Daily Archives: February 10, 2014

One week before first playable version
One week before we need a playable version of our core mechanics for the class the try, but I have set the deadline to this Thursday instead. That way we will have another half week to fix everything we will not get done until Thursday, (wow, that sounds really confusing, hopefully someone will understand me, maybe).
We had Scrum-meeting today. Scrum is a work method where EVERYTHING that is to be done is written down, like milestones, and each week every […]

One week before first playable version
One week before we need a playable version of our core mechanics for the class the try, but I have set the deadline to this Thursday instead. That way we will have another half week to fix everything we will not get done until Thursday, (wow, that sounds really confusing, hopefully someone will understand me, maybe).
We had Scrum-meeting today. Scrum is a work method where EVERYTHING that is to be done is written down, like milestones, and each week every […]

Hello world
Today when I opened my project “States” (which I had opened 10000 times before and showed friends and classmates what I had done and how it worked) half of the code was gone. I am guessing it is GitHub that is responsible.
However, since I acutally learnt something from the last time I wrote that code it was not too tough to re-create it. After I had overcome the first shock and dissappointment. From now on I have copied my […]

Hello world
Today when I opened my project “States” (which I had opened 10000 times before and showed friends and classmates what I had done and how it worked) half of the code was gone. I am guessing it is GitHub that is responsible.
However, since I acutally learnt something from the last time I wrote that code it was not too tough to re-create it. After I had overcome the first shock and dissappointment. From now on I have copied my […]

How am i supposed to get any work done with all this planning?!
Not much about Friday since i forgot and don’t really remember much other than that we had Andreas Miko stop by since we missed our meeting last Tuesday, i also finished the player’s rotation by mouse. I was also told that i should place the renderwindow pointer in the input manager rather than the player in case i needed something else to rotate by mouse. I’ll do that before the end of the project.
Today we worked on our sprint planning […]

How am i supposed to get any work done with all this planning?!
Not much about Friday since i forgot and don’t really remember much other than that we had Andreas Miko stop by since we missed our meeting last Tuesday, i also finished the player’s rotation by mouse. I was also told that i should place the renderwindow pointer in the input manager rather than the player in case i needed something else to rotate by mouse. I’ll do that before the end of the project.
Today we worked on our sprint planning […]

Hello world
Today when I opened my project “States” (which I had opened 10000 times before and showed friends and classmates what I had done and how it worked) half of the code was gone. I am guessing it is GitHub that is responsible.
However, since I acutally learnt something from the last time I wrote that code it was not too tough to re-create it. After I had overcome the first shock and dissappointment. From now on I have copied my […]

Hello world
Today when I opened my project “States” (which I had opened 10000 times before and showed friends and classmates what I had done and how it worked) half of the code was gone. I am guessing it is GitHub that is responsible.
However, since I acutally learnt something from the last time I wrote that code it was not too tough to re-create it. After I had overcome the first shock and dissappointment. From now on I have copied my […]

Last week, as I have mentioned earlier, I decided to take on creating two animations for our game, currently named Terminal. The main character is of course the most important part and therefore we want the animations for her done as soon as possible. Since I have already discussed the walkcycle I thought I would write something about the run-animation.I started by using some of the walkcycle frames as a reference for proportions, movement style and placement and redrew […]

Last week, as I have mentioned earlier, I decided to take on creating two animations for our game, currently named Terminal. The main character is of course the most important part and therefore we want the animations for her done as soon as possible. Since I have already discussed the walkcycle I thought I would write something about the run-animation.I started by using some of the walkcycle frames as a reference for proportions, movement style and placement and redrew […]

Circles, check
2014 02 10 03:28.
I wanted to fix the circles as well. I wanted to make solid circles, just like I did the rectangles. This was acually mainly for my own sake. Two of the circles push each other around and the third stays where it is.
I thought I would just have to do it exactly like I did with the rectangles, but it didn’t quite work out that way.
I first checked if the distance between the circles centres where lesser […]

Circles, check
2014 02 10 03:28.
I wanted to fix the circles as well. I wanted to make solid circles, just like I did the rectangles. This was acually mainly for my own sake. Two of the circles push each other around and the third stays where it is.
I thought I would just have to do it exactly like I did with the rectangles, but it didn’t quite work out that way.
I first checked if the distance between the circles centres where lesser […]