Monthly Archives: April 2015

Week 2 of Big Game Project – Making progress
I’ve now entered week 2 of production for our project and some good progress have been made. Firstly, we finally settled on a name for the game. After a lot of indecision and a few rounds of voting we ended up with TwinShift as a name.
So what have I been doing this week? I’ve worked on several things including a skybox, environment and tracks. Let’s start with the skybox. We needed a skybox for the game that reflected the game […]

Week 2 of Big Game Project – Making progress
I’ve now entered week 2 of production for our project and some good progress have been made. Firstly, we finally settled on a name for the game. After a lot of indecision and a few rounds of voting we ended up with TwinShift as a name.
So what have I been doing this week? I’ve worked on several things including a skybox, environment and tracks. Let’s start with the skybox. We needed a skybox for the game that reflected the game […]

Scrap Pirates – Big Game Project – Blog Post #2
During the Alpha game testing a lot of helpful feedback was received. Right now, the biggest problem is with the magnetism not being controllable enough. I am not yet sure of how to solve this problem, but hopefully a solution will be found next week.
One change t that has been made to make the magnetism more controllable is that the player can now adjust the size of the magnetic field. This depends on how much the left or right trigger is […]

Scrap Pirates – Big Game Project – Blog Post #2
During the Alpha game testing a lot of helpful feedback was received. Right now, the biggest problem is with the magnetism not being controllable enough. I am not yet sure of how to solve this problem, but hopefully a solution will be found next week.
One change t that has been made to make the magnetism more controllable is that the player can now adjust the size of the magnetic field. This depends on how much the left or right trigger is […]

BGP – Magnetic Objects
This week I worked on a number of things, ranging from the game’s Health-pickups to additional assets for the level. What I chose to focus a bit on however was the Magnetic Objects. These are quite a fundamental part of Scrap Pirates since the game is built around using magnetism to interact with each other (since the game is 2 player co-op) as well as these objects in the surroindings.
The Magnetic Objects of Scrap Pirates
First of all the […]

BGP – Magnetic Objects
This week I worked on a number of things, ranging from the game’s Health-pickups to additional assets for the level. What I chose to focus a bit on however was the Magnetic Objects. These are quite a fundamental part of Scrap Pirates since the game is built around using magnetism to interact with each other (since the game is 2 player co-op) as well as these objects in the surroindings.
The Magnetic Objects of Scrap Pirates
First of all the […]

BGP 2015 – thrid week, minor crisis & Pre-Alpha
This week the only other programmer in our group had to drop out due to personal reasons. This left us in a minor crisis since I am the only programmer in the group now, though one of the other team members know some basic C# scripting in Unity3D which will hopefully help me somewhat. The focus this week was to get a pre-alpha build ready for play testing.
I’ve abandoned using ‘actual’ hovering on the vehicles for now in favor […]

BGP 2015 – thrid week, minor crisis & Pre-Alpha
This week the only other programmer in our group had to drop out due to personal reasons. This left us in a minor crisis since I am the only programmer in the group now, though one of the other team members know some basic C# scripting in Unity3D which will hopefully help me somewhat. The focus this week was to get a pre-alpha build ready for play testing.
I’ve abandoned using ‘actual’ hovering on the vehicles for now in favor […]

Big Game Project: Week Three
For the third week of production my work has been on mainly assisting the art department with constructing the environment of our first map to go along with the level for GGC. It was decided that a 3D Skybox would be most suitable to provide an optimised visualization for the world surrounding the course.
Inspiration was mostly taken from its name – Spectre – along with mood board artwork to get a broad sense of what tone and feel the map […]

Big Game Project: Week Three
For the third week of production my work has been on mainly assisting the art department with constructing the environment of our first map to go along with the level for GGC. It was decided that a 3D Skybox would be most suitable to provide an optimised visualization for the world surrounding the course.
Inspiration was mostly taken from its name – Spectre – along with mood board artwork to get a broad sense of what tone and feel the map […]

Big Game Project; Week 4
For this week I planned a Pre-Alpha for our group in order to help us stay ahead of schedule. And for the alpha until the final stage we need to have our main features implemented.
The features that need to ready for this week, which also are our priorities for the whole game and our goal for GGC are:
Gesture magic, you move the analog controllers in a pattern to conjure magical spells.
Combining magic: After casting a spell onto the field which has a […]

