Monthly Archives: January 2014

R-kanoid progression with music and sound

After I had that meeting it felt a lot better since I got another perspective on programming and my situation. The game’s new name is “R-kanoid” which gives it a little twist, and yesterday I sat with the code and tried to figure out how to implement the code to the music and sound and trying to understand it, and I do understand it slightly but not as much as I would like to because there is much that I […]

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Program: Programming

R-kanoid progression with music and sound

After I had that meeting it felt a lot better since I got another perspective on programming and my situation. The game’s new name is “R-kanoid” which gives it a little twist, and yesterday I sat with the code and tried to figure out how to implement the code to the music and sound and trying to understand it, and I do understand it slightly but not as much as I would like to because there is much that I […]

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Program: Programming

Project plan (albeit delayed and inaccurate)

It was my team mate Georgios that made most of this so kudos to him. The goal with this project is to make an Arkanoid-kind game with the use of c++ and SDL. The project responsibilities are as followed (however not restricted to only): “Georgios is in charge of putting the parts of the program together while Stefan is in charge of creating classes that can be implemented into the main program. The aim is to implement all the basic features first to get […]

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Program: Programming

Project plan (albeit delayed and inaccurate)

It was my team mate Georgios that made most of this so kudos to him. The goal with this project is to make an Arkanoid-kind game with the use of c++ and SDL. The project responsibilities are as followed (however not restricted to only): “Georgios is in charge of putting the parts of the program together while Stefan is in charge of creating classes that can be implemented into the main program. The aim is to implement all the basic features first to get […]

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Program: Programming

Programming Project, day 20 – part 2

Made another small change to the GameEndState, added two textobjects, a title text (“Score screen”) and one that displays the current highscore.
Also, I think there are some pointers that aren’t deleted in the GamePlayState when exiting it.

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Program: Programming

Programming Project, day 20 – part 2

Made another small change to the GameEndState, added two textobjects, a title text (“Score screen”) and one that displays the current highscore.
Also, I think there are some pointers that aren’t deleted in the GamePlayState when exiting it.

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Program: Programming

R-kanoid progression with music and sound

After I had that meeting it felt a lot better since I got another perspective on programming and my situation. The game’s new name is “R-kanoid” which gives it a little twist, and yesterday I sat with the code and tried to figure out how to implement the code to the music and sound and trying to understand it, and I do understand it slightly but not as much as I would like to because there is much that I […]

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Program: Programming

R-kanoid progression with music and sound

After I had that meeting it felt a lot better since I got another perspective on programming and my situation. The game’s new name is “R-kanoid” which gives it a little twist, and yesterday I sat with the code and tried to figure out how to implement the code to the music and sound and trying to understand it, and I do understand it slightly but not as much as I would like to because there is much that I […]

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Program: Programming

Programming Project, day 20 – Artificial Intelligence working!

The artificial “intelligence” works now! It was really fun working with. Right now it only has one state, “Farming”.
Actually, the state works in two ways and I will transfer one of these ways to another state which I will call “Fleeing”, “Escaping” or something like that. The “Farming” AI checks the nearby tiles, moves and places a bomb if the conditions are right. Then it runs away (this will be transferred to the “Flee” state) and repeats. It only checks […]

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Program: Programming

Programming Project, day 20 – Artificial Intelligence working!

The artificial “intelligence” works now! It was really fun working with. Right now it only has one state, “Farming”.
Actually, the state works in two ways and I will transfer one of these ways to another state which I will call “Fleeing”, “Escaping” or something like that. The “Farming” AI checks the nearby tiles, moves and places a bomb if the conditions are right. Then it runs away (this will be transferred to the “Flee” state) and repeats. It only checks […]

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Program: Programming

Environment shading – Day Two

I worked  another 5 hours on this today. It’s my first time so it takes quite a while to get it right. The biggest challenge was to figure out what should be darker or lighter than other objects in the vicinity. It’s not easy like “light or shade”, but different shaded parts can actually have the same value as lit up parts depending on how close they are in the picture. It’s complicated, but fun. Here’s a sample of what […]

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Program: Graphics

Environment shading – Day Two

I worked  another 5 hours on this today. It’s my first time so it takes quite a while to get it right. The biggest challenge was to figure out what should be darker or lighter than other objects in the vicinity. It’s not easy like “light or shade”, but different shaded parts can actually have the same value as lit up parts depending on how close they are in the picture. It’s complicated, but fun. Here’s a sample of what […]

