Monthly Archives: November 2017
How my rulebook for a board game would look like.
The latest assignment that we have been working on in our course was to create a board game. This task, naturally, included the production of some sort of manual for the players to be able to play without an instructor.
Now, when it comes to writing the rules, I remember this part as being the weakest point of our blitz-workshops during the first year. And after I checked some manuals written by other groups for our current project, I felt happy […]
How my rulebook for a board game would look like.
The latest assignment that we have been working on in our course was to create a board game. This task, naturally, included the production of some sort of manual for the players to be able to play without an instructor.
Now, when it comes to writing the rules, I remember this part as being the weakest point of our blitz-workshops during the first year. And after I checked some manuals written by other groups for our current project, I felt happy […]

Nya äventyr
Nu har jag klarat av mina första tre veckor på Exertis Ztorm. Jag har fått ett vikariat på tre månader då en av deras medarbetare tyvärr är sjukskriven så jag har tagit över hens jobb som Quality Assurance Officer. Det är nytt, spännande och utmanande. Och jag älskar det.
Första dagen på jobbet möttes jag av det här, finaste kollegorna någonsin. Har aldrig blivit så fint välkomnad till en arbetsplats tidigare!
Exertis Ztorm är säkert inget företag många […]

Nya äventyr
Nu har jag klarat av mina första tre veckor på Exertis Ztorm. Jag har fått ett vikariat på tre månader då en av deras medarbetare tyvärr är sjukskriven så jag har tagit över hens jobb som Quality Assurance Officer. Det är nytt, spännande och utmanande. Och jag älskar det.
Första dagen på jobbet möttes jag av det här, finaste kollegorna någonsin. Har aldrig blivit så fint välkomnad till en arbetsplats tidigare!
Exertis Ztorm är säkert inget företag många […]

Game-design in practice, group post #6
Our game is about 55% complete, the only thing we are missing now is all the art content and sound. Which we are working hard on in order to get a playable game, and can start play testing. The major problem now is that the artists have to much work, we should have needed at least 2 more graphical artists. Meanwhile the artists are working hard, the programmers are adjusting and iterates everything.
At this moment we got one graphical artist […]

Game-design in practice, group post #6
Our game is about 55% complete, the only thing we are missing now is all the art content and sound. Which we are working hard on in order to get a playable game, and can start play testing. The major problem now is that the artists have to much work, we should have needed at least 2 more graphical artists. Meanwhile the artists are working hard, the programmers are adjusting and iterates everything.
At this moment we got one graphical artist […]

Game-design in practice, group post #5
What we have accomplished until now is a platform/arena where the battle will take place. The art for each player have not yet been completed to being implemented into the game, so instead we are using unities own objects. For the time being. Each player can move around and rotate with your aim/weapon. Down below you can see four players, each on have a black spot on them, that is their “weapon/aim”. Where that points, the projectiles will go.
The players […]

Game-design in practice, group post #5
What we have accomplished until now is a platform/arena where the battle will take place. The art for each player have not yet been completed to being implemented into the game, so instead we are using unities own objects. For the time being. Each player can move around and rotate with your aim/weapon. Down below you can see four players, each on have a black spot on them, that is their “weapon/aim”. Where that points, the projectiles will go.
The players […]
Game-design in practice, group post #4
In this post we will go through each person in the group where we individually go through these points:
Group dynamic
Have the game developed to your expectations, if yes/no – why, what did go so well? / what could had gone better?
What do you think are the risks?
If you manage to finish the game, what will it take to take it out on the market and have a successful marketing.
The group dynamic in our group is good and we trust each […]
Game-design in practice, group post #4
In this post we will go through each person in the group where we individually go through these points:
Group dynamic
Have the game developed to your expectations, if yes/no – why, what did go so well? / what could had gone better?
What do you think are the risks?
If you manage to finish the game, what will it take to take it out on the market and have a successful marketing.
The group dynamic in our group is good and we trust each […]
Game-design in practice, group post #3
Our group:
Group Leader / Programer : Stam Kruajan
Programmer : Joni Nikander
Programmer : Christoffer Lövdahl
Programmer : Axel Eriksson
Programmer : Robin Berneby
Graphical Artist : Stefan Strandberg
Stam Kruajan is standing for the marketing part, where we decided to go with twitter, facebook, reddit, youtube and indie blogs. Where we explain what our game is about and try to get feedback of what we can do better and if this is going to work as a successful game. We are trying to promote our […]
Game-design in practice, group post #3
Our group:
Group Leader / Programer : Stam Kruajan
Programmer : Joni Nikander
Programmer : Christoffer Lövdahl
Programmer : Axel Eriksson
Programmer : Robin Berneby
Graphical Artist : Stefan Strandberg
Stam Kruajan is standing for the marketing part, where we decided to go with twitter, facebook, reddit, youtube and indie blogs. Where we explain what our game is about and try to get feedback of what we can do better and if this is going to work as a successful game. We are trying to promote our […]