Daily Archives: February 25, 2016

Week 3

Tja tja bloggen!
Jag och min grupp arbetar med ett spel som heter Planet Suburbia. I spelet så kontrollerar du en stor kanon vars mål är att skjuta ner inkommande alien skepp (fiender). Du måste som spelare skydda flera olika sektorer och förhindra fienderna från att komma till planeten.
Under Alphan som var så fick vi kritik på att vår avatar (kanonen spelaren styr) var väldigt tråkig. Den hade mörka tråkiga färger när allt annat i spelet är ganska färgglatt. Man ville […]

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Program: Graphics

Week 3

Tja tja bloggen!
Jag och min grupp arbetar med ett spel som heter Planet Suburbia. I spelet så kontrollerar du en stor kanon vars mål är att skjuta ner inkommande alien skepp (fiender). Du måste som spelare skydda flera olika sektorer och förhindra fienderna från att komma till planeten.
Under Alphan som var så fick vi kritik på att vår avatar (kanonen spelaren styr) var väldigt tråkig. Den hade mörka tråkiga färger när allt annat i spelet är ganska färgglatt. Man ville […]

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Program: Graphics

[5SD033] Second power-up: Love Baseball

Another week has passed and a lot of things has been added, modified and reconsidered. Both I and the other programmers have been refactoring the code, mostly it was a matter of moving code from one place to it’s proper place, e.g: adding new classes. Except refactoring code, I have also been working on our second power-up: The Love Baseball. This power-up is pretty different from or first one (which I wrote about in my previous post).
This power-up can be […]

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Program: Programming

[5SD033] Second power-up: Love Baseball

Another week has passed and a lot of things has been added, modified and reconsidered. Both I and the other programmers have been refactoring the code, mostly it was a matter of moving code from one place to it’s proper place, e.g: adding new classes. Except refactoring code, I have also been working on our second power-up: The Love Baseball. This power-up is pretty different from or first one (which I wrote about in my previous post).
This power-up can be […]

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Program: Programming

Lighting in the darkness

Hi and welcome to this week of programming 1.1.
This week I was going to work with something I dreaded and was excited to learn from first choosing colossus core as our Concept the lightning where we wanted it to be dark except where we light up in the game to see where we are looking or effects from things as secondary weapons such as missiles, lasers or even our time bomb.
We will also use our lights to show how much […]

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Program: Programming

Lighting in the darkness

Hi and welcome to this week of programming 1.1.
This week I was going to work with something I dreaded and was excited to learn from first choosing colossus core as our Concept the lightning where we wanted it to be dark except where we light up in the game to see where we are looking or effects from things as secondary weapons such as missiles, lasers or even our time bomb.
We will also use our lights to show how much […]

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Program: Programming

Falcon part 2

Hi guys!
So this week I have continued to work with my enemy animations and I have also animated our power up icon animation. But in this post I will be writing about the falcon enemy type animation, which is finally (!!) done and I am halfway done with the next one.
In last week’s post I wrote about the struggles I had whilst working in Adobe Animate. I could not get the wings to bend properly and I briefly tried to […]

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Program: Graphics

Falcon part 2

Hi guys!
So this week I have continued to work with my enemy animations and I have also animated our power up icon animation. But in this post I will be writing about the falcon enemy type animation, which is finally (!!) done and I am halfway done with the next one.
In last week’s post I wrote about the struggles I had whilst working in Adobe Animate. I could not get the wings to bend properly and I briefly tried to […]

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Program: Graphics

Week 3 of Game Development reflections, Mayhem and Destruction!

We are now done with our Alpha, and we will now start our first week of Beta. This mean that we are one step closer to a finished product guys! Yaaay!! Five weeks into the course, things are going pretty well, at least here on the graphical art side of things. So now I’m once again writing my weekly reflection for a chosen artifact, third in a row. This week’s chosen artifact is destruction and mayhem (more precisely the death/destruction […]

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Program: Graphics

Week 3 of Game Development reflections, Mayhem and Destruction!

We are now done with our Alpha, and we will now start our first week of Beta. This mean that we are one step closer to a finished product guys! Yaaay!! Five weeks into the course, things are going pretty well, at least here on the graphical art side of things. So now I’m once again writing my weekly reflection for a chosen artifact, third in a row. This week’s chosen artifact is destruction and mayhem (more precisely the death/destruction […]

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Program: Graphics

Blog week 3: The Arrow

This week I’ve ben working on the projectile for our main character Camaron, this piece has gone through several iterations throughout the project.
We got feedback about the arrow during the Alpha testing, there Marcus told us that we needed to make the arrow more visible, he recommended that we just made it bigger. As we based most of ur sprites on ”the power of two” making it bigger would lead it to become a lot bigger, more so than we […]

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Program: Graphics

Blog week 3: The Arrow

This week I’ve ben working on the projectile for our main character Camaron, this piece has gone through several iterations throughout the project.
We got feedback about the arrow during the Alpha testing, there Marcus told us that we needed to make the arrow more visible, he recommended that we just made it bigger. As we based most of ur sprites on ”the power of two” making it bigger would lead it to become a lot bigger, more so than we […]

