Daily Archives: February 11, 2014
Suit Em Up Dev Post 2
Well, I haven’t written in this thing for quite some time now, have I…
Some things have happened and I guess I have to make an half-hearted effort to write about it. The problem is that there doesn’t seem to happen enough in one day to warrant a blog post, not to mention that this isn’t relly my idea of fun.
But… whatever, I gotta do this before I fall way too far behind. We’ve pretty much completed the SCRUM plan and […]
Suit Em Up Dev Post 2
Well, I haven’t written in this thing for quite some time now, have I…
Some things have happened and I guess I have to make an half-hearted effort to write about it. The problem is that there doesn’t seem to happen enough in one day to warrant a blog post, not to mention that this isn’t relly my idea of fun.
But… whatever, I gotta do this before I fall way too far behind. We’ve pretty much completed the SCRUM plan and […]

Game dev – Programming – Rooms, collisions, pause state, textiles and prioritizing work
Much has been done with the project, I will describe the different parts that I was a part of. Each part is described in detail in each section.
I made a RoomManager which holds and handles, you guessed it, rooms.
I worked with Malin Lundqvist with collisions between room walls and the avatar, line vs circle collision.
I created a pause state which uses Jonas Lundgrens StateManager, which “freezes” the PlayState logic while still drawing it.
I added textiles that are objects able to […]

Game dev – Programming – Rooms, collisions, pause state, textiles and prioritizing work
Much has been done with the project, I will describe the different parts that I was a part of. Each part is described in detail in each section.
I made a RoomManager which holds and handles, you guessed it, rooms.
I worked with Malin Lundqvist with collisions between room walls and the avatar, line vs circle collision.
I created a pause state which uses Jonas Lundgrens StateManager, which “freezes” the PlayState logic while still drawing it.
I added textiles that are objects able to […]

The Tutorial
The other day we had a great discussion about level design. We drew the map on a whiteboard showing the bosses and the players’ spawnpoint. Then we discussed where to put all the pickups (textiles) to best help the player.
We also discussed the tutorial path. When you start the game you will get a short but informative tutorial. Have you played the game before you don’t have to follow it, just run past it.
Red dot = spawnpoint
Black dot = […]

The Tutorial
The other day we had a great discussion about level design. We drew the map on a whiteboard showing the bosses and the players’ spawnpoint. Then we discussed where to put all the pickups (textiles) to best help the player.
We also discussed the tutorial path. When you start the game you will get a short but informative tutorial. Have you played the game before you don’t have to follow it, just run past it.
Red dot = spawnpoint
Black dot = […]

Rooms done, and some AI
Today was a good day for my programming. I managed to put collision in all the rooms of our game. There was one room where it didn’t want to work but I’ll check why tomorrow. I probably just sent the wrong file to Tomas (while I made the collisionpoints for every room I sent the files to him so he would implement them). Tomorrow I will make some changes to the Collisionpoint-maker program so he can use it on the […]

Rooms done, and some AI
Today was a good day for my programming. I managed to put collision in all the rooms of our game. There was one room where it didn’t want to work but I’ll check why tomorrow. I probably just sent the wrong file to Tomas (while I made the collisionpoints for every room I sent the files to him so he would implement them). Tomorrow I will make some changes to the Collisionpoint-maker program so he can use it on the […]

Ok so today I made my States draw different windows depending on what button I pressed (what state I chose). It was fun with many pretty colours.
I also created one more cloud-sprite that lays directly after the first one and with the same code other than that in order to fill the emtpy space after the first one when they are moving (/respawning) from the left side of the screen to the right side. I also made them depend on […]

Ok so today I made my States draw different windows depending on what button I pressed (what state I chose). It was fun with many pretty colours.
I also created one more cloud-sprite that lays directly after the first one and with the same code other than that in order to fill the emtpy space after the first one when they are moving (/respawning) from the left side of the screen to the right side. I also made them depend on […]

Project Aurora, post 3, Things are happening!
I have been doing alot of programming and no blogging so I will try to catch up now.
On last sunday I did alot of changes in the code. For better and worse.I moved all inputs checks from all GameStates handleInput functions and the core file to the InputManager’s UpdateEvent function that Oscar wrote. The group didn’t like it and moved it back the day after.I also changed how the draw function was called within the different states update function to […]

Project Aurora, post 3, Things are happening!
I have been doing alot of programming and no blogging so I will try to catch up now.
On last sunday I did alot of changes in the code. For better and worse.I moved all inputs checks from all GameStates handleInput functions and the core file to the InputManager’s UpdateEvent function that Oscar wrote. The group didn’t like it and moved it back the day after.I also changed how the draw function was called within the different states update function to […]

Ok so today I made my States draw different windows depending on what button I pressed (what state I chose). It was fun with many pretty colours.
I also created one more cloud-sprite that lays directly after the first one and with the same code other than that in order to fill the emtpy space after the first one when they are moving (/respawning) from the left side of the screen to the right side. I also made them depend on […]

Ok so today I made my States draw different windows depending on what button I pressed (what state I chose). It was fun with many pretty colours.
I also created one more cloud-sprite that lays directly after the first one and with the same code other than that in order to fill the emtpy space after the first one when they are moving (/respawning) from the left side of the screen to the right side. I also made them depend on […]

Everything sucks.
Today we had a meeting with Andreas for supervision on our coding, we discussed the different things we would need to do before our pre-alpha presentation this Thursday. He gave us some ideas on what we could cut before it and some pointers on easier ways of doing things.
After that it turned out that the class wasn’t until 1PM so we got down to F15 almost an hour delayed. When we got there i decided to sync up my project […]

Everything sucks.
Today we had a meeting with Andreas for supervision on our coding, we discussed the different things we would need to do before our pre-alpha presentation this Thursday. He gave us some ideas on what we could cut before it and some pointers on easier ways of doing things.
After that it turned out that the class wasn’t until 1PM so we got down to F15 almost an hour delayed. When we got there i decided to sync up my project […]