Daily Archives: February 21, 2014

Today was our first milestone of our project – the Alpha presentation. All groups got to go up on stage in front of the class, some second year students and some teachers to present our game. It started with a short presentation of our group, why we chose the concept we did, what went well/could have gone better and our goals for the beta. This was followed by a demonstration of what our game currently looks like and how it […]

Today was our first milestone of our project – the Alpha presentation. All groups got to go up on stage in front of the class, some second year students and some teachers to present our game. It started with a short presentation of our group, why we chose the concept we did, what went well/could have gone better and our goals for the beta. This was followed by a demonstration of what our game currently looks like and how it […]

Memory pools and Artificial Intelligence
As I sit here on this fine friday evening with some chilinuts and a cold one I realize that I haven’t done an update for a while, mostly since I haven’t got that much going on. So in this post I will talk mostly about our previous project (Portal in 2D) and the touch briefly on what I think I’m going to do next or sometime in the future.
The past!
So It’s been about a month since the last course ended […]

Memory pools and Artificial Intelligence
As I sit here on this fine friday evening with some chilinuts and a cold one I realize that I haven’t done an update for a while, mostly since I haven’t got that much going on. So in this post I will talk mostly about our previous project (Portal in 2D) and the touch briefly on what I think I’m going to do next or sometime in the future.
The past!
So It’s been about a month since the last course ended […]

Data / Memory management
This is a post I’ve been meaning to write for a long time. I’ve had a couple of revelations when it comes to programming and thought that I should share those revelations. One of those revelations are connected to the memory management of c++ and the other is about data. Non specific data that is, but data nonetheless.
Memory management
One of the hardest things that I learned in c++ programming was the use of pointers. Now I understood early on that […]

Data / Memory management
This is a post I’ve been meaning to write for a long time. I’ve had a couple of revelations when it comes to programming and thought that I should share those revelations. One of those revelations are connected to the memory management of c++ and the other is about data. Non specific data that is, but data nonetheless.
Memory management
One of the hardest things that I learned in c++ programming was the use of pointers. Now I understood early on that […]

I’ve changed the theme on my blog and there is some problem with pictures… If you see a low resolution picture with loads of pixels… please click on it and look at it in its actual size, it will look much better!

I’ve changed the theme on my blog and there is some problem with pictures… If you see a low resolution picture with loads of pixels… please click on it and look at it in its actual size, it will look much better!

I’ve changed the theme on my blog and there is some problem with pictures… If you see a low resolution picture with loads of pixels… please click on it and look at it in its actual size, it will look much better!

I’ve changed the theme on my blog and there is some problem with pictures… If you see a low resolution picture with loads of pixels… please click on it and look at it in its actual size, it will look much better!

Okay her’es the rundown of the last 20 hours or so.
Thursday i worked most of the day on the CollisionManager and we planned to work all night with finishing the alpha. Oliver came back around 5 or so and took charge or the coding. During the night i did some more collision work as well as adding the noise circles for the player. Before i left i also created an attack functionality for the player and made it functional by […]

Okay her’es the rundown of the last 20 hours or so.
Thursday i worked most of the day on the CollisionManager and we planned to work all night with finishing the alpha. Oliver came back around 5 or so and took charge or the coding. During the night i did some more collision work as well as adding the noise circles for the player. Before i left i also created an attack functionality for the player and made it functional by […]

Adventures in the world of GUI
The GUI in our game has really been giving me a headache this past week (and the week before). When I decided to make the GUI, I thought that “oh, there should be a ton of finished libraries out there that I can use.” This first part was true, the second was not.
Googling around, I found some links to various libraries, like SFGUI and CEGUI (among others). Both of these looked incredibly promising, but when I […]

Adventures in the world of GUI
The GUI in our game has really been giving me a headache this past week (and the week before). When I decided to make the GUI, I thought that “oh, there should be a ton of finished libraries out there that I can use.” This first part was true, the second was not.
Googling around, I found some links to various libraries, like SFGUI and CEGUI (among others). Both of these looked incredibly promising, but when I […]

Codename: Haunted Light – ObjectManager
This week we’ve been working hard on getting an alpha product done for the presentation that will be held in from of the class.
I’ve made some finishing touches on the light engine so that it e.g. no longer have transparent shadows. This was accomplished by using blend modes. I’m quite familiar with using blend-modes because of my previous projects when I used to program a lot inside the game engine Game Maker. But I’ve gotten more and more used to […]

Codename: Haunted Light – ObjectManager
This week we’ve been working hard on getting an alpha product done for the presentation that will be held in from of the class.
I’ve made some finishing touches on the light engine so that it e.g. no longer have transparent shadows. This was accomplished by using blend modes. I’m quite familiar with using blend-modes because of my previous projects when I used to program a lot inside the game engine Game Maker. But I’ve gotten more and more used to […]

ID- OMG Artifact blog 2
I have been working on ID for colliders. The thing is, whenever an enemy is deleted, its collider will need to be deleted as well. Because I have used containers of colliders that check each other for overlaps, I was thinking that there must be some way to identify them so that the correct collider is deleted. What I have done so far is I have managed to get rid of the correct collider in my testing project. But it […]

ID- OMG Artifact blog 2
I have been working on ID for colliders. The thing is, whenever an enemy is deleted, its collider will need to be deleted as well. Because I have used containers of colliders that check each other for overlaps, I was thinking that there must be some way to identify them so that the correct collider is deleted. What I have done so far is I have managed to get rid of the correct collider in my testing project. But it […]