Daily Archives: April 13, 2015
Write Smart Code
When you write source code, the more meaning you can pack in the same number of code lines, the better. The code becomes “less verbose” and more difficult to fathom but to a programmer’s eye, it also becomes more elegant.
Below are some tricks which I learned during the courses Game Programming I and II. Most of them aren’t anything special and are probably obvious to an experienced programmer but I still notice a lot of my colleague students still prefer […]
Write Smart Code
When you write source code, the more meaning you can pack in the same number of code lines, the better. The code becomes “less verbose” and more difficult to fathom but to a programmer’s eye, it also becomes more elegant.
Below are some tricks which I learned during the courses Game Programming I and II. Most of them aren’t anything special and are probably obvious to an experienced programmer but I still notice a lot of my colleague students still prefer […]

Week 3
We ended last week with a team meeting where we discussed how the project had gone so far, focusing on last week. It was mostly the leads informing the other sections on the team on what our own section had done and how that correlates to the original planning and scheduling. All team members also had the chance to take up any issues that had occurred during the first two weeks.
One reason for having this meeting was that we had […]

Week 3
We ended last week with a team meeting where we discussed how the project had gone so far, focusing on last week. It was mostly the leads informing the other sections on the team on what our own section had done and how that correlates to the original planning and scheduling. All team members also had the chance to take up any issues that had occurred during the first two weeks.
One reason for having this meeting was that we had […]

Big Game Project
I have know started a new course that is named Big Game Project and it’s a production course where we make a game as a group. I I am in a group of 7, 3 programmers, 3 artists and one producer/artist. I have the role of the 3D artist, so i mostly work with making stuff in 3D from the concept art i get or if they ask me for a specific thing i create it. I also animate but […]

Big Game Project
I have know started a new course that is named Big Game Project and it’s a production course where we make a game as a group. I I am in a group of 7, 3 programmers, 3 artists and one producer/artist. I have the role of the 3D artist, so i mostly work with making stuff in 3D from the concept art i get or if they ask me for a specific thing i create it. I also animate but […]

Targeting, now actually working.
No post last Friday since I didn’t manage to finish the lock-on system.
What i needed to do was searching through the list of targets until i found the current locked target, then find the next non-enemy target in the list and set it to become the current target by looping through the rest of the array of targets. The problem was the fact that the first target might not be the first target in the list which meant that if […]

Targeting, now actually working.
No post last Friday since I didn’t manage to finish the lock-on system.
What i needed to do was searching through the list of targets until i found the current locked target, then find the next non-enemy target in the list and set it to become the current target by looping through the rest of the array of targets. The problem was the fact that the first target might not be the first target in the list which meant that if […]

Big Game Project: Week One
Back into activity! We’ve now started on the Big Game Project course where groups consisting of a handful of team members work together to complete a functional product in a two-month period. I’ve been assigned the role pf Producer of my group, which means I’ll have to make sure deadlines are met and the project as a whole is on track and following a set schedule. Our goal is to create a racing experience reminiscent of F-Zero and Wipeout, with […]

Big Game Project: Week One
Back into activity! We’ve now started on the Big Game Project course where groups consisting of a handful of team members work together to complete a functional product in a two-month period. I’ve been assigned the role pf Producer of my group, which means I’ll have to make sure deadlines are met and the project as a whole is on track and following a set schedule. Our goal is to create a racing experience reminiscent of F-Zero and Wipeout, with […]