Daily Archives: February 13, 2014

AI, I hate AI
This week I took it upon myself to do the AI for the enemy fish and the light bulb for the player. While the light bulb was pretty straight forward the AI was a lot harder to put together. I realize this task will take much more time than I expected. It didn’t help that I was stuck in bed the whole week with fever and “puke sickness”.
The light bulb consists of a sprite that’s always drawn just in […]

AI, I hate AI
This week I took it upon myself to do the AI for the enemy fish and the light bulb for the player. While the light bulb was pretty straight forward the AI was a lot harder to put together. I realize this task will take much more time than I expected. It didn’t help that I was stuck in bed the whole week with fever and “puke sickness”.
The light bulb consists of a sprite that’s always drawn just in […]

AI, I hate AI
This week I took it upon myself to do the AI for the enemy fish and the light bulb for the player. While the light bulb was pretty straight forward the AI was a lot harder to put together. I realize this task will take much more time than I expected. It didn’t help that I was stuck in bed the whole week with fever and “puke sickness”.
The light bulb consists of a sprite that’s always drawn just in […]

AI, I hate AI
This week I took it upon myself to do the AI for the enemy fish and the light bulb for the player. While the light bulb was pretty straight forward the AI was a lot harder to put together. I realize this task will take much more time than I expected. It didn’t help that I was stuck in bed the whole week with fever and “puke sickness”.
The light bulb consists of a sprite that’s always drawn just in […]

Tail of a Tailorman
The concept that we chose, aptly named ”Suit ‘Em Up”, is about a tiny tailor. He’s been tasked to fight off evil bugs before they munch up his favorite suit!
Given the concepts focus on tailoring and fabrics, our minds we’re instantly drawn towards early 1900′s. With this, an idea regarding the visual design was born in the mind of our dear lead artist; namely that of early Disney cartoons.
Researching this a bit narrowed our visual guidelines down to a few […]

Tail of a Tailorman
The concept that we chose, aptly named ”Suit ‘Em Up”, is about a tiny tailor. He’s been tasked to fight off evil bugs before they munch up his favorite suit!
Given the concepts focus on tailoring and fabrics, our minds we’re instantly drawn towards early 1900′s. With this, an idea regarding the visual design was born in the mind of our dear lead artist; namely that of early Disney cartoons.
Researching this a bit narrowed our visual guidelines down to a few […]

Playground Panic #1 – Player movement
Since we’re doing a top-down shooter, we wanted 8 different directions to walk in that we used the different combinations of WASD for. We also had to make the player rotate depending on where the mouse were on the screen. SFML does this a lot easier than when we worked with SDL, especially on the input-side. We went from having a full input-class to one line basically and if we ever need more control than that we can change it […]

Playground Panic #1 – Player movement
Since we’re doing a top-down shooter, we wanted 8 different directions to walk in that we used the different combinations of WASD for. We also had to make the player rotate depending on where the mouse were on the screen. SFML does this a lot easier than when we worked with SDL, especially on the input-side. We went from having a full input-class to one line basically and if we ever need more control than that we can change it […]

Game development week 4, Design Document writing.
During the week i have been writing the design document for the game i am working on. In the start of the week the design document was containing around 800 words and a lot of unneeded material. During most of my monday i spent reading trough the Design document and commented on what was in need of cleaning and rephrasing. Throughout the rest of the week i have been reading others design document from earlier project to understand the structure […]

Game development week 4, Design Document writing.
During the week i have been writing the design document for the game i am working on. In the start of the week the design document was containing around 800 words and a lot of unneeded material. During most of my monday i spent reading trough the Design document and commented on what was in need of cleaning and rephrasing. Throughout the rest of the week i have been reading others design document from earlier project to understand the structure […]

Creating a camera class Camera class (not a 100% done)
Coding a camera class at first was one of the hardest thing in my head because I was thinking the wrong way. I choose to tell you about this simple (yet made harder by my brain) class because I learned something from it. When you are working with more than one person you can have a hard time creating a class when you don’t understand what the person you are working with are thinking. So what you have to […]

