Monthly Archives: January 2014

Analyzing: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive’s Competetive mode.

Earlier this week, we had our first real lecture in our Level Design course. In the lecture, our teacher (Ernest Adams) mentioned a couple of principles that you need to take into consideration when you are designing a game and design the levels inside the game. During the lecture, I started to thinking that I should do an analysis of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive’s competitive mode after those principles.
But before I start talking about that, you will need to understand how […]

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Program: Programming

Analyzing: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive’s Competetive mode.

Earlier this week, we had our first real lecture in our Level Design course. In the lecture, our teacher (Ernest Adams) mentioned a couple of principles that you need to take into consideration when you are designing a game and design the levels inside the game. During the lecture, I started to thinking that I should do an analysis of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive’s competitive mode after those principles.
But before I start talking about that, you will need to understand how […]

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Program: Programming

Suit ‘em up – the first weeks

In this course we are going to make a game, we chose the concept “Suit’em up” which is a game where you are going to, as Barney the robot, cleanse a suit from bugs which has infested it.
The first task I got from my lead programmer was to fix the collision system for the walls. We have discussed different options; we discussed alpha collision, some sort of tile collision, square collision and line collision. With the alpha collision we were […]

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Program: Programming

Suit ‘em up – the first weeks

In this course we are going to make a game, we chose the concept “Suit’em up” which is a game where you are going to, as Barney the robot, cleanse a suit from bugs which has infested it.
The first task I got from my lead programmer was to fix the collision system for the walls. We have discussed different options; we discussed alpha collision, some sort of tile collision, square collision and line collision. With the alpha collision we were […]

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Program: Programming

Level Editor in C#

Yet another long day.
I have been working on a level editor in C# for our game ”Escape”.
Why a level editor? Because creating a level would be pretty hard without it. Because we will not use tiles, the level designer would have to manually type coordinates for each item on the map. Tables, chairs, guards, waypoints, exit, entrance, keys, etc. The editor will allow the designer to build the level by choosing an Entity (guard, furniture, etc.) and rotate and place […]

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Program: Programming

Level Editor in C#

Yet another long day.
I have been working on a level editor in C# for our game ”Escape”.
Why a level editor? Because creating a level would be pretty hard without it. Because we will not use tiles, the level designer would have to manually type coordinates for each item on the map. Tables, chairs, guards, waypoints, exit, entrance, keys, etc. The editor will allow the designer to build the level by choosing an Entity (guard, furniture, etc.) and rotate and place […]

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Program: Programming

Game dev – Game structure, Github, SFML and early version of the game.

We have sat down, us programmers, and discussed how we want the game built with engine, managers and states. We use a program for flowcharts called Dia. It seems to have some bugs though so maybe we will change it out. This is an early version of the flowchart I just mentioned. A work in progress:

We worked on it, got feedback and here below is the final version as it looks now. Things might change:

I added delta time […]

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Program: Programming

Game dev – Game structure, Github, SFML and early version of the game.

We have sat down, us programmers, and discussed how we want the game built with engine, managers and states. We use a program for flowcharts called Dia. It seems to have some bugs though so maybe we will change it out. This is an early version of the flowchart I just mentioned. A work in progress:

We worked on it, got feedback and here below is the final version as it looks now. Things might change:

I added delta time […]

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Program: Programming

Unnamed Fish Game BloggPost 2

Today we had two Interesting lectures from Ernest Adams and Adam Mayes.
This cover the some of the mayor principles of how to create games and how important it is to test if it will be fun. The lecture covered 5 types of Core Mechanics
– Physics
– Economics
– Progression
– Tactic Maneuvering
– Social Interaction
And how important it is for programmers to create a way for the Game Designer to make changes in the game without having to go to the programmers asking, can […]

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Program: Programming

Unnamed Fish Game BloggPost 2

Today we had two Interesting lectures from Ernest Adams and Adam Mayes.
This cover the some of the mayor principles of how to create games and how important it is to test if it will be fun. The lecture covered 5 types of Core Mechanics
– Physics
– Economics
– Progression
– Tactic Maneuvering
– Social Interaction
And how important it is for programmers to create a way for the Game Designer to make changes in the game without having to go to the programmers asking, can […]

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Program: Programming

EntityManager, an inheritance problem

Så idag har varit en intressant dag, har börjat testa arv i c++ och det finns mycket man inte kan och man hittar ständigt nya saker som man  både kan och inte kan göra. Som “pure virtual functions“, om man vill läsa om dem så rekommenderar jag denna länken:
Hursomhelst så har jag stött på ett problem idag när jag jobbade på en “EntityManager“, som skulle hålla en vector med “Entity” pekare. Där Entity är basklassen för alla objekt som finns […]

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Program: Programming

EntityManager, an inheritance problem

Så idag har varit en intressant dag, har börjat testa arv i c++ och det finns mycket man inte kan och man hittar ständigt nya saker som man  både kan och inte kan göra. Som “pure virtual functions“, om man vill läsa om dem så rekommenderar jag denna länken:
Hursomhelst så har jag stött på ett problem idag när jag jobbade på en “EntityManager“, som skulle hålla en vector med “Entity” pekare. Där Entity är basklassen för alla objekt som finns […]

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Program: Programming

EntityManager, an inheritance problem

Så idag har varit en intressant dag, har börjat testa arv i c++ och det finns mycket man inte kan och man hittar ständigt nya saker som man  både kan och inte kan göra. Som “pure virtual functions“, om man vill läsa om dem så rekommenderar jag denna länken:
Hursomhelst så har jag stött på ett problem idag när jag jobbade på en “EntityManager“, som skulle hålla en vector med “Entity” pekare. Där Entity är basklassen för alla objekt som finns […]

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Program: Programming

EntityManager, an inheritance problem

Så idag har varit en intressant dag, har börjat testa arv i c++ och det finns mycket man inte kan och man hittar ständigt nya saker som man  både kan och inte kan göra. Som “pure virtual functions“, om man vill läsa om dem så rekommenderar jag denna länken:
Hursomhelst så har jag stött på ett problem idag när jag jobbade på en “EntityManager“, som skulle hålla en vector med “Entity” pekare. Där Entity är basklassen för alla objekt som finns […]

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Program: Programming

Next game started – Concept “Escape”

After a couple of weeks silent I’m now back for more regular updates.
In our new course Game Development – Introduction (I think it is called) we are to choose another groups concept and develop it to a working game. It is the same group as in Game Design – Introduction except that we got another member, a graphic artist, and we chose to take the concept “Escape”.
You are an agent and have to escape a building without getting caught.

January 30, 2014 / Comments Off on Next game started – Concept “Escape”
Program: Programming

Next game started – Concept “Escape”

After a couple of weeks silent I’m now back for more regular updates.
In our new course Game Development – Introduction (I think it is called) we are to choose another groups concept and develop it to a working game. It is the same group as in Game Design – Introduction except that we got another member, a graphic artist, and we chose to take the concept “Escape”.
You are an agent and have to escape a building without getting caught.

January 30, 2014 / Comments Off on Next game started – Concept “Escape”
Program: Programming


Bah! Instead of going to bed I wanted to create a viewport for our game prototype.
So what is a viewport?A viewport is a portion of the whole game screen that can be manipulated to show any area on the whole game screen by setting a position on it. In my example the viewport centers around the main character(the player).In my algorithm I added some lines of code that will prevent the viewport from showing extra stuff outside the game window […]

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Program: Programming


Bah! Instead of going to bed I wanted to create a viewport for our game prototype.
So what is a viewport?A viewport is a portion of the whole game screen that can be manipulated to show any area on the whole game screen by setting a position on it. In my example the viewport centers around the main character(the player).In my algorithm I added some lines of code that will prevent the viewport from showing extra stuff outside the game window […]

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Program: Programming


Hello world,
A bit late maybe to post about yesterdays work, but I’m still at school so to me it’s still Wednesday.
So, today me and my two co-programmers met up with Jerry who gave us a 30 minute lesson about how states and state management works. I’ve also been reading about it and watching tutorials. Last thing I did today (besides playing an ARAM in LoL) was to try to implement what I’ve learned about states and actually trying to create some […]

/ Comments Off on 2014-01-29
Program: Programming


Hello world,
A bit late maybe to post about yesterdays work, but I’m still at school so to me it’s still Wednesday.
So, today me and my two co-programmers met up with Jerry who gave us a 30 minute lesson about how states and state management works. I’ve also been reading about it and watching tutorials. Last thing I did today (besides playing an ARAM in LoL) was to try to implement what I’ve learned about states and actually trying to create some […]

/ Comments Off on 2014-01-29
Program: Programming


Hello world,
A bit late maybe to post about yesterdays work, but I’m still at school so to me it’s still Wednesday.
So, today me and my two co-programmers met up with Jerry who gave us a 30 minute lesson about how states and state management works. I’ve also been reading about it and watching tutorials. Last thing I did today (besides playing an ARAM in LoL) was to try to implement what I’ve learned about states and actually trying to create some […]

/ Comments Off on 2014-01-29
Program: Programming


Hello world,
A bit late maybe to post about yesterdays work, but I’m still at school so to me it’s still Wednesday.
So, today me and my two co-programmers met up with Jerry who gave us a 30 minute lesson about how states and state management works. I’ve also been reading about it and watching tutorials. Last thing I did today (besides playing an ARAM in LoL) was to try to implement what I’ve learned about states and actually trying to create some […]

/ Comments Off on 2014-01-29
Program: Programming

A day with me

Today I started programing a moving square using W,S,A,D keys, and I made I circle follow my mouse movements in the screen, That could be used as the sight when you shoot in the top view game we are making. I also looked up how to use texture and adding sprites, It is really easy to do. It is not that much to type, to get anything to work in SFML, which is nice for me who have a hard […]

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Program: Programming

A day with me

Today I started programing a moving square using W,S,A,D keys, and I made I circle follow my mouse movements in the screen, That could be used as the sight when you shoot in the top view game we are making. I also looked up how to use texture and adding sprites, It is really easy to do. It is not that much to type, to get anything to work in SFML, which is nice for me who have a hard […]

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Program: Programming