Daily Archives: February 19, 2018
Я и онИ
I and thEy
островА и морЯ
Island and sEAs
нОчи и дни
dAys and nIghts
тЕни и сны
Air and grOUnds
вОздух землИ
fIre and wAters
огОнь и вОды
Я и онИ
I and thEy
островА и морЯ
Island and sEAs
нОчи и дни
dAys and nIghts
тЕни и сны
Air and grOUnds
вОздух землИ
fIre and wAters
огОнь и вОды

Help us create a “Woke award”
The Gotland Game Conference is looking over its award categories this year. There will be many changes, but one of higher priority than most is the addition of a… “diversity award”, for lack of a better term.
We work hard in the education and with the conference to engage thoughtfully with issues like representation, gender, intersectionality and the perspectives and lived experiences of the non-[white […]

Help us create a “Woke award”
The Gotland Game Conference is looking over its award categories this year. There will be many changes, but one of higher priority than most is the addition of a… “diversity award”, for lack of a better term.
We work hard in the education and with the conference to engage thoughtfully with issues like representation, gender, intersectionality and the perspectives and lived experiences of the non-[white […]