Daily Archives: September 23, 2014

Blog Report Assignment 2 Part 1
This is the object I chose from the museum. I chose the object because of the vain reason that I liked the way it looked. I enjoy symmetry and at first glance it looked very symmetric as opposed to some of the more damaged objects in the collection. It is also made of metal which is a very interesting material. I would like to be able to texture it in the shiny but not shiny way that old objects […]

Blog Report Assignment 2 Part 1
This is the object I chose from the museum. I chose the object because of the vain reason that I liked the way it looked. I enjoy symmetry and at first glance it looked very symmetric as opposed to some of the more damaged objects in the collection. It is also made of metal which is a very interesting material. I would like to be able to texture it in the shiny but not shiny way that old objects […]

Blog Report Assignment 2 Part 1
This is the object I chose from the museum. I chose the object because of the vain reason that I liked the way it looked. I enjoy symmetry and at first glance it looked very symmetric as opposed to some of the more damaged objects in the collection. It is also made of metal which is a very interesting material. I would like to be able to texture it in the shiny but not shiny way that old objects […]

Blog Report Assignment 2 Part 1
This is the object I chose from the museum. I chose the object because of the vain reason that I liked the way it looked. I enjoy symmetry and at first glance it looked very symmetric as opposed to some of the more damaged objects in the collection. It is also made of metal which is a very interesting material. I would like to be able to texture it in the shiny but not shiny way that old objects […]

Blog Report Week 03
This week on the Wednesday lesson we learned how to optimise our models. We also went through the xView menu.
xView highlights common modelling problems such as overlapping vertices or faces. We used this when we optimised our group members’ models and later one of our own.
This is the before and after of my cartoon chest. The optimisation was made by Mikaela Moberg. Apparently it did not have a lot of problems in it, except for the caps on the cylinders. […]

Blog Report Week 03
This week on the Wednesday lesson we learned how to optimise our models. We also went through the xView menu.
xView highlights common modelling problems such as overlapping vertices or faces. We used this when we optimised our group members’ models and later one of our own.
This is the before and after of my cartoon chest. The optimisation was made by Mikaela Moberg. Apparently it did not have a lot of problems in it, except for the caps on the cylinders. […]

Blog Report Week 03
This week on the Wednesday lesson we learned how to optimise our models. We also went through the xView menu.
xView highlights common modelling problems such as overlapping vertices or faces. We used this when we optimised our group members’ models and later one of our own.
This is the before and after of my cartoon chest. The optimisation was made by Mikaela Moberg. Apparently it did not have a lot of problems in it, except for the caps on the cylinders. […]

Blog Report Week 03
This week on the Wednesday lesson we learned how to optimise our models. We also went through the xView menu.
xView highlights common modelling problems such as overlapping vertices or faces. We used this when we optimised our group members’ models and later one of our own.
This is the before and after of my cartoon chest. The optimisation was made by Mikaela Moberg. Apparently it did not have a lot of problems in it, except for the caps on the cylinders. […]

First project: Tetris, the board game
We began with analyzing the different components of the game, in order to construct the game we had to deconstruct it first.
We agreed on that the core experience of the game consisted of: stress, management and problem solving.
The “risk versus reward choises” was in our oppinon: the correct position, vertical acceleration, rotation/correct angle.
As for the aesthetics we decided that puzzle-solving, challenge, submission, sensation and stress was the main factor.
The mechanics consisted of horizontal movement, rotation and time.
In our case the […]

First project: Tetris, the board game
We began with analyzing the different components of the game, in order to construct the game we had to deconstruct it first.
We agreed on that the core experience of the game consisted of: stress, management and problem solving.
The “risk versus reward choises” was in our oppinon: the correct position, vertical acceleration, rotation/correct angle.
As for the aesthetics we decided that puzzle-solving, challenge, submission, sensation and stress was the main factor.
The mechanics consisted of horizontal movement, rotation and time.
In our case the […]

Paper Hero
Yesterday we got the task to pick a famous digital game, analyze its ”core experience” – the stuff that makes the game fun to play, which can be different from game to game – and make our own boardgame version of the game. My group of 5 choosed Guitar Hero. The tricky part is now to make this into a boardgame and still keep the core experience from Guitar Hero…
This is how our prototype looked yesterday on its early stage:

Paper Hero
Yesterday we got the task to pick a famous digital game, analyze its ”core experience” – the stuff that makes the game fun to play, which can be different from game to game – and make our own boardgame version of the game. My group of 5 choosed Guitar Hero. The tricky part is now to make this into a boardgame and still keep the core experience from Guitar Hero…
This is how our prototype looked yesterday on its early stage:

First project: Tetris, the board game
We began with analyzing the different components of the game, in order to construct the game we had to deconstruct it first.
We agreed on that the core experience of the game consisted of: stress, management and problem solving.
The “risk versus reward choises” was in our oppinon: the correct position, vertical acceleration, rotation/correct angle.
As for the aesthetics we decided that puzzle-solving, challenge, submission, sensation and stress was the main factor.
The mechanics consisted of horizontal movement, rotation and time.
In our case the […]

First project: Tetris, the board game
We began with analyzing the different components of the game, in order to construct the game we had to deconstruct it first.
We agreed on that the core experience of the game consisted of: stress, management and problem solving.
The “risk versus reward choises” was in our oppinon: the correct position, vertical acceleration, rotation/correct angle.
As for the aesthetics we decided that puzzle-solving, challenge, submission, sensation and stress was the main factor.
The mechanics consisted of horizontal movement, rotation and time.
In our case the […]

Paper Hero
Yesterday we got the task to pick a famous digital game, analyze its ”core experience” – the stuff that makes the game fun to play, which can be different from game to game – and make our own boardgame version of the game. My group of 5 choosed Guitar Hero. The tricky part is now to make this into a boardgame and still keep the core experience from Guitar Hero…
This is how our prototype looked yesterday on its early stage:

Paper Hero
Yesterday we got the task to pick a famous digital game, analyze its ”core experience” – the stuff that makes the game fun to play, which can be different from game to game – and make our own boardgame version of the game. My group of 5 choosed Guitar Hero. The tricky part is now to make this into a boardgame and still keep the core experience from Guitar Hero…
This is how our prototype looked yesterday on its early stage:

Modeling Medieval Item
Last week we made a trip to the museum, to sap some photos of an item that we would like to model for our next assignment.
I was a little bit disappointed with the visit. I had expected to find some interesting pieces of medieval armor and weaponry. However, there were barley any weapons, and but a few helmets, way to simple to make a good modeling task. After searching the museum for a few hours, I […]

Modeling Medieval Item
Last week we made a trip to the museum, to sap some photos of an item that we would like to model for our next assignment.
I was a little bit disappointed with the visit. I had expected to find some interesting pieces of medieval armor and weaponry. However, there were barley any weapons, and but a few helmets, way to simple to make a good modeling task. After searching the museum for a few hours, I […]

Modeling Medieval Item
Last week we made a trip to the museum, to sap some photos of an item that we would like to model for our next assignment.
I was a little bit disappointed with the visit. I had expected to find some interesting pieces of medieval armor and weaponry. However, there were barley any weapons, and but a few helmets, way to simple to make a good modeling task. After searching the museum for a few hours, I […]

Modeling Medieval Item
Last week we made a trip to the museum, to sap some photos of an item that we would like to model for our next assignment.
I was a little bit disappointed with the visit. I had expected to find some interesting pieces of medieval armor and weaponry. However, there were barley any weapons, and but a few helmets, way to simple to make a good modeling task. After searching the museum for a few hours, I […]