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Program: Graphics

Week 5, Behavior and visuals

Welcome to this weeks blogpost!
Today I am going to write about visuals, and explaining behavior through visuals.
What stands in the center of attention today is our basic enemy.
I have referred to this enemy in a previous post called ”Vecka 4, Show me your moves”, and we call it the Pirat-aya. From a sidescroller point of view, this enemy moves in a wave pattern. Our first thought when designing this enemy was to make it a bit more interesting, instead of just having […]

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Program: Graphics

Week 5, Behavior and visuals

Welcome to this weeks blogpost!
Today I am going to write about visuals, and explaining behavior through visuals.
What stands in the center of attention today is our basic enemy.
I have referred to this enemy in a previous post called ”Vecka 4, Show me your moves”, and we call it the Pirat-aya. From a sidescroller point of view, this enemy moves in a wave pattern. Our first thought when designing this enemy was to make it a bit more interesting, instead of just having […]

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Program: Graphics

Backing up

This week has been a bit slow for me for a reason that I should have discovered earlier. Allergies. Spring is in the air and with it comes pollen which in my case means a bleeding nose and cloudy thoughts. But enough about biological issues and on to the reason for this blog post.
The biggest artifact this week is that I took it upon myself to make the system to do parallax scrolling. This consists of a BackgroundManager and BackgroundElements. […]

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Program: Programming

Backing up

This week has been a bit slow for me for a reason that I should have discovered earlier. Allergies. Spring is in the air and with it comes pollen which in my case means a bleeding nose and cloudy thoughts. But enough about biological issues and on to the reason for this blog post.
The biggest artifact this week is that I took it upon myself to make the system to do parallax scrolling. This consists of a BackgroundManager and BackgroundElements. […]

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Program: Programming

Del tre – Veckan efter Alpha början till Beta

Hur ska man säga, efter att gruppen inte lyckades få med alla bitar, har vi jobbat sedan i lördags med allt ifrån att fixa en HUD till att skriva om hela strukturen av fienderna.
Jag fixade så att fienden kunde skjuta, med hjälp av koden som redan på plats ifrån Avataren. Allt jag tog bort var mus-positionen men jag skapade en klass av det vi hade pratat om. Använde en bullet klass för allt, men under helgen ville vi bara få […]

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Program: Programming

Del tre – Veckan efter Alpha början till Beta

Hur ska man säga, efter att gruppen inte lyckades få med alla bitar, har vi jobbat sedan i lördags med allt ifrån att fixa en HUD till att skriva om hela strukturen av fienderna.
Jag fixade så att fienden kunde skjuta, med hjälp av koden som redan på plats ifrån Avataren. Allt jag tog bort var mus-positionen men jag skapade en klass av det vi hade pratat om. Använde en bullet klass för allt, men under helgen ville vi bara få […]

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Program: Programming

Week three post

This week we focused on adding the last features we deemed worthwhile into the game before our feature freeze. In my case that meant, again, more enemies. This week iv’e focused on two in particular. The seagull and the angler fish. Of these two, the seagull is quite uninteresting from a graphical view since it will only contain three frames of animation. Let us therefor instead take a look at the angler fish as shown bellow.

Like most other enemies the […]

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Program: Graphics

Week three post

This week we focused on adding the last features we deemed worthwhile into the game before our feature freeze. In my case that meant, again, more enemies. This week iv’e focused on two in particular. The seagull and the angler fish. Of these two, the seagull is quite uninteresting from a graphical view since it will only contain three frames of animation. Let us therefor instead take a look at the angler fish as shown bellow.

Like most other enemies the […]

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Program: Graphics

Gravity Propulsion Bomb

One of the things I did this week was to program our new power up. I came up with it during last week. It’s called GPB (Gravity Propulsion Bomb). It replaces our older power up; Meteor Shower. The GPB is shot from the player’s cannon and explodes in the sky. It then becomes looks like a black hole and behves like a magnet that pulls in and sucks up all the nearby enemies. One of the alien ship types will […]

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Program: Programming

Gravity Propulsion Bomb

One of the things I did this week was to program our new power up. I came up with it during last week. It’s called GPB (Gravity Propulsion Bomb). It replaces our older power up; Meteor Shower. The GPB is shot from the player’s cannon and explodes in the sky. It then becomes looks like a black hole and behves like a magnet that pulls in and sucks up all the nearby enemies. One of the alien ship types will […]

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Program: Programming

Third blogpost, DEATH!

Time for the third blogpost! Last week, I described how I had been redoing our animation. We started with a playersprite (sprite means picture, a single frame of an animation) that turned out to be the wrong size. We liked it and I did alot of animation with this sprite as the original. During our first playtest, however, we discovered that the sprite was too small and we tried to enlarge it but it looked out of focus. It looked […]

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Program: Graphics

Third blogpost, DEATH!

Time for the third blogpost! Last week, I described how I had been redoing our animation. We started with a playersprite (sprite means picture, a single frame of an animation) that turned out to be the wrong size. We liked it and I did alot of animation with this sprite as the original. During our first playtest, however, we discovered that the sprite was too small and we tried to enlarge it but it looked out of focus. It looked […]

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Program: Graphics