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Program: Graphics

Programming Project Part 4

After adding a couple of sound effects triggered by left-clicking, I realised that I will have to remake the entire structure of the project, so as to include the various states.
This leads to another problem; using states without having to make it redundant. Right now my first state called INIT only reads from a file and returns the configuration to my Engine, while it’s supposed to be the initializer that starts up everything that is needed and then change the […]

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Program: Programming

Programming Project Part 4

After adding a couple of sound effects triggered by left-clicking, I realised that I will have to remake the entire structure of the project, so as to include the various states.
This leads to another problem; using states without having to make it redundant. Right now my first state called INIT only reads from a file and returns the configuration to my Engine, while it’s supposed to be the initializer that starts up everything that is needed and then change the […]

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Program: Programming

Today, as well as yesterday, I have been at school working on one of the final assignments that are due next Friday. The one I am currently working on is taking a line drawing of an old, asian city and render it in grey scale. Things to consider are choosing where the light is to be coming from and what kind of lights I want to include. Since I did moonlight last time I thought I would try something different […]

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Program: Graphics

Today, as well as yesterday, I have been at school working on one of the final assignments that are due next Friday. The one I am currently working on is taking a line drawing of an old, asian city and render it in grey scale. Things to consider are choosing where the light is to be coming from and what kind of lights I want to include. Since I did moonlight last time I thought I would try something different […]

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Program: Graphics

Tower Defense – not much today

Didn’t do much today. I only programmed for about an hour. I did go through most of the code and found some useless bits I don’t know why I put there in the first place, like:
direction.m_x = direction.m_x; direction.m_y = direction.m_y;
For those of you that know nothing of programming, this doesn’t do anything useful. It sets directions m_x and m_y variables to the same as it was before, which is pretty useless and redundant
I also commented some of […]

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Program: Programming

Tower Defense – not much today

Didn’t do much today. I only programmed for about an hour. I did go through most of the code and found some useless bits I don’t know why I put there in the first place, like:
direction.m_x = direction.m_x; direction.m_y = direction.m_y;
For those of you that know nothing of programming, this doesn’t do anything useful. It sets directions m_x and m_y variables to the same as it was before, which is pretty useless and redundant
I also commented some of […]

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Program: Programming

Linking errors is a good start.

I started on our game assignment two days ago and I directly encountered some problems. (not related to the above picture)
The problems I encountered were related to me being absent from several lectures, due to hospital visits, leaving me uncapable of understanding the code hierarchy of our “big” workshop project. Which was a platformer with a more complex engine which handles sound, sprites etc. and when I look at it now I just do not understand squat. So to […]

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Program: Programming

Linking errors is a good start.

I started on our game assignment two days ago and I directly encountered some problems. (not related to the above picture)
The problems I encountered were related to me being absent from several lectures, due to hospital visits, leaving me uncapable of understanding the code hierarchy of our “big” workshop project. Which was a platformer with a more complex engine which handles sound, sprites etc. and when I look at it now I just do not understand squat. So to […]

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Program: Programming

More progress

Finally took the time to Tweak around with the Level, and Background to create something that looks more appealing to work on.
Beside the visual change there is now working music from the program. At this I ran into some issues with faulty .mp3 files that would exit the program without giving any error messages.
The next step is to work with these sliders in order change volume and such. The Sliders is created in such a way that its very, […]

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Program: Programming

More progress

Finally took the time to Tweak around with the Level, and Background to create something that looks more appealing to work on.
Beside the visual change there is now working music from the program. At this I ran into some issues with faulty .mp3 files that would exit the program without giving any error messages.
The next step is to work with these sliders in order change volume and such. The Sliders is created in such a way that its very, […]

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Program: Programming

Much changes!

The whole game has been reworked a lot and the current method for creating a sprite is to do

Sprite* ball = new Sprite(“ball.png”, 100, 300);

This will create a sprite at position 100, 300 with a ball image. I exploded the drawManager and divided it into parts, mostly in the WindowManager which manages window and renderer operations(mostly SDL stuff). The current version of the window Manager only takes one window and renderer but it will be changed to have multiple windows […]

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Program: Programming

Much changes!

The whole game has been reworked a lot and the current method for creating a sprite is to do

Sprite* ball = new Sprite(“ball.png”, 100, 300);

This will create a sprite at position 100, 300 with a ball image. I exploded the drawManager and divided it into parts, mostly in the WindowManager which manages window and renderer operations(mostly SDL stuff). The current version of the window Manager only takes one window and renderer but it will be changed to have multiple windows […]

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Program: Programming