Daily Archives: January 16, 2015
Final push!
This is the final week for our project. This past week me and Joeis have been working around the clock trying to get this game ready to present. Yesterday was the day we were supposed to present our game, and Tuesday we really pushed to get our VG features in the game. we stayed up until 3 am working, and when I got home I messed up and forgot to activate my alarm and woke up to realize that the […]
Final push!
This is the final week for our project. This past week me and Joeis have been working around the clock trying to get this game ready to present. Yesterday was the day we were supposed to present our game, and Tuesday we really pushed to get our VG features in the game. we stayed up until 3 am working, and when I got home I messed up and forgot to activate my alarm and woke up to realize that the […]
Det sista stora som behövs fixas är sköldarna i Space Invaders. När jag började på dem visste jag inte vart jag skulle börja men en klasskamrat gav mig idén om att bara använda det som vi lärt oss skriva i Arkanoid-spelet. Jag skrev kod som liknade … – Läs hela inlägget här
Det sista stora som behövs fixas är sköldarna i Space Invaders. När jag började på dem visste jag inte vart jag skulle börja men en klasskamrat gav mig idén om att bara använda det som vi lärt oss skriva i Arkanoid-spelet. Jag skrev kod som liknade … – Läs hela inlägget här

It’s actually fine
Good news. We have a game after all.
We finally managed to get help on drawing our 3d models as well as our 2d models. With this done we were able to create working HUD and draw 3d objects on the screen. Tomorrow we will use this to create actual 3d models to assign to the existing game objects and make sure the game logic works properly and we’ll be all done.
As it turns out, there were several issues with our […]

It’s actually fine
Good news. We have a game after all.
We finally managed to get help on drawing our 3d models as well as our 2d models. With this done we were able to create working HUD and draw 3d objects on the screen. Tomorrow we will use this to create actual 3d models to assign to the existing game objects and make sure the game logic works properly and we’ll be all done.
As it turns out, there were several issues with our […]
Week 6 – Bomberman level
In this week of Game Programming 1 we started working on our map for our bomberman level. The original bomberman level is built up by three different types of blocks, solid blocks, background blocks and breakable blocks. So we decided to create a class for each one of these blocks. To more easily edit the level, we wanted to load in the level from a txt file. We had alot of problems with getting this to work, but by looking […]
Week 6 – Bomberman level
In this week of Game Programming 1 we started working on our map for our bomberman level. The original bomberman level is built up by three different types of blocks, solid blocks, background blocks and breakable blocks. So we decided to create a class for each one of these blocks. To more easily edit the level, we wanted to load in the level from a txt file. We had alot of problems with getting this to work, but by looking […]