Big Game Project; Week 4
For this week I planned a Pre-Alpha for our group in order to help us stay ahead of schedule. And for the alpha until the final stage we need to have our main features implemented.
The features that need to ready for this week, which also are our priorities for the whole game and our goal for GGC are:
Gesture magic, you move the analog controllers in a pattern to conjure magical spells.
Combining magic: After casting a spell onto the field which has a […]

BGP – Scrap Pirates – Week 4
This will be just a short update. I’ve been working on linearting, colouring and shading the run cycle of the player character, which took far longer than I’d hoped. The lineart and flat colours are done though, and I hope to be able to finish the shading soon, though I suspect that it’s going to take longer than I’d like it to. Due to a bit of sickness and accidentally cutting my own thumb I didn’t get as much work […]

BGP – Scrap Pirates – Week 4
This will be just a short update. I’ve been working on linearting, colouring and shading the run cycle of the player character, which took far longer than I’d hoped. The lineart and flat colours are done though, and I hope to be able to finish the shading soon, though I suspect that it’s going to take longer than I’d like it to. Due to a bit of sickness and accidentally cutting my own thumb I didn’t get as much work […]

Week 4 – Tamarrion – Spells and balance!
Physics – archenemy of Tamarrion
This week has been all about working on the boss fight and the player spells.
What we’re trying to do, is to give the player a wide range of customization, both in itemization and spell variety.
After we introduced the God Power system, we started looking at combinations of spellsitemsgod powers, in an effort to create as many interesting “builds” as possible. The main thing we are looking at doing is removing the need for a cookie-cutter […]

Week 4 – Tamarrion – Spells and balance!
Physics – archenemy of Tamarrion
This week has been all about working on the boss fight and the player spells.
What we’re trying to do, is to give the player a wide range of customization, both in itemization and spell variety.
After we introduced the God Power system, we started looking at combinations of spellsitemsgod powers, in an effort to create as many interesting “builds” as possible. The main thing we are looking at doing is removing the need for a cookie-cutter […]

BGP (Scrap Pirates) – Week 4
During this week the team mainly worked on polishing the game for the open playtesting session that was this Friday, but we also made an important decision regarding the project.
The game production has been going well and we had a good base for the game to present this week, but we began to realize that our plans on creating more levels with unique graphics and environments were unrealistic. We have gotten a better sense of how long time it takes […]

BGP (Scrap Pirates) – Week 4
During this week the team mainly worked on polishing the game for the open playtesting session that was this Friday, but we also made an important decision regarding the project.
The game production has been going well and we had a good base for the game to present this week, but we began to realize that our plans on creating more levels with unique graphics and environments were unrealistic. We have gotten a better sense of how long time it takes […]

Warpers – Depth with Parallaxes
I’m currently taking the course Big Game Project at Uppsala University – Campus Gotland, where the goal is to have, after 10 weeks, a working vertical slice of a game which might have the potential to become a product worth selling at a later stage.
We’re now four weeks into the production of the game Warpers, and the basic systems are more or less implemented and this time I’ll write a little about how the composition of the objects in […]

Warpers – Depth with Parallaxes
I’m currently taking the course Big Game Project at Uppsala University – Campus Gotland, where the goal is to have, after 10 weeks, a working vertical slice of a game which might have the potential to become a product worth selling at a later stage.
We’re now four weeks into the production of the game Warpers, and the basic systems are more or less implemented and this time I’ll write a little about how the composition of the objects in […]

Spirit Boom, more houses.
Here are some videos and pictures showing my progress this week.
This is a zoomed out view of the village you start the game in. Still a work in progress.
A close up of the well.
And the shaman’s hut fire animation.

Spirit Boom, more houses.
Here are some videos and pictures showing my progress this week.
This is a zoomed out view of the village you start the game in. Still a work in progress.
A close up of the well.
And the shaman’s hut fire animation.

Pre Alpha week (w4)
This week was the last week before the alpha should be ready. The main focus of the week from my side was making a small test level to be played at the open game testing that was held on Friday. This involved plenty of play testing, remodelling of the level, and discussions with the other team members on what we needed to make the level work.
Many art assets were implemented during the week such as buttons, inactive and active boxes as […]

Pre Alpha week (w4)
This week was the last week before the alpha should be ready. The main focus of the week from my side was making a small test level to be played at the open game testing that was held on Friday. This involved plenty of play testing, remodelling of the level, and discussions with the other team members on what we needed to make the level work.
Many art assets were implemented during the week such as buttons, inactive and active boxes as […]