Creating a camera class Camera class (not a 100% done)
Coding a camera class at first was one of the hardest thing in my head because I was thinking the wrong way. I choose to tell you about this simple (yet made harder by my brain) class because I learned something from it. When you are working with more than one person you can have a hard time creating a class when you don’t understand what the person you are working with are thinking. So what you have to […]

Plans of Futura’s Soundmanager.
The sound manager for the game has been quite an annoyance since the development library has a bug concerning playing audio.
The development library we use for the game is SFML (Simple and Fast Multimedia Library) while simple it’s got its own sets of problems for game development.
The problem that I’m annoyed by is a bug that when the game gets turned off crashes the game because off a missing .dll that isn’t missing.
While not finished because of the bug […]

Plans of Futura’s Soundmanager.
The sound manager for the game has been quite an annoyance since the development library has a bug concerning playing audio.
The development library we use for the game is SFML (Simple and Fast Multimedia Library) while simple it’s got its own sets of problems for game development.
The problem that I’m annoyed by is a bug that when the game gets turned off crashes the game because off a missing .dll that isn’t missing.
While not finished because of the bug […]

Plans of Futura’s Soundmanager.
The sound manager for the game has been quite an annoyance since the development library has a bug concerning playing audio.
The development library we use for the game is SFML (Simple and Fast Multimedia Library) while simple it’s got its own sets of problems for game development.
The problem that I’m annoyed by is a bug that when the game gets turned off crashes the game because off a missing .dll that isn’t missing.
While not finished because of the bug […]

Plans of Futura’s Soundmanager.
The sound manager for the game has been quite an annoyance since the development library has a bug concerning playing audio.
The development library we use for the game is SFML (Simple and Fast Multimedia Library) while simple it’s got its own sets of problems for game development.
The problem that I’m annoyed by is a bug that when the game gets turned off crashes the game because off a missing .dll that isn’t missing.
While not finished because of the bug […]

And so it begins…
So I made a simple program to switch states so that the game we are making can change from the menu to the game or any other such thing we might need. I mostly took the code from another program I had written earlier to save time and effort. Unfortunately I then wasted any time I saved on that when I could have gone, “I can do some more seeing as I have time on my hands.” I did not […]

And so it begins…
So I made a simple program to switch states so that the game we are making can change from the menu to the game or any other such thing we might need. I mostly took the code from another program I had written earlier to save time and effort. Unfortunately I then wasted any time I saved on that when I could have gone, “I can do some more seeing as I have time on my hands.” I did not […]

And so it begins…
So I made a simple program to switch states so that the game we are making can change from the menu to the game or any other such thing we might need. I mostly took the code from another program I had written earlier to save time and effort. Unfortunately I then wasted any time I saved on that when I could have gone, “I can do some more seeing as I have time on my hands.” I did not […]

And so it begins…
So I made a simple program to switch states so that the game we are making can change from the menu to the game or any other such thing we might need. I mostly took the code from another program I had written earlier to save time and effort. Unfortunately I then wasted any time I saved on that when I could have gone, “I can do some more seeing as I have time on my hands.” I did not […]

Watergun Alien
This week I have put focus on drawing sprites. As I have not really done top-down sprites before, I had to learn some new techniques. I googled around to find some reference images for top-down sprites and stumbled upon the classic title Alien Breed for the Amiga.
Alien Breed’s player sprites’ has served well as references but I felt like it would look weird if the player character had the weapon straight in front of the face. I mean; who the […]

Watergun Alien
This week I have put focus on drawing sprites. As I have not really done top-down sprites before, I had to learn some new techniques. I googled around to find some reference images for top-down sprites and stumbled upon the classic title Alien Breed for the Amiga.
Alien Breed’s player sprites’ has served well as references but I felt like it would look weird if the player character had the weapon straight in front of the face. I mean; who the […]