. I added particles aplenty and also added the final animations for various different game objects.
All of our hard work was rewarded during GGC as we managed to secure no less than three awards!
The awards were as following:

Best presentation […]

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Program: Programming

Perhaps last entry, part #1: PPX, trailer and more

Due to various near-deadline circumstances, I had to postpone blogging in order to finish the game. Therefore I’ve decided to split this major update into two; the first being a standard blog post with content that should be dated a couple of weeks back, and the second being some pre-GGC, GGC and post-GGC talk (GGC = Gotland Game Conference, if you haven’t read previous posts). So without further ado:

 PPX (Post-Processing Effects) and multiple Cameras
We had this […]

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Program: Programming

Perhaps last entry, part #1: PPX, trailer and more

Due to various near-deadline circumstances, I had to postpone blogging in order to finish the game. Therefore I’ve decided to split this major update into two; the first being a standard blog post with content that should be dated a couple of weeks back, and the second being some pre-GGC, GGC and post-GGC talk (GGC = Gotland Game Conference, if you haven’t read previous posts). So without further ado:

 PPX (Post-Processing Effects) and multiple Cameras
We had this […]

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Program: Programming

Post GGC-thoughts

So GGC is now finally over. Despite technical issues and that the demo ghost was present for me during GGC, I was still able to show of what I made during this course.
Feedback on my gameI couple of people came over and tried my game at the Gotland Game Conference. One thing that many people said was that the game needed more polish and that the player should have gotten more feedback, but it is a good base to keep […]

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Program: Programming

Post GGC-thoughts

So GGC is now finally over. Despite technical issues and that the demo ghost was present for me during GGC, I was still able to show of what I made during this course.
Feedback on my gameI couple of people came over and tried my game at the Gotland Game Conference. One thing that many people said was that the game needed more polish and that the player should have gotten more feedback, but it is a good base to keep […]

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Program: Programming