Monthly Archives: November 2013

Rough sketch
This week went really bad!
We had to choose one of our thumbnails and develop that character in to a position and make a rough sketch out of it. This is what I manage to do this week. not really good drawing quality at all I know, but I redrawn the image like three/four times because sketchbook kept on crashing leaving no files or saves of my work on my computer what so ever, and forced me to start all over […]

Rough sketch
This week went really bad!
We had to choose one of our thumbnails and develop that character in to a position and make a rough sketch out of it. This is what I manage to do this week. not really good drawing quality at all I know, but I redrawn the image like three/four times because sketchbook kept on crashing leaving no files or saves of my work on my computer what so ever, and forced me to start all over […]
Programming, cotainers and games
Hello Again.Sorry for the period of silence for me, but things has been getting in the way for me. Anyway, lets talk a bit about the programing course. In the course, we have two assignments that needs to be done before the end of the course
Assignment 1
The first assignment is to write three different container classes, classes that can store several other objects, and run tests on them. The first test is to see if the classes works properly, which […]
Programming, cotainers and games
Hello Again.Sorry for the period of silence for me, but things has been getting in the way for me. Anyway, lets talk a bit about the programing course. In the course, we have two assignments that needs to be done before the end of the course
Assignment 1
The first assignment is to write three different container classes, classes that can store several other objects, and run tests on them. The first test is to see if the classes works properly, which […]

My Bella Character Concept & First Digital Drawing
Thumbnail(s) which I picked.
End result.
I picked my Asian version of Bella because I got a clear impression of her personality and could easily apply a story to her.
I put her in a dynamic pose because I felt that it would portray her personality the best way possible. When I made this drawing I put a lot of attention on weight, angles and the movement itself. I put a lot of effort into drawing the hands and feet, […]

My Bella Character Concept & First Digital Drawing
Thumbnail(s) which I picked.
End result.
I picked my Asian version of Bella because I got a clear impression of her personality and could easily apply a story to her.
I put her in a dynamic pose because I felt that it would portray her personality the best way possible. When I made this drawing I put a lot of attention on weight, angles and the movement itself. I put a lot of effort into drawing the hands and feet, […]

Creating characters
The pics below are the results of my work with character art this week. I’m still experimenting with textures and grey-scale, but it feels like I’m getting better at it. the reading for this week has put some useful perspectives in my way of thinking when it comes to drawing. especially about not copying like a illustrator, but instead capturing the essence of a pose or physical expression. So my next goal is to really work hard to get that […]

Creating characters
The pics below are the results of my work with character art this week. I’m still experimenting with textures and grey-scale, but it feels like I’m getting better at it. the reading for this week has put some useful perspectives in my way of thinking when it comes to drawing. especially about not copying like a illustrator, but instead capturing the essence of a pose or physical expression. So my next goal is to really work hard to get that […]

Fly or Die! – state of the game
Tomorrow in the programming lecture we’re going to learn how to make binary files from the files that we have and package them. Since we’re going to release Fly or Die! on Desura, I want to have that packaging done to the game that we want to ship. I mean the assets are already there, so all we need is a menu and I can package the files and get it working into the game and we can finally release […]

Fly or Die! – state of the game
Tomorrow in the programming lecture we’re going to learn how to make binary files from the files that we have and package them. Since we’re going to release Fly or Die! on Desura, I want to have that packaging done to the game that we want to ship. I mean the assets are already there, so all we need is a menu and I can package the files and get it working into the game and we can finally release […]

Studying on non-lecture time
I haven’t been writing much since lecture time didn’t feel like studies in the same way as free time studies but i’ll make sure start treating the two equally in terms of what i write on the blog.
Today i went down to the school to study and actually studied for longer than i had planned. turns out we had been making our Classes in the same .cpp file so i’ve been transferring pieces of code. I think i’m getting the […]

Studying on non-lecture time
I haven’t been writing much since lecture time didn’t feel like studies in the same way as free time studies but i’ll make sure start treating the two equally in terms of what i write on the blog.
Today i went down to the school to study and actually studied for longer than i had planned. turns out we had been making our Classes in the same .cpp file so i’ve been transferring pieces of code. I think i’m getting the […]

Hand Tutorial
I found this technique to be among one of the best I’ve ever encountered in 3D-modelling. The picture had to be linked from my deviantART because Blogger didn’t like the size.

Hand Tutorial
I found this technique to be among one of the best I’ve ever encountered in 3D-modelling. The picture had to be linked from my deviantART because Blogger didn’t like the size.

We recently finished the course Advanced Game Design during which I and three others have developed a board game that we named Buccaneers. The game has a pirate theme and lets players sail around the game board searching for treasure and fighting sea battles.
The movement system in Buccaneers is centered around the ever changing wind. Players sail along a hexagonal grid at a speed dictated by the wind’s direction, if you sail with the wind, you get further in one […]

We recently finished the course Advanced Game Design during which I and three others have developed a board game that we named Buccaneers. The game has a pirate theme and lets players sail around the game board searching for treasure and fighting sea battles.
The movement system in Buccaneers is centered around the ever changing wind. Players sail along a hexagonal grid at a speed dictated by the wind’s direction, if you sail with the wind, you get further in one […]

Positive thinking
I started thinking today about what Walt Stanchfield wrote in his book “Drawn to life : 20 golden years of Disney master classes” about a thing called “Osmosis”. It means that you can kind of manipulate yourself into a sort of way of thinking with subliminal messages;
“The conscious mind must be selective of the things that vie for one’s attention because it can only process one thing at a time. You could liken it to a telephone line where the […]

Positive thinking
I started thinking today about what Walt Stanchfield wrote in his book “Drawn to life : 20 golden years of Disney master classes” about a thing called “Osmosis”. It means that you can kind of manipulate yourself into a sort of way of thinking with subliminal messages;
“The conscious mind must be selective of the things that vie for one’s attention because it can only process one thing at a time. You could liken it to a telephone line where the […]

Weekly Report 2013-11-25
This report came out behind schedule, sorry for that! Short story is that I became so tired after handing in my homework for the week that I forgot to write it. Anyway, enough with the delays!
At the start of the week we were introduced to the methods of perspective involving visual guidelines in the form of grids. A repetitive and tedious endeavour to be frank, but the result is a most useful tool to help you with keeping any object […]

Weekly Report 2013-11-25
This report came out behind schedule, sorry for that! Short story is that I became so tired after handing in my homework for the week that I forgot to write it. Anyway, enough with the delays!
At the start of the week we were introduced to the methods of perspective involving visual guidelines in the form of grids. A repetitive and tedious endeavour to be frank, but the result is a most useful tool to help you with keeping any object […]

Perspective week
Hellu there!
This week we went through perspective and space. I’ve learned techniques for making different shapes in planes without losing the ratio of the shape. The toughest one to understand was the ellipse, and actually, I still don’t really get it and draw them most on feeling. (I have found some YouTube tutorials of drawing ellipses that I shall check out this weekend thou, to settle this once and for all, hehe)
Other than those murdering ellipses, perspective is something I […]

Perspective week
Hellu there!
This week we went through perspective and space. I’ve learned techniques for making different shapes in planes without losing the ratio of the shape. The toughest one to understand was the ellipse, and actually, I still don’t really get it and draw them most on feeling. (I have found some YouTube tutorials of drawing ellipses that I shall check out this weekend thou, to settle this once and for all, hehe)
Other than those murdering ellipses, perspective is something I […]

Quick update and thoughts
No, I haven’t forgotten about the blog. I’ve been supposed to write for some time now, but I didn’t get my thumb loose to actually post anything until now. There are a few things that have happened since last time, so here, have a quick update;
The shmup-project was finished and all of the groups pitched their game-designs in the beginning of this month. There were many interesting titles and ideas that were presented, which was nice to see. I’m proud […]

Quick update and thoughts
No, I haven’t forgotten about the blog. I’ve been supposed to write for some time now, but I didn’t get my thumb loose to actually post anything until now. There are a few things that have happened since last time, so here, have a quick update;
The shmup-project was finished and all of the groups pitched their game-designs in the beginning of this month. There were many interesting titles and ideas that were presented, which was nice to see. I’m proud […]