Author Archives: Simon Wulf

Playing with ostracism

I’m taking a course in advanced game design right now in which we’re doing a lot of rapid prototyping. Our first assignment was to create a prototype around the theme “Every finger in the room is pointing at me”. Together with two of my classmates, we tried to make a system that would convey a feeling of ostracism through movement. This is what we ended up with:

We then spruced it up and changed the visuals to show a bunch of […]

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Program: Programming

Playing with ostracism

I’m taking a course in advanced game design right now in which we’re doing a lot of rapid prototyping. Our first assignment was to create a prototype around the theme “Every finger in the room is pointing at me”. Together with two of my classmates, we tried to make a system that would convey a feeling of ostracism through movement. This is what we ended up with:

We then spruced it up and changed the visuals to show a bunch of […]

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Program: Programming

Mechropolis – Organic Puzzle Design || Understanding the Machine

When making Mechropolis, it was very important for us to create open-ended challenges that invite to exploration and have a natural presence in the game environment.
So what makes a challenge open ended? For Mechropolis, we defined an open-ended challenge as one that can be solved in several ways, giving the player a new experience each time the game is played.
When working with challenge design for Mechropolis, I found that the best way for me to reach this goal was to […]

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Program: Programming

Mechropolis – Organic Puzzle Design || Understanding the Machine

When making Mechropolis, it was very important for us to create open-ended challenges that invite to exploration and have a natural presence in the game environment.
So what makes a challenge open ended? For Mechropolis, we defined an open-ended challenge as one that can be solved in several ways, giving the player a new experience each time the game is played.
When working with challenge design for Mechropolis, I found that the best way for me to reach this goal was to […]

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Program: Programming

Mechropolis – Organic Puzzle Design || Understanding the Machine

When making Mechropolis, it was very important for us to create open-ended challenges that invite to exploration and have a natural presence in the game environment.
So what makes a challenge open ended? For Mechropolis, we defined an open-ended challenge as one that can be solved in several ways, giving the player a new experience each time the game is played.
When working with challenge design for Mechropolis, I found that the best way for me to reach this goal was to […]

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Program: Programming

Mechropolis – Organic Puzzle Design || Understanding the Machine

When making Mechropolis, it was very important for us to create open-ended challenges that invite to exploration and have a natural presence in the game environment.
So what makes a challenge open ended? For Mechropolis, we defined an open-ended challenge as one that can be solved in several ways, giving the player a new experience each time the game is played.
When working with challenge design for Mechropolis, I found that the best way for me to reach this goal was to […]

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Program: Programming

Mechropolis – Rotating the long way around

During the development of Mechropolis, our level designer came to me requesting the ability to limit the area in which the Stationary Thrower robot could turn to keep it’s arms from clipping into walls and to give the level designer more control when creating challenges.
The robot in the image above is the Stationary Thrower. It turns toward the player and throws her into the air when she steps onto it’s plate, kind of like a robotic jump pad.
Limiting the angles […]

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Program: Programming

Mechropolis – Rotating the long way around

During the development of Mechropolis, our level designer came to me requesting the ability to limit the area in which the Stationary Thrower robot could turn to keep it’s arms from clipping into walls and to give the level designer more control when creating challenges.
The robot in the image above is the Stationary Thrower. It turns toward the player and throws her into the air when she steps onto it’s plate, kind of like a robotic jump pad.
Limiting the angles […]

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Program: Programming

Mechropolis – Rotating the long way around

During the development of Mechropolis, our level designer came to me requesting the ability to limit the area in which the Stationary Thrower robot could turn to keep it’s arms from clipping into walls and to give the level designer more control when creating challenges.
The robot in the image above is the Stationary Thrower. It turns toward the player and throws her into the air when she steps onto it’s plate, kind of like a robotic jump pad.
Limiting the angles […]

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Program: Programming

Mechropolis – Rotating the long way around

During the development of Mechropolis, our level designer came to me requesting the ability to limit the area in which the Stationary Thrower robot could turn to keep it’s arms from clipping into walls and to give the level designer more control when creating challenges.
The robot in the image above is the Stationary Thrower. It turns toward the player and throws her into the air when she steps onto it’s plate, kind of like a robotic jump pad.
Limiting the angles […]

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Program: Programming

Mechropolis at the Gotland Game Conference

Today it’s a little more than one week since Mechropolis was shown alongside several other fantastic games made by fellow students here at Campus Gotland at the annual Gotland Game Conference.
It has been a while since my last post and a lot has happened since then. The team has been working very hard on the demo for GGC. We had to cut some of the planned content because of time constraints, but in the end we’re all very happy with […]

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Program: Programming

Mechropolis at the Gotland Game Conference

Today it’s a little more than one week since Mechropolis was shown alongside several other fantastic games made by fellow students here at Campus Gotland at the annual Gotland Game Conference.
It has been a while since my last post and a lot has happened since then. The team has been working very hard on the demo for GGC. We had to cut some of the planned content because of time constraints, but in the end we’re all very happy with […]

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Program: Programming

Mechropolis at the Gotland Game Conference

Today it’s a little more than one week since Mechropolis was shown alongside several other fantastic games made by fellow students here at Campus Gotland at the annual Gotland Game Conference.
It has been a while since my last post and a lot has happened since then. The team has been working very hard on the demo for GGC. We had to cut some of the planned content because of time constraints, but in the end we’re all very happy with […]

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Program: Programming

Mechropolis at the Gotland Game Conference

Today it’s a little more than one week since Mechropolis was shown alongside several other fantastic games made by fellow students here at Campus Gotland at the annual Gotland Game Conference.
It has been a while since my last post and a lot has happened since then. The team has been working very hard on the demo for GGC. We had to cut some of the planned content because of time constraints, but in the end we’re all very happy with […]

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Program: Programming

Mechropolis – The Grabber And It’s Chain

We call this cute little thing the Grabber. It’s able to fire it’s claw at a distance and grab onto things. A clever player might lure it into pulling a lever that is out of reach, or fuse it with a Controller (a robot that enables a fusion to be controlled by the player) and hookshot over a chasm.
One thing about this robot that we knew would be a challenge when we designed it is it’s ability to fire the […]

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Program: Programming

Mechropolis – The Grabber And It’s Chain

We call this cute little thing the Grabber. It’s able to fire it’s claw at a distance and grab onto things. A clever player might lure it into pulling a lever that is out of reach, or fuse it with a Controller (a robot that enables a fusion to be controlled by the player) and hookshot over a chasm.
One thing about this robot that we knew would be a challenge when we designed it is it’s ability to fire the […]

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Program: Programming

Mechropolis – The Grabber And It’s Chain

We call this cute little thing the Grabber. It’s able to fire it’s claw at a distance and grab onto things. A clever player might lure it into pulling a lever that is out of reach, or fuse it with a Controller (a robot that enables a fusion to be controlled by the player) and hookshot over a chasm.
One thing about this robot that we knew would be a challenge when we designed it is it’s ability to fire the […]

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Program: Programming

Mechropolis – The Grabber And It’s Chain

We call this cute little thing the Grabber. It’s able to fire it’s claw at a distance and grab onto things. A clever player might lure it into pulling a lever that is out of reach, or fuse it with a Controller (a robot that enables a fusion to be controlled by the player) and hookshot over a chasm.
One thing about this robot that we knew would be a challenge when we designed it is it’s ability to fire the […]

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Program: Programming

Mechropolis – Flipping Buckets

Work on Mechropolis has steadily been moving forward. I’ve been doing a lot of under-the-hood work lately, iterating on the systems already in place. But I have also done a few animations for some of the robots that I can actually show you. And so I give you these two robots doing their thing:

I made the small one shake it’s bucket a little just before striking in order to announce the attack to the player. Note that the […]

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Program: Programming

Mechropolis – Flipping Buckets

Work on Mechropolis has steadily been moving forward. I’ve been doing a lot of under-the-hood work lately, iterating on the systems already in place. But I have also done a few animations for some of the robots that I can actually show you. And so I give you these two robots doing their thing:

I made the small one shake it’s bucket a little just before striking in order to announce the attack to the player. Note that the […]

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Program: Programming

Mechropolis – Flipping Buckets

Work on Mechropolis has steadily been moving forward. I’ve been doing a lot of under-the-hood work lately, iterating on the systems already in place. But I have also done a few animations for some of the robots that I can actually show you. And so I give you these two robots doing their thing:

I made the small one shake it’s bucket a little just before striking in order to announce the attack to the player. Note that the […]

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Program: Programming

Mechropolis – Flipping Buckets

Work on Mechropolis has steadily been moving forward. I’ve been doing a lot of under-the-hood work lately, iterating on the systems already in place. But I have also done a few animations for some of the robots that I can actually show you. And so I give you these two robots doing their thing:

I made the small one shake it’s bucket a little just before striking in order to announce the attack to the player. Note that the […]

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Program: Programming

Lost & Found – A Knytt Story

I made this a while ago for a level design course. We had an assignment where we were tasked with creating a narrative through game environment only, no written words allowed. I made a story about getting lost, loosely based on my own experiences as a curious and absentminded child.
The story can be downloaded here. You’ll need Knytt Stories to play it.

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Program: Programming

Lost & Found – A Knytt Story

I made this a while ago for a level design course. We had an assignment where we were tasked with creating a narrative through game environment only, no written words allowed. I made a story about getting lost, loosely based on my own experiences as a curious and absentminded child.
The story can be downloaded here. You’ll need Knytt Stories to play it.

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Program: Programming