Yearly Archives: 2017

Ricochet Projectile

This week I worked on, among other things, a power up which, when activated, launches a projectile which ricochets off of the sceen boundary and all enemies. It damages all enemies it collides with and stops bouncing around after a set period of time.
The design thought behind the projectile is to add power ups that encourage skillful usage of them. When an enemy drops a powerup, it drops three which all go in separate directions.
(The image above shows the three […]

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Program: Programming

Ricochet Projectile

This week I worked on, among other things, a power up which, when activated, launches a projectile which ricochets off of the sceen boundary and all enemies. It damages all enemies it collides with and stops bouncing around after a set period of time.
The design thought behind the projectile is to add power ups that encourage skillful usage of them. When an enemy drops a powerup, it drops three which all go in separate directions.
(The image above shows the three […]

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Program: Programming

Adding new sounds – Week 4

Hello and welcome to my blog.
This Monday we had the beta playtesting where we had to show our improved game since the last playtesting. The feedback was a lot better than the last one due to the fact that, people actually gave us a feedback on the things we already had implemented into the game, instead of writing what they would like to see.
I was pleased to see that we got a really positive feedback regarding the sounds in the […]

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Program: Programming

Adding new sounds – Week 4

Hello and welcome to my blog.
This Monday we had the beta playtesting where we had to show our improved game since the last playtesting. The feedback was a lot better than the last one due to the fact that, people actually gave us a feedback on the things we already had implemented into the game, instead of writing what they would like to see.
I was pleased to see that we got a really positive feedback regarding the sounds in the […]

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Program: Programming

Missing pieces

In my last post, I discussed our game’s lack of an engaging central challenge (or at least that was what I was getting at). Since then, I’ve been trying to figure out what that engaging central challenge could be.
There were a number of possible answers, the most obvious being to throw in a bunch of enemies to give the player an immediate threat to avoid. This is a tried and tested way of making games ”fun”, which, I […]

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Program: Game Design

Missing pieces

In my last post, I discussed our game’s lack of an engaging central challenge (or at least that was what I was getting at). Since then, I’ve been trying to figure out what that engaging central challenge could be.
There were a number of possible answers, the most obvious being to throw in a bunch of enemies to give the player an immediate threat to avoid. This is a tried and tested way of making games ”fun”, which, I […]

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Program: Game Design

Animating using Anima2D in Unity.

Hello readers. I’m getting really bad with keeping promises from previous weeks. Last week I mentioned how to make a seemingless background, well that won’t happen this week! Instead… This post will be about how to add bones to 2D meshes and how the animation process is with the help of Anima2D(A Unity program found in the asset store).
As I just wrote, this week I have been rigging and animating our existing sprites to make them look more alive. I […]

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Animating using Anima2D in Unity.

Hello readers. I’m getting really bad with keeping promises from previous weeks. Last week I mentioned how to make a seemingless background, well that won’t happen this week! Instead… This post will be about how to add bones to 2D meshes and how the animation process is with the help of Anima2D(A Unity program found in the asset store).
As I just wrote, this week I have been rigging and animating our existing sprites to make them look more alive. I […]

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Reacting to Feedback

A continuation on my previous blog post.
First of all, we had issues with Unity Collaboration once again (whoever saw my Alpha-presentation knows what I am on about, also mentioned in my blog earlier). The project updated poorly and caused the game to crash on one of the computers. Of course, this brought negative feedback that we later on filtered out.
To conquer this issue once and for all I decided that the weekend before any presentation showcasing the game our programmer […]

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Reacting to Feedback

A continuation on my previous blog post.
First of all, we had issues with Unity Collaboration once again (whoever saw my Alpha-presentation knows what I am on about, also mentioned in my blog earlier). The project updated poorly and caused the game to crash on one of the computers. Of course, this brought negative feedback that we later on filtered out.
To conquer this issue once and for all I decided that the weekend before any presentation showcasing the game our programmer […]

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Knights’ Knowledge

In this blog I’ve written about the teleportation mechanic and it’s dynamics. Last week I introduced the knight, which is an enemy that blocks the player’s shots from the front with a shield and needs to be teleported behind of to strike the vulnerable back.

The behavior of the knight is similar to other enemies’ and thus didn’t require much work. Only a few variables were tweaked in the inspector to suit the knight’s attributes, slow and sturdy.
An obstacle was met […]

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Program: Programming

Knights’ Knowledge

In this blog I’ve written about the teleportation mechanic and it’s dynamics. Last week I introduced the knight, which is an enemy that blocks the player’s shots from the front with a shield and needs to be teleported behind of to strike the vulnerable back.

The behavior of the knight is similar to other enemies’ and thus didn’t require much work. Only a few variables were tweaked in the inspector to suit the knight’s attributes, slow and sturdy.
An obstacle was met […]

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Program: Programming

#4 Preparing for the end means preparing for a new beginning

Working within a project has a powerful effect on team members. As a project draws near you come closer and closer to the defining moment when it ends. It is both a cheerful experience if the project is brought to completion, but also a time of loss. In a project we build up an identity and a role. We create a structure and purpose that is tightly connected to what we do. It is our routine and objective. The more […]

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#4 Preparing for the end means preparing for a new beginning

Working within a project has a powerful effect on team members. As a project draws near you come closer and closer to the defining moment when it ends. It is both a cheerful experience if the project is brought to completion, but also a time of loss. In a project we build up an identity and a role. We create a structure and purpose that is tightly connected to what we do. It is our routine and objective. The more […]

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GUI Draft Design

I’ve been working lately on designing a user interface for our game in development. It is as well a deliverable for our 2D2 class in our minor program as graphic design students. To design a user interface, you need to take into consideration the theme of your game, its type, the art style used in it, and also making things noticeable without affecting the visibility of the game.
The game I’m part of its development team is about a kid’s nightmare […]

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Program: Graphics

GUI Draft Design

I’ve been working lately on designing a user interface for our game in development. It is as well a deliverable for our 2D2 class in our minor program as graphic design students. To design a user interface, you need to take into consideration the theme of your game, its type, the art style used in it, and also making things noticeable without affecting the visibility of the game.
The game I’m part of its development team is about a kid’s nightmare […]

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Program: Graphics

Crown of Creation, The Struggle-Tile!

This week, I’ve been working on the background tile for our game. It will be the base for the entire game, so the most important part was to make it connect well when looped.
I’d never done this before, so it was a bit of a challenge, and I had to repeat progress quite often since I had trouble implementing it. I wished for there to be a tile add-on to Photoshop, but alas! I had to do it myself. An […]

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Program: Graphics

Crown of Creation, The Struggle-Tile!

This week, I’ve been working on the background tile for our game. It will be the base for the entire game, so the most important part was to make it connect well when looped.
I’d never done this before, so it was a bit of a challenge, and I had to repeat progress quite often since I had trouble implementing it. I wished for there to be a tile add-on to Photoshop, but alas! I had to do it myself. An […]

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Program: Graphics

Sounds, Week 4

So this week has been long, A long week means we have had a lot of things to do, which is good.
We started the week of by having a playtesting with the class again. This time it was really good compared to last time. We got a lot of good feedback and we had fixed a lot from the last time we got feedback. However we had not added sound!
So this week my assignment, except from calling to meetings […]

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Sounds, Week 4

So this week has been long, A long week means we have had a lot of things to do, which is good.
We started the week of by having a playtesting with the class again. This time it was really good compared to last time. We got a lot of good feedback and we had fixed a lot from the last time we got feedback. However we had not added sound!
So this week my assignment, except from calling to meetings […]

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Collecting feedback

Prior to each of our biggest milestones, the Alpha and the Beta, we have been hosting playtesting sessions. During these sessions, we as students have the opportunity to test our classmate’s games, and even more importantly, have them testing our games. This is a golden opportunity to gather feedback from our target audience, so that we can set the scope for the next milestone.
With both playtesting sessions being underway, I thought it would be a good idea to dedicate this […]

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Collecting feedback

Prior to each of our biggest milestones, the Alpha and the Beta, we have been hosting playtesting sessions. During these sessions, we as students have the opportunity to test our classmate’s games, and even more importantly, have them testing our games. This is a golden opportunity to gather feedback from our target audience, so that we can set the scope for the next milestone.
With both playtesting sessions being underway, I thought it would be a good idea to dedicate this […]

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The Berry Portrayal

During this week I was in charge of implementing multiple different art assets to our game. The main art asset I have been working on this week the berry. I did have other tasks, such as recoloring the thorn vines previously mentioned on the last blog. However the berry was one of the main art assets I needed to implement. The berry has a major role in the game.
The berry’s function in the game is that once the moth collides […]

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Program: Graphics

The Berry Portrayal

During this week I was in charge of implementing multiple different art assets to our game. The main art asset I have been working on this week the berry. I did have other tasks, such as recoloring the thorn vines previously mentioned on the last blog. However the berry was one of the main art assets I needed to implement. The berry has a major role in the game.
The berry’s function in the game is that once the moth collides […]

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Program: Graphics