Daily Archives: February 12, 2016

3D Hands
Hands up for today’s little project! Our character only got 4 fingers so I had to improvise a little but it is pretty much the same. And I got to save some polys so I got that going for me

Blog week 1 – Idle animation (Re-upload)
The artifact I’ve done is the idle animation for the boss. This animation was necessary because the player needed some sort of input that the game is still active and that the sprite has some sort of purpose other than just decoration. The game is typically an autoscroller until you reach the boss area, then the map will stop and you’ll see the boss there and it would feel awkward if the sprite was completely still which would disrupt the […]

Blog week 1 – Idle animation (Re-upload)
The artifact I’ve done is the idle animation for the boss. This animation was necessary because the player needed some sort of input that the game is still active and that the sprite has some sort of purpose other than just decoration. The game is typically an autoscroller until you reach the boss area, then the map will stop and you’ll see the boss there and it would feel awkward if the sprite was completely still which would disrupt the […]

Trowl – Owlets
Owlets are one of the core elements in the game we are creating called Trowl where the protagonist is an owl mother. As the game starts the player’s goal is to pick up and lead these owlets to the end of each level. The players primary concern when having picked up the owlets is to keep them safe and out of reach from enemy attacks. Each owlet that the player successfully protects through the level will give a slight bonus […]

Trowl – Owlets
Owlets are one of the core elements in the game we are creating called Trowl where the protagonist is an owl mother. As the game starts the player’s goal is to pick up and lead these owlets to the end of each level. The players primary concern when having picked up the owlets is to keep them safe and out of reach from enemy attacks. Each owlet that the player successfully protects through the level will give a slight bonus […]

A Beginning and Movement with Math
Our team have choosen to work on the concept “Colossus Core” made by another team where you explore caves on a foreign planet with dangerous enemies that you have to fight with your special made hovercraft.
As the week has past we have had alot of technical problems and a slow start but now as time getting close to the deadline for our Alpha everyone have started to pull their o own weight and we are now racing to finish our every […]

A Beginning and Movement with Math
Our team have choosen to work on the concept “Colossus Core” made by another team where you explore caves on a foreign planet with dangerous enemies that you have to fight with your special made hovercraft.
As the week has past we have had alot of technical problems and a slow start but now as time getting close to the deadline for our Alpha everyone have started to pull their o own weight and we are now racing to finish our every […]

Vecka tre: Struktur
Hej mitt namn är Emil Wahlund och jag tillhör grupp 12 och vi håller på att utveckla Colossus Core.
Under vecka tre har jag arbetat med vår projektstruktur. Vad är det som behövs? Vilka system behöver vi? Vad är relationen mellan de olika systemen? Det är bara några av de frågorna som jag ställde mig själv innan jag började. Själva grundstrukturen är inte så avancerad, saker som behövs för att spelet ska fungera t.ex. SpriteManager, DrawManager och ColitionManager. Utöver grunderna så […]

Vecka tre: Struktur
Hej mitt namn är Emil Wahlund och jag tillhör grupp 12 och vi håller på att utveckla Colossus Core.
Under vecka tre har jag arbetat med vår projektstruktur. Vad är det som behövs? Vilka system behöver vi? Vad är relationen mellan de olika systemen? Det är bara några av de frågorna som jag ställde mig själv innan jag började. Själva grundstrukturen är inte så avancerad, saker som behövs för att spelet ska fungera t.ex. SpriteManager, DrawManager och ColitionManager. Utöver grunderna så […]