Daily Archives: January 26, 2014

Wildlife, a work that has been a great big artistic experiment for me.

Wildlife, a work that has been a great big artistic experiment for me.

Sketch Dump 7
For about two weeks I have sketched nothing but arms and legs to get a better understanding of their anatomy. Arms have been a thorn in my side for a long while and I realized that it was because I have predominantly used female references. The problem I had was that women (most women, anyway) don’t have the type of muscular definition that allowed me to get a good grip on where the various muscles are positioned. Without this essential understanding […]

Sketch Dump 7
For about two weeks I have sketched nothing but arms and legs to get a better understanding of their anatomy. Arms have been a thorn in my side for a long while and I realized that it was because I have predominantly used female references. The problem I had was that women (most women, anyway) don’t have the type of muscular definition that allowed me to get a good grip on where the various muscles are positioned. Without this essential understanding […]

Forgot about the gorram blog. Anyway doodled something that could be considered to be concept art, so that’s something at least.

We put one of the attack-animations into the game by creating an object that we called “player 1 attack” and that appears when you press “c”. It does not have any collisions yet but will be the animations that decides whether or not player1 have hit an enemy.

We put one of the attack-animations into the game by creating an object that we called “player 1 attack” and that appears when you press “c”. It does not have any collisions yet but will be the animations that decides whether or not player1 have hit an enemy.

We put one of the attack-animations into the game by creating an object that we called “player 1 attack” and that appears when you press “c”. It does not have any collisions yet but will be the animations that decides whether or not player1 have hit an enemy.

We put one of the attack-animations into the game by creating an object that we called “player 1 attack” and that appears when you press “c”. It does not have any collisions yet but will be the animations that decides whether or not player1 have hit an enemy.

Global game jam 2014 – Last Letter
We had a pretty good idea for a “think outside the box” game for the global game jam 2014 so we went for it. The result was the game “Last Letter”. We put about 8 hours into it. We had a pretty good idea for a “think outside the box” game for the global game jam 2014 so we went for it. The result was the game “Last Letter”. We put about 8 hours into it.
It’s a very unusual survival game. Enjoy!
This is a link to the game jam site (download link for v1.6 on the site): Last Letter GGJ 2014 v1.6
Download v1.7 directly: Download Last Letter v1.7
Global game jam 2014 – Last Letter
It’s a very unusual survival game. Enjoy!
This is a link to the game jam site (download link for v1.6 on the site): Last Letter GGJ 2014 v1.6
Download v1.7 directly: Download Last Letter